
  • 网络Customer Representative;Account Representative;account executive;CSR;account manager
  1. 我们创建一个业务场景,假设IBM有3个不同的企业系统和一个客户代表。

    Let 's create a business scenario that assumes IBM has three different enterprise systems with a representation of the customer .

  2. 如果您希望尽快在FixCentral看到您的产品,请联系您的IBM客户代表和使用FixCentral中的Feedback链接告诉我们。

    If you want to see your product in Fix Central soon , let us know by contacting your IBM account representative & and use the Feedback link in Fix Central as well .

  3. 按照欧洲机构客户代表标准,ANEC要提供一部分钱。

    It was financed in part by ANEC , the European Organisation for Consumer Representation in Standardisation .

  4. 向客户代表提交副本一份。

    1 copy to be passed to customer 's representative .

  5. 直接向客户代表反馈信息。

    Provide comments directly to a customer service representative .

  6. 使用可视化情节串连板来描述场景,并通过客户代表对他们进行验证。

    Use Visual Storyboards to describe the scenarios , and validate them with Customer representatives .

  7. 我在一家广告公司当了两年的客户代表。

    I have been working as an accounting executive for2 years in an advertising company .

  8. 我要投诉你们的客户代表。

    I 'll complain your customer agent .

  9. 我们公司正在物色一位资深的市场经理来领导一组客户代表。

    Our company is seeking an experienced marketing manager to lead a team of account executives .

  10. 有一条专门的电话线和稳定的网络连接的话,客户代表可以在家里工作。

    With a dedicated phone line and a reliable Internet connection , the customer service representative can work from home .

  11. 提案主管应紧跟关键客户代表,以得到及时反馈。

    It is the job of the proposal lead to follow up with key client representatives to get timely responses .

  12. 完全本土化的资深客户代表,为客户提供量身订做的媒体专业服务和市场营销理念!

    We have professional custom service delegates , to design the perfect media services and marketing programmes for our customs .

  13. 如果您拥有客户代表,则需要通知他们,以免他们的客户提出问题。

    If you have account representatives , you will want to give them notice in case their clients ask any questions .

  14. 你据理力争,和卖家的销售人员或是客户代表争得脸红脖子粗。

    You 've talked yourself blue in the face , trying to get some resolution from this salesperson or this customer rep.

  15. 对咨询公司来说,全球性客户代表着一种利润更为丰厚的关系,因此在过去十年里,它们对全球性客户的关注日益增强。

    Global clients represent more lucrative relationships for consultancies and the last decade has seen increasing focus on them as a result .

  16. 将管理项目的责任单独指派给项目经理,整个过程中没有客户代表的参与,这种项目管理的方式也变了。

    The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager , with the customer representative disengaging from the process .

  17. 婚礼服务公司的客户代表柯丽娟说,新人们也会选择在巴厘岛度蜜月,这样既节省时间也很经济。

    The customer representative of a wedding-service company says people are inclined to combine a holiday with a wedding ceremony and honeymoon , which is economic and saves time .

  18. 在系统的运行管理中,完善了客户代表系统软件的分类统计功能,开发了新功能和新模块,简化了停电查询业务处理流程。

    In the operation management , Customer Representative system software classification function is perfected , some new functions and modules is developed , the process of interruption inquiry business is simplified .

  19. 业务系统作为湖南移动1860/1861呼叫中心的重要组成部分,作为客户代表服务于客户的主要工具,具体实现了客户服务系统的功能。

    The business system embodies the function of client / service systems as an important element of 1860 / 1861 callcenter of Hunan Mobile and the major instrument used by the client representatives for their clients .

  20. 输入客户服务代表提供的确认id。

    Type the confirmation ID that the customer service representative gave you .

  21. 您可以通过在客户服务代表的窗口中的Policynumber域中输入一个值来测试双向表单功能。

    You can test the two-way form capabilities by entering a value in the Policy number field in the customer service rep 's window .

  22. 现在,用户可以通过输入客户服务代表的电话号码并单击CallMe按钮来启动与该客户服务代表的联系。

    Now a user can initiate contact with a customer service rep by entering their number and clicking Call Me .

  23. 为SLA的企业支持联系您的客户服务代表。

    For SLA-Enterprise Support contact your client service representative .

  24. 去年,一位申请高级客户服务代表职位的求职者邀请戈德史密斯先生加入自己的Facebook网络。

    Last year , a candidate for a senior client-services position invited Mr. Goldsmith to be part of his Facebook network .

  25. 这个xml工具也可以让您的客户服务代表在与客户通话时,若发现错误,可以即时更正地址,而不是事后补救。

    This XML tool also enables your customer service representatives to correct addresses when they are speaking with a customer , not afterward , when the error is discovered .

  26. 在这里,终端用户是Jane,她是一位客户服务代表,正在与一个呼叫中心应用程序户交互。

    In this case , the end user is Jane , a customer service representative , who is interacting with a call center application .

  27. 这样,客户服务代表就可以在HTML表单中直接提供帮助,而不必在电话上交换信息。

    Then , the customer service rep could provide assistance directly in the HTML form and the information exchange does not take place over the phone .

  28. Acme想利用WebSphereApplicationServerCEAFeaturePack来快速有效地连接客户服务代表和在填写一份新的索赔申请单时遇到问题的客户。

    Acme wants to leverage the WebSphere Application Server CEA Feature Pack to quickly and effectively connect customer service reps with customers who are having problems filling out a new claim form .

  29. UPS客服中心是在UPS设备的配备了职员的地点,在那里UPS客户服务代表能帮助您准备运输文件和包裹货件。

    UPS Customer Centres are staffed locations at UPS facilities where UPS customer service representatives can help you with UPS ? shipping ? documents and package shipment .

  30. 纽约州的法律偏向于她那边,GeorgeMuscato这样说。George是纽约州洛克波特市的一名律师,他曾是一起订婚戒指相关的诉讼案中一名女性客户的代表律师。

    New York State law was on her side , said George Muscato , a Lockport , N.Y. - based attorney who recently represented a female client in an engagement ring-related suit .