
  • the real economy;Substantial Economy;Physical Economy
  1. 为实体经济服务是金融的天职,是金融的宗旨,也是防范金融风险的根本举措。

    Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and purpose of the financial sector1 and the fundamental way to guard against financial risks .

  2. 西方资产定价理论中的实体经济因素考察&以CAPM模型与B-S期权定价模型为例

    Investigation on Factors of the Real Economy in Western Assets Pricing Models : CAPM Model and B-S Model

  3. 投资者不应一笔抹杀实体经济。

    Investors shouldn 't write off brick and mortar .

  4. 发展特色产业是地方做实做强做优实体经济的一大实招,要结合自身条件和优势,推动高质量发展。

    The development of local signature industries is a major practical move to make the local real economy stronger .

  5. 在欧盟(EU),实体经济企业对金融市场中的危机不那么在意。

    In the European Union , real economy businesses are shrugging off the crisis in financial markets .

  6. 并且,如果政府增加它对于FDI和贸易流动的监管,这种额外的约束可能会伤害实体经济。

    And if the government were to increase its monitoring of FDI and trade flows , the extra bureaucracy could harm the real economy .

  7. “政府可以通过扮演最终支出者的角色,打破实体经济和金融状况之间的负反馈,”imf称。

    " Governments can break the negative feedback between the real economy and financial conditions by acting as spender of last resort , " the IMF said .

  8. 同时担任加拿大央行(BankofCanada)行长的卡尼表示:随着全球流动性的消退,动荡日渐加剧,经济活动不断下降。实体经济很快会感受到影响。

    As global liquidity recedes , volatility is increasing and activity falling . The effect on the real economy will soon be felt , said Mr Carney , who is also governor of the Bank of Canada .

  9. imf表示,从强势金融市场(特别是欧元区外围国家主权债券市场借贷成本降低)演变到更为强劲的实体经济增长所用时间超出预期。

    The IMF said a move from stronger financial markets particularly lower borrowing costs in peripheral eurozone sovereign bond markets to more muscular real economic growth was taking longer than expected .

  10. FSB的宗旨是为实体经济提供透明、弹性、可持续、基于市场的融资。

    The aim has been to deliver a transparent , resilient , sustainable source of market-based financing for real economies .

  11. 股市的变动反映实体经济的变动,同时它的变化又对实体经济产生影响,影响效应主要有Q值效应、非对称信息效应、财富效应以及流动性效应等。

    The fluctuation of stock market reflects the change of real economy and affects the latter at the same time . The effects mainly include the Q effect , asymmetric information effect , fortune effect and the liquidity effect etc.

  12. 在美国、欧洲乃至日本,接近于零的政策利率和一系列“定量宽松”(qe)政策,暂时成功地维系了资产市场和实体经济的正常运转。

    Near zero policy rates and a series of " quantitative easings " have temporarily succeeded in keeping asset markets and real economies afloat in the US , Europe and even Japan .

  13. 本文根据马克思主义经济学有关实体经济因素决定虚拟资本价格的基本原理,分析和评价了CAPM与B-S模型;

    According to the basic principle of the real economy factors deciding the prices of fictitious capitals on Marxism Economics , this article analyses and evaluates CAPM Model and B-S Model .

  14. “由于进口规模依然远超出口,净外贸额一直(也将继续)拖累实体经济增长,”资本经济(capitaleconomics)驻多伦多首席美国经济学家保罗代尔斯(pauldales)指出。

    " As the level of imports is still much larger than exports , net external trade has been , and will remain , a drag on real economic growth , " noted Paul dales , senior US economist at Capital Economics in Toronto .

  15. 伦敦BGC公司的市场分析师大卫.布维克说,金融海啸的阵痛已经可以在实体经济中感受得到,因此,出台全球协调的应对措施越快越好。

    Market Analyst at BGC Partners in London , David Buik , says that cannot happen soon enough because the pain is just starting to be felt in the real economy of everyday life .

  16. 金融与实体经济分离假说及其政策意义

    Segregation Hypothesis of Finance and Entity Economy and its Policy Meaning

  17. 风险投资对于维护金融安全而言有利也有弊,而美国风险投资却趋利避害,不仅促进了美国实体经济的发展,也为稳定美国金融安全作出了贡献。

    Venture capital does both good and bad to financial safety .

  18. 符号经济的最初发展是纯粹为实体经济服务的。

    Symbolic economy was developed for the purpose of serving real economy .

  19. 中国股市与实体经济背离的根源探析

    Hie Institutional Reasons of Deviation Between Chinese Stock Market and Real Economy

  20. 银行为实体经济做贡献是通过其他途径。

    Banks contribute to the real economy in other ways .

  21. 金融业与实体经济一样真实。

    The financial sector is just as real as the real economy .

  22. 虚拟经济对实体经济作用机制研究

    Research on Working System of Virtual Economy versus Real Economy

  23. 3年后,实体经济也随之复苏。

    Recovery in the real economy followed three years after .

  24. 接踵而至的冲击可能严重损害实体经济。

    The ensuing shocks could cause severe damage to the real economy .

  25. 金融是经济的核心,实体经济与金融经济存在着明显的区别,金融趋同是全球化背景下的显著现象。

    As the core of economy , finance differs greatly from real economy .

  26. 首先,股市问题尚未蔓延至实体经济。

    For one , there has been no spill-over into the real economy .

  27. 作为回报,银行应承担起帮助重振实体经济的义务。

    Banks should be obliged in return to help reinvigorate the real economy .

  28. 但与实体经济不同,外汇是一种零和游戏。

    But the Forex game , unlike the real economy , is zero-sum .

  29. 让实体经济和虚拟经济的耦合协调度最优

    Real economy and virtual economy 's combination coordination optimization

  30. 这将影响到实体经济,对此已不再有人怀疑。

    That it will affect the real economy is no longer in doubt .