
  1. 在所有室内公共场所和许多室外公共场所,违规者将面临最高200元的罚款。

    In all indoor public places and many outdoor public places , violators will face fines of up to 200 yuan .

  2. 本周,北京市政府宣布,从明年6月起,北京室内公共场所将全面禁止吸烟。欧睿信息咨询公司(Euromonitor)的数据显示,中国有3亿烟民,贡献了全球三分之一的烟草消费量。

    This week China , home to 300m smokers and accounting for a third of the world 's tobacco use , according to Euromonitor , announced a ban in Beijing 's indoor public spaces , to commence in June .

  3. 规定阐明,在室内公共场所禁止吸烟。

    The rules state that smoking is banned in indoor public places .

  4. 现在所有室内公共场所都必须佩戴口罩。

    Mask-wearing is now mandatory in all indoor public places .

  5. 所有室内公共场所无烟。

    All the indoor public places no smoke .

  6. 广州市某些室内公共场所中挥发性有机物的研究

    Research of Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) in Some Public Place of Guangzhou City

  7. 本课题研制了一种应用压电天平原理,用于室内公共场所监测用的PM-10粉尘测定仪。

    A piezoelectric-balance type PM-10 monitor used for measuring the inhalable dust concentration indoor has been developed .

  8. 在爱尔兰、挪威,以及目前在西班牙,室内公共场所禁止吸烟。

    In Ireland , Norway , and now in Spain , smoking has been banned in indoor public places .

  9. 室内公共场所全面禁烟,公共场所不得设置自动售烟机。

    Smoking is banned in enclosed public locations , and cigarette vending machines should be removed from public places .

  10. 其主要目的是通过张贴禁烟标志在每个室内公共场所杜绝吸烟。

    The main aim is to make all public rooms have no smoke by posting the sign of preventing smoking .

  11. 据新华社报道,卫生部周二宣布,中国颁布了禁止在室内公共场所吸烟的新规则。

    The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday that China enacted new rules to ban smoking in indoor public locations , Xinhua reported .

  12. 他们请求立刻采取措施,除了防止烟草产品广告的蔓延之外,还要防止烟草使用在室内公共场所的蔓延。

    They asked for taking immediate steps to prevent the spread of tobacco use in indoor public places besides advertising of tobacco products .

  13. 到2012年,全面禁止在室内公共场所吸烟的立法将就绪,目标是要减少被动吸烟。

    The full ban on smoking in indoor public spaces legislation will be ready by2012 with the goal to reduce passive smoking as well .

  14. 今年六月,禁烟令将正式实施,适用于首都所有室内公共场所、工作场所以及公共交通。

    In June , rules come into force which prohibit smoking in all the capital 's indoor public spaces , workplaces and on public transport .

  15. 得告诉你,我从加州来的,那里任何室内公共场所都禁止吸烟,所以呆在这个烟雾缭绕的酒吧里,我快难受死了。

    I 've gotta tell you , coming from California , where we ban smoking in all indoor establishments , I was dying in the bar .

  16. 此外,室内公共场所经营者应当积极开展吸烟危害方面的健康宣传,并对提供戒烟服务做出安排。

    In addition , managers of indoor public areas should actively carry out health education about the harms of smoking , and arrange for smoking cessation services to be provided .

  17. 而随着国际烟草巨头跨国兼并步伐的加快以及室内公共场所全面禁烟运动的展开,山东烟草行业所面临的冲击和压力正与日俱增。

    With international tobacco giant accelerating their pace of cross-border mergers and the commencement of a national anti-smoking campaign , Shandong tobacco industry have to face the increasing shocks and pressures day by day .

  18. 从6月1日起,北京市所有的室内公共场所和大部分户外公共场所都必须100%禁烟,包括威胁到妇女和儿童的中小学、体育场馆和医院的休息区。

    Starting June 1st , all indoor public places and many outdoor public places in Beijing are required to be 100-percent smoke-free , including primary and middle schools , seating areas of sports stadiums and hospitals that treat women or children .

  19. 通过要求得到你们享有室内100%无烟的公共场所的权利,加入这一趋势。

    Join the trend by claiming your right to public places that are100 % smoke-free inside .

  20. 世界卫生组织强烈呼吁,政策制定者通过立法,使室内工作场所和公共场所成为完全无烟的场所。

    WHO urges policy makers to require by law that all indoor workplaces and public places be100 % smoke-free environments .

  21. 中国已经未能兑现对世界卫生组织(WHO)的承诺,即在去年1月前,出台全面禁止在室内工作场所和公共场所吸烟的禁令。

    China has already failed to fulfil its promise to the World Health Organisation that it would introduce a complete ban on smoking in indoor workplaces and public places before last January .