
kuān rónɡ dù
  • Tolerance;latitude
  1. 用于ICF的位相元件宽容度分析

    Analysis for the Latitude of Phase Elements Used for Inertial Confinement Fusion

  2. 有早接触点时进行调磨,以建立较大的牙合型宽容度。

    The premature contact spots are grinded to establish the bigger occlusal latitude .

  3. 用于ICF激光驱动器的谐波分离器制作误差宽容度研究

    Study on Tolerance of Fabrication Errors for Color Separation Gratings Applied in ICF

  4. 我们想了好多套方案来给窗户抹胶(gelthewindow),但我们一到现场就觉得这些伎俩都没必要用了,因为摄影机的曝光宽容度比我想象的要强很多。

    We had a lot of plans about how to gel the windows , but once we got in there , I didn 't need to use all of those tricks because the camera had more dynamic range than I expected .

  5. 在幸福感分数钟超过3/4的差异来自以下6个关键指标:真正的人均GDP、健康寿命、可以依靠的人、做出人生选择的自由、廉洁度和宽容度。

    More than three-quarters of the differences in happiness scores were attributable to six key metrics : real GDP per capita , healthy life expectancy , someone to count on , perceived freedom to make life choices , freedom from corruption and generosity .

  6. 为了对目标的任何畸变都有足够高的相关响应,作了OPR对畸变三维目标畸变参数的宽容度研究。

    In order to ensure high enough correlation S / N to any distortion version of recognized object , the distortion parameters tolerance research to 3D object in OPR has been done .

  7. 该解调器能够在恶劣信号条件下对OQPSK信号进行解调,对Eb/N0、载波频偏、时钟偏差等有很大的宽容度。

    This demodulator can demodulate OQPSK signal in coarse conditions and has large tolerance on the signal conditions of E_b / N_0 , the frequency error of the carrier , the phase error of the carrier and the clock .

  8. 在工程顾问公司奥雅纳(Arup)设立的LGBT(女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者与跨性别者)网络的发起仪式上,布朗表示,商界的宽容度仍比不上其他社会领域,并呼吁设定衡量进展的“具体目标”。

    Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .

  9. 通过对Se75射源特性的分析和工艺试验,证明Se75射源在小径管射线透照中的具有较高的灵敏度和较好的宽容度,并探讨其射线探伤的可行性和应用前景。

    Through analysis and technological test of the characteristics of Se 75 radiation source , it is proved that Se 75 radiation source havs relatively high sensitivity and good tolerance and the feasibility and application future of Se 75 radiation source used in RT are studied .

  10. 初级选材年龄宽容度及其项群特点

    On Elementary Personnel Choice Max Age Range and Events Group Charateristics

  11. 中国国旗颜色标准的优选色度及宽容度

    Standard preferred chromaticity and color tolerance of the Chinese national flag

  12. 色分离光栅对输入波前畸变宽容度的研究

    Study on tolerance of input wavefront aberration for color separation gratings

  13. 射线检测厚度宽容度的分析与测定

    Analysis and measurement of the thickness tolerance in radiographic testing

  14. 光学模式识别中参考目标畸变参数宽容度研究

    A distortion parameter tolerance research to reference object in OPR

  15. 利用射线管靶倾斜效应增大厚度宽容度

    Extending thickness latitude by heel effect of X-ray tube

  16. 厚度宽容度是变截面工件射线检测的重要参数。

    Thickness tolerance is an important parameter in radiographic testing of thickness changed object .

  17. 具有较好的柔韧性和宽容度,它可以容纳经典谓词逻辑。

    It can contain classic quantified modal logic and it is flexible and tolerated .

  18. 增大底片宽容度途径的探讨

    Discussion about Methods of Increasing Film Tolerance

  19. 本文分析了典型工件的厚度差,以及不同灵敏度级别的厚度宽容度。

    The paper analyzed the thickness difference in typical objects , and thickness tolerance required for different sensitivity classes .

  20. 但是,尽管宽容度有所下降,大英帝国对印度的控制继续强化,并且又延续了100多年。

    Yet the British Empire in India continued to consolidate and survive another hundred years , despite the decrease in tolerance .

  21. 应用胶片特性曲线、曝光曲线,从实验角度测量了厚度宽容度,并对结果作了分析和讨论。

    Using film characteristic curve and exposure curve , the thickness tolerance was measured experimentally , and the result was discussed .

  22. 研究表明,只有在一定的临界参数条件下,相移掩模才能明显地改善分辨率和工艺宽容度;

    The research shows that with PSMs resolution and process latitude can not be markedly improved unless some critical parameter requirements are satisfied .

  23. 列举了预测控制法、自适应控制法和最大宽容度法等控制方法理论。

    This article lists the prediction control method , adaptive control method and the largest tolerance method , the method of control theory .

  24. 基于高斯分布随机信号模型,分析了二元光学器件对输入波面位相畸变的宽容度。

    The tolerance of the BOE to the phase distortion with Gauss distribution of the input laser beam and the manufacturing error are analyzed .

  25. 在组织文化方面,知识传播主要依赖组织的归属感,知识吸收依赖组织的宽容度、归属感和信任度。

    Knowledge transmitting mostly relies on the sense of affiliation in the organization while knowledge absorbing mainly relies on toleration , affiliation and trust .

  26. 曝光宽容度的改善,提高了关键尺寸的控制,消除了反射凹口,防止远紫外抗蚀剂由基底毒化。

    Exposure latitude improvement , enhanced critical dimen-sion ( CD ) control , elimination of reflective notching , and protection of DUV resist from substrate poison-ing .

  27. 无论在前期拍摄的便捷性还是后期调整的宽容度上,数字影像相对传统影像都是不可同日而语的。

    Compared with the traditional imaging technology , the digital imaging technology is dominant in both convenience of the per-photography and the tolerance of the post-adjustment .

  28. 干板照相具有边缘效应、分辨率高和记录宽容度大等物理特性,对乳腺疾病的检诊敏感性很大。

    Xeromammography has such physical features as edge effect , high resolution and wide recording volume , so it is sensitive in detection of breast diseases .

  29. 从另外一个角度讲,就是教育机制(教育行政部门、教学大纲、学校、教师、教科书)给予学习者的自主程度,或者是对学习者自由选择的宽容度。

    The education system including education administration , teaching curriculums , schools , teachers and textbooks gives the learners the extent of the free choice and tolerance .

  30. 重点调查了和谐宽容度、拍音现象、听觉谐音与虚拟音高,并采用音乐心理学的实验方法对其进行了研究。

    Harmonious latitude , beats phenomenon , aural harmonics and virtual pitch are the most important parts and introduce experimental method of music psychology to test them .