
  • 网络Inward Investment;inbound investment
  1. 文化距离在对内投资的影响要比对外投资的影响要更大。

    The impact of cultural distance was found to be greater in inward investment than in outward investment .

  2. 为了在全球市场的竞争中获得成功,我们必须努力创造良好的环境吸引对内投资。

    To compete successfully in global markets we must seek to create a favourable environment to attract inward investment .

  3. 集团公司对内投资管理体制与决策方法研究

    The Study on the Intra-Investment Management System and Decision-making Method of Group Company

  4. 银行家和律师还认为,中国将继续吸引大量的对内投资。

    Bankers and lawyers also see China continuing to attract much inbound investment .

  5. 对内投资和对外投资的相对比例不受行业和上市方式影响;

    The rate of internal investment to external investment is unlimited with the trade and listing way ;

  6. 齐心协力,我们便能攻克对内投资的壁垒而不至于损害工人的权利或浪费宝贵的环境资源。

    Working together we can strive to overcome barriers to inward investment without undermining the rights of workers or squandering precious environmental resources .

  7. 第三,穷国不可避免地受全球经济风暴打击最严重汇款、对内投资和出口都会下降发展援助对它们将变得甚至更重要。

    Third , with poor countries inevitably the hardest hit by the global economic storms remittances , inward investment and exports will all fall development assistance will become even more important for them .

  8. 英国政府对内投资的提升主体英国投资努力成功的吸引到香港投资者,并为选择英国的投资者提供综合的投资后关怀。

    The British Governments inward investment promotion body , Invest , UK , is working hard and successfully to attract Hong Kong investors and to give I comprehensive after-care to those who have chosen to invest in the UK .

  9. 今后日本将会进一步放宽各种有关对内直接投资的规制。

    It is expected that Japan is to further relax its policies and regulations concerning internal direct investment .

  10. 另一种可能性是,激进的结构性改革加上资产贱卖,掀起一波对内直接投资潮。

    Another possibility is that a combination of radical structural reforms with a fire sale of assets would draw a wave of inward direct investment .

  11. 对全球范围内投资于金融类股票的投资者而言,这种剧烈的波动几乎已成为平常的事情。

    For investors in financial stocks around the globe , such wild gyrations have become almost commonplace .

  12. 对内、对外投资都存在一定的投资风险,因此加强企业集团的投资风险管理显得尤为重要。

    As investment risk lies in both internal and external investment , it is particularly significant to strengthen enterprise group investment risk management .

  13. 对行业内重大的投资、技术改造和新产品开发项目进行前期的评估和认证工作;

    To pre-evaluate and pre-authenticate for major investments , technical reconstruction , and new product development .

  14. 尽管中国已采纳了以美国为主导的全球经济秩序中的许多内容,但它仍未放开资本账户,对所有对内和对外投资进行严格监管,小心翼翼地管理着人民币对美元汇率。

    While Beijing has adopted many elements of the US-dominated global economic order , it still operates a closed capital account , tightly regulates all inbound and outbound investment , and carefully manages its currency against the US dollar .