
  • 网络jiazhuqing tunnel
  1. 南昆线家竹箐隧道是首座由我国自行设计施工的强挤压型隧道。

    The Jiazhuqing Tunnel in Nanning Kunming Railway is a kind of strong pressured tunnel which was the first tunnel designed and constructed by our country .

  2. 本文叙述了家竹箐隧道不用折扣取值而用数解法通过卡斯特纳公式求解塑性区半径的方法。

    The paper describes the evaluation method for the radius of plastic region by numerical solving through Kastner formula instead of evaluation by discount .

  3. 本文详细描述了家竹箐隧道的地质条件、煤层瓦斯情况、地应力特征和状态以及地应力的测量方法。

    The paper describes in details the geological condition , gas and coal layer , ground stress character as well as the measurement method of ground stress .

  4. 本文根据家竹箐隧道大面积采用长锚杆的情况,简述了在施工机具的选型及施工技术难点和要求方面的经验和教训,以便为今后长锚杆施工的推广应用提供可借鉴的依据。

    This paper describes the types of long bolts , its installation and relative machinery . It provides a basis for reference in the promotion and application of the long bolts in tunnelling .