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lǔ huò
  • capture;seize
虏获 [lǔ huò]
  • [capture;seize] 俘虏其人或斩获首级。亦指俘获之物

虏获[lǔ huò]
  1. 残敌悉数虏获。

    The remaining enemies were all captured .

  2. 这只被救猫的主人是马特·泰奥弗(MattTaghioff),来自肯特贝肯汉姆。猫猫目前已经虏获了上万粉丝,大家都喜欢她的震惊脸。

    The rescue kitten - who lives with owner Matt Taghioff in Beckenham , Kent - has amassed thousands of followers who enjoy her startled look .

  3. 你虏获了我的心,从开始就欺骗我。

    You took my heart , Deceived me right from the start .

  4. 船长将他的船凿沉,以免它被敌人虏获。

    The captain scuttled his ship to avoid its being captured by the enemy .

  5. 他善于在歌中表达丰富的感情,轻易地就把听众的心给虏获了。

    This makes him good at expressing a rich variety of emotions in his songs , which easily captures the listeners'hearts .

  6. 这对夫妇现在已经拥有了两个可爱的儿子,他们常常在公开场合向人们展现他们间那看似永恒的爱情,从而虏获了众多粉丝的心。

    The couple have two beautiful sons and have won the hearts of their admirers by publicly parading their seemingly undying love .

  7. 要虏获她,挚爱、敏感、果决和奋不顾身,一样都不能少。

    If they want to get her , true love , sensitive , resolute , regardless of danger , no one can less .

  8. 尽全力让自己在顾客感受到产品或服务明显的好处,用这种好处虏获顾客青睐。(顾客叫服务员)有人(给我)服务吗?

    Do everything you can to provide potential customers with an obvious and overt benefit that will capture their attention . Is there anyone to serve me ?

  9. 的确,韩国电视剧(简称:韩剧),已成为推动韩国流行文化潮流的主力军,成功虏获了中国年轻观众的心。

    Indeed , South Korean TV dramas , or K-drama for short , have been a major force in the South Korean pop-culture wave that has captured the hearts of young Chinese audiences .

  10. 所谓显著,首先是因为它发展速度迅速,在短短20年中就覆盖了世界上所有拥有电视的地区,并且以其魅力虏获了观众的心灵。

    Firstly for its ' fast speed in development , it covered all of the regions where the people have their own television in few 20 years , and it seized hearts of many people for its ' glamour .

  11. 通常以一对屏风、一张桌子、一把折扇、一块醒木为背景,单田芳凭借扎实的技巧和即兴演绎,将书中的场面描绘得如电影片段般生动逼真,引人入胜,虏获了大批热情的粉丝。

    With a backdrop -- usually a pair of screen doors , a table , a folding fan and a block of wood ( known as xingmu ) -- Shan won a large base of enthusiastic fans for his solid techniques and improvisation , describing the scenes in the book in vivid and captivating ways , like movie clips .