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  1. 但在张淳家,令我感觉像回到家的还远不止此。

    But there was more to my feeling at home in his and his parents'home .

  2. 当我看到他们对你们一家的追杀令

    When I found out about the kill order on your family

  3. 目前等待在上海证券交易所上市的公司大约有800家,这令投资者担心新发行的股票将稀释现有股票的流动性。

    The Shanghai exchange has a backlog of about 800 companies waiting to list , raising concerns among investors that the new issues will leach liquidity from existing shares .

  4. 回家正抱着儿子,忽然来了一位使者,使者道:“大王闻你家得子,令我送来鲤鱼,以示祝贺。”

    When he was dandling his son , an emissary came to say ," The King let me give you a present of carps to congratulate on your son 's birth . "