
xuān shì
  • take an oath;swear an oath;make a vow;make a pledge;oath
宣誓 [xuān shì]
  • [take an oath;swear an oath;make a pledge] 参加某一组织或任职时在一定的仪式中说出表示忠诚和决心的话

  • 当众宣誓

宣誓[xuān shì]
  1. 宪法规定,议员必须宣誓效忠。

    The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance

  2. 证人作证前要先宣誓。

    Before giving evidence the witness had to take an oath .

  3. 贵族须宣誓效忠国王。

    Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king .

  4. 作证之前,证人必须当庭宣誓据实作证。

    Before giving evidence , witnesses in court have to take the oath .

  5. 她愿意宣誓据实作证吗?

    Is she prepared to give evidence on oath ?

  6. 新首相宣誓就职。

    The new prime minister was sworn into office .

  7. 证人须手按《圣经》宣誓。

    Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible .

  8. 他们宣誓效忠国王。

    They swore their loyalty to the king .

  9. 他们都宣誓保密。

    They were all pledged to secrecy .

  10. 他宣誓就任总统。

    He was sworn in as president .

  11. 所有相关人员均宣誓保密。

    Everyone involved was sworn to secrecy .

  12. 在宣誓的约束下,阿斯顿终于承认自己撒了谎。

    Under oath , Aston finally admitted that he had lied

  13. 该党宣誓要把环境因素纳入它所有的政策当中。

    The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies .

  14. 她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。

    She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March .

  15. 3位警官经宣誓提出了对他不利的证据。

    Three officers gave evidence on oath against him .

  16. 在调查取得的宣誓证词中对他们提出了指控。

    The allegations against them were made in sworn evidence to the inquiry .

  17. 托马斯今天将宣誓就任最高法院法官。

    Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court .

  18. 警察是唯一要宣誓效忠君主的公务员。

    The police are the only civil servants who have to swear allegiance to the Crown

  19. 我们有一位证人愿意在法庭上宣誓作证。

    We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law .

  20. 他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。

    He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country 's laws and constitution .

  21. 在他的加冕典礼上,威尔士、诺森布里亚和苏格兰的国王向他宣誓效忠。

    At his coronation he received the homage of kings from Wales , Northumbria and Scotland .

  22. 请起立对旗宣誓,之后杰尔姆·泰勒博士将做祈祷。

    Please stand and pledge the flag , after which Dr. Jerome Taylor will give the invocation .

  23. 新年后不久,新一届国会议员就将前往华盛顿宣誓就职。

    Soon after the New Year , the new Congress will come to Washington to be sworn in .

  24. 总统宣誓维护宪法。

    The President swore to uphold the constitution .

  25. 他们大声宣誓。

    They yelled the oath .

  26. Affidavit宣誓证言律师请他的客户在宣誓证言上签了名。

    The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit .

  27. 士兵们宣誓效忠于女王陛下。

    The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen .

  28. 他们宣誓忠实履行自己的职责。

    They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully .

  29. 为获得宣誓证明书,上诉被推迟

    The appeal was adjourned for affidavits to be obtained .

  30. 他宣誓效忠国王。

    He swore fealty to the king .