
duì wài tóu zī
  • overseas investment;investment abroad;investment in foreign countries
  1. 在WTO的框架之下,中国在争取引进更多外资的同时,对外投资的问题也不可忽视。

    With the WTO membership , the problem of investment abroad should in no way be ignored by Chinese government .

  2. 笔者受控外国公司税收法律问题研究认为随着中国对外投资的增加和以后外汇管制的取消,中国有必要建立CFC立法。

    The author is of the opinion that , with the increase of China 's investment abroad and the abolishment of foreign exchange control in the foreseeable future , it is necessary for the legislators of China to adopt the CFC legislation to protect its domestic tax base .

  3. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。

    China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand , imports and exports , as well as foreign and outbound investment , the draft outline said , stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up .

  4. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  5. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  6. 而投资主体OIL系统特征则决定投资主体对外投资能力的大小,包括对外直接投资的供给规模和供给结构;

    The characteristics of investors ' OIL makes up investor 's ability to invest to some other country including offering scale and structure .

  7. 本文结合已有的对外投资理论和内部控制理论及实际操作方法,从HT实业集团的实际出发,对其对外投资内部控制进行了较系统的分析和研究,特别是其典型投资内部控制的案例分析;

    Based on the actual situation of HT group , the author set off to do some systematize analysis and study in this dissertation , by using the theory of investment and the theory of internal-control .

  8. 在Wells和Lall理论的基础上,结合中国的具体情况,这一章将具体论述中国的企业在对外投资的过程中将具备什么样的优势。

    Part 3 : Research on Chinese firms ' FDI advantages . Based on the posit of Wells and Lall , together with China 's special situation , this part will discuss the advantages Chinese firms have to invest abroad .

  9. 我国对外投资趋势和中国跨国公司的成长

    Foreign investment trend of China and growing up of Chinese Transnational Corporations

  10. 制造业的投资规模比较大,尤其是对外投资。

    Manufacturing companies ' investment scale is bigger , especially foreign investment .

  11. 累计对外投资达到900多亿美元。

    The accumulative net outward investment reaches $ 90.63 billion .

  12. 四是进一步加强对国有资金对外投资的管理和控制。

    Enforce management and control of national funds invested on foreign trade .

  13. 我国民营科技型企业对外投资机制分析

    The Analysis on Foreign Investment Mechanism of China 's Nongovernmental Science-technologic Enterprises

  14. 在中国日益增长的对外投资中,德国所占的份额也比较低。

    And Germanys share of Chinas ever-growing outbound investment is still quite low .

  15. 鼓励对外投资等方面改革。

    Encouraging reform on such aspect as foreign investment .

  16. 企业对外投资的内部控制

    The Internal Control of Enterprise 's Investments Abroad

  17. 我国对外投资发展阶段的实证分析

    An Analysis of China 's Investment Development Path

  18. 第一章:跨国投资理论对企业对外投资优势的研究。

    Part 2 : Theory on investment advantages .

  19. 《经济学人》好象总认为中国对外投资就是狐狸给公鸡拜年。

    The Economist seems bent on making all China 's foreign investments look sinister .

  20. 二是加快对外投资的步伐,在对华回应反倾销国家及其一体化成员国建立生产基地,以此规避反倾销;

    Secondly is speeding up invest overseas and building yield base in anti-dumping country .

  21. 对外投资与规避反倾销

    Foreign Direct Investment and Avoiding Anti - dumping

  22. 高校与企业对外投资会计处理的比较

    Comparation of the Accounted Management for the Foreign Investment Between Higher Schools and Enterprises

  23. 对外投资帐务处理,是财务会计的一项重要核算内容。

    The account disposal of foreign investment is an important content in financial accounting .

  24. 对外投资与经济增长关系的国际比较及启示

    International Comparison of the Relationship between Outflow FDI and Economic Growth and Its Inspiration to China

  25. 电力企业对外投资研究

    Study on Investment of Electric Enterprise

  26. 对中小企业贷款、资租赁的担保,对个人消费贷款担保;对外投资。

    SME loans , lease financing guarantees for the individual consumer loan guarantees ; Foreign investment .

  27. 对国际化模式的选择,也在由简单的出口模式向对外投资模式转变。

    Patterns of international choices , from simple export model in foreign investment to the paradigm shift .

  28. 在全球经济一体化和石油经济国际化、信息化的今天,我国石油企业对外投资和跨国经营已成为历史发展的必然趋势。

    Today the foreign investment and transnational operation have been become an inexorable trend of history development .

  29. 第一节概述了日本和四小龙对外投资发展的状况;

    The first sector introduces the history and present situation of the Japan & Four Dragon 's ODI .

  30. 全球范围内的对外投资被世界各国作为发展本国经济、提高国际竞争力的重要战略措施。

    Foreign investment around the world is being as an important strategic measure for the development of national economy .