
  • 网络name;Real name;real-name;realname
  1. 基于VPN技术的网吧实名管理系统的设计

    A Design of the Real Name Management System in Net Bar Based on VPN Technology

  2. 本文阐述了软件实名机制的安全策略,给出了在Windows环境下的软件标识模块、软件验证模块的实现方案,并提出对软件进行分级验证的策略来提高验证的效率。

    This paper expounds the security strategy of the software real name mechanism , and presents the implementation scheme about software identification module and software authentication module in Windows system , and brings forward the authentication strategy of softwares are graded to heighten the efficiency of authentication .

  3. 网络秀场直播平台要对网络主播和“打赏”用户实行实名制管理。

    According to the circular , online show and livestreaming platforms should implement real-name management for their hosts and users keen on rewarding hosts .

  4. 通知提出的其他要求还包括:严格落实网络游戏用户账号实名注册和登录要求,不得以任何形式向未实名注册和登录的用户提供游戏服务。

    It also urged the strict implementation and logins , saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications .

  5. 中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)负责人5月表示,实行“实名制”的条件“还不成熟”。

    The head of the Internet Society of China said in May the conditions for a " real-name system " were " not yet mature " .

  6. 比如Facebook从一开始就要求用户实名注册。

    At its inception , Facebook required users ' to register with their real names .

  7. 在1080号店面旁边,我惊讶地发现一家没门牌号、却有实名的店面——韩国精品屋(MadeinKorea),却只卖中国生产的东西。

    Somewhere in the 1080 range I was surprised to find a store with no number but an actual name , Made in Korea , which only offered items made in China .

  8. 这个新的电子商务管理办法要求,在阿里巴巴(AlibabaGroupHoldingInc.)的淘宝网(Taobao)等第三方平台上销售商品的个人必须进行实名注册。

    In part the new e-commerce law calls for real-name registration for individuals selling on third-party marketplaces like Alibaba Group Holding Inc. 's Taobao e-commerce site .

  9. 时报分析的FirstAmericanDataTree的数据显示,最近几年,在美国各地超过500万美元的住宅交易中,将近一半的买主是空壳公司,而不是实名的个人。

    Across the United States in recent years , nearly half the residential purchases of over $ 5 million were made by shell companies rather than named people , according to data from First American Data Tree analyzed by The Times .

  10. 2008年,谷歌没有遵守这部要求人们实名上传视频的法律,而是关闭了其韩语YouTube网站。

    Google in 2008 closed its Korea-based YouTube site rather than comply with the requirement for people who uploaded videos .

  11. 像Facebook一样,人人网最初也是一个鼓励人们实名登录的社交网站,后来为了外部业务而增加了社交游戏和电子商务功能。

    Like Facebook , Renren started out a social network that encouraged people to use their real identities , then added social games and e-commerce features for outside businesses .

  12. 新浪公司(SinaCorp)警告称,其人气颇高的微博服务新浪微博(SinaWeibo)将受到中国官方实名制要求的打击。

    Sina Corp has warned that its popular microblogging service will suffer from Beijing 's requirement that users of Sina Weibo register under their real names .

  13. 一位Twitter的发言人说:对于我们的认证过程我们不予评价,但是我们可以确认,这个@wendideng的账号被错误地给予了实名认证,不过时间并不长。

    A Twitter spokesperson said : We don 't comment on our verification process but can confirm that the @ wendi_deng account was mistakenly verified for a short period of time .

  14. 但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

    Facing a CCTV reporter 's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as ' Big V 's ' because a letter ' v ' marks their accounts as verified -- Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter .

  15. 这个账号在新年前夕几乎和默多克的新Twitter账号同时出现,而且都得到了网站授予的蓝勾认证,这种认证只会授予那些实名制知名人士,用来表明这些账号的真实性。

    The account appeared at a similar time to Rupert Murdochs new Twitter account on New Years Eve , and both received a blue tick from the service , which is only given to high profile people to denote that the account is genuine .

  16. 中国政府规定,实名认证必须最迟在3月16日完成。新浪首席执行官曹国伟(CharlesChao)昨日对投资者表示,这将在短期对用户活动造成负面影响。

    The real-name registration requirement , which the Chinese government has said must be completed by March 16 , " will have a negative impact on user activity in the short term , " Charles Chao , chief executive , told investors yesterday .

  17. 它让人想起了亚伯拉罕?林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的名言:“品行如树,名声如影。行实名虚。”换言之,所有的声誉都是可疑的。

    It recalls Abraham Lincoln 's saying : " Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow . The shadow is what we think of it ; the tree is the real thing . " All reputations are suspect , in other words .

  18. 动车实名制是指旅客在在购买动车票和乘坐动车组列车(D-train)时,需出示个人的身份证明。

    Under the real-name ticketing system , passengers will have to present their ID card when purchasing D-train tickets and taking rides .

  19. 由于实名制下的社交网络是对现实人际关系的再现,用户对网络形象的维护十分重视,并且认为在SNS社交网络中的平面形象对现实人际交往中的个人形象有重要作用。

    Because of the real-name system , the SNS reappears the real society relations , so the users take seriously maintenance of their network images , and people believe that the plane image of network materially affects the individual image in reality human communication .

  20. SNS社交网站提倡实名制,用户信息真实,不仅为企业提供精准的用户群,实施精准营销,而且有利于企业挖掘潜在目标客户,提高企业品牌忠诚度。

    SNS advocates real name registration and real user information , which not only provides the enterprises with accurate user groups to implement the precise marketing , but also helps the enterprises to excavate potential target customers , and to improve the enterprise brand loyalty .

  21. 在周三发布季度财报后举行的电话会议上,腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)说,对于许多已经用手机号注册的用户来说,实名制要求并不会造成很大的障碍。

    During a conference call on Wednesday following the publication of quarterly earnings , Martin Lau , Tencent 's president , said the requirement for users to register under their full names would not present a huge hurdle for many who already provide their mobile phone numbers in order to register .

  22. 北京警方和中国官方电视台中国中央电视台(CCTV)实名认证的社交媒体账户等几家权威信息渠道发布通告称,飞机延误的情况会持续至8月15日,南京和青岛等中国东部地区多个机场将受到影响。

    Several authoritative information outlets , including the verified social media accounts of the Beijing police and state broadcaster China Central Television , published a notice saying the delays would last until August 15 and affect multiple airports across eastern China , including in the former capital of Nanjing and the beach town of Qingdao .

  23. 书号实名申领制探析&以湖北省为例

    On the Real Name Claim System for Book Number in Hubei

  24. 在电视新闻评论中坚持实名制

    The Use of the Real Name System in Television News Comments

  25. 网络实名制也因此应运而生。

    Therefore , the introduction of real-name system came into being .

  26. 我国实行金融实名制的制度设计

    The Design of the Finance Name Reality System in our Country

  27. 还有,实名注册要求是非强制性的。

    Yet , the real-name registration requirement is not compulsory .

  28. 债券托管账户采用实名制。

    The bond custody account adopts the real name system .

  29. 下一代互联网实名访问机制研究

    Study on Real-Name Access Mechanism in the Next Generation Internet

  30. 也谈个人存款账户实名制

    On the System of Personal Savings Account with Real Identity