
dìnɡ yǔ cónɡ jù
  • attributive clause;as is known to all
  1. 科技英语中as定语从句的结构和译法

    The structure and translation of the as attributive clause in scientific English

  2. 在当前的一些语法书中,虽然对定语从句都阐述较充分,但是对定语从句中以it为形式主语的这一具体形式却没有谈及。

    The current English Grammar books fail to describe a concrete form of attributive clause that begins with the form subject ' it ' .

  3. 这是一个定语从句,teacher是先行词,whoarequalifiedtoteachPekingOpera这个从句是用于修饰先行词teacher的。这句的意思就是培养能够胜任教授京剧课程。

    to create teachers who are qualified to teach Peking Opera .

  4. 通过定语从句whichisusedtomeasureelectricity(用来测量电的),我们可以将multimeter的词义确定为“万用表”。

    The type of meter is called multimeter , which is used to measure electricity .

  5. 前一个polluted为过去分词,属定语从句中的谓语,后一个为过去式,属主句的谓语.句意为:曾被污染的那条河污染了另一条河。

    The river which had been polluted polluted another one .

  6. 第一个isused是定语从句的谓语动词,但是该定语从句省略了引导词。定语从句中三个并列的不定式短语动词toachieveprivacy,tobuildhomesortodesigncities共同作为isused的目的状语。

    The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy , to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced .

  7. 句子主干是itwillpassthroughsharpmetalbars。第一个which引导的定语从句修饰的是sharpmetalbars。

    First it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed .

  8. 这表明在提高学生英语定语从句产出准确性方面,FoF反而不如FoFS有效。

    This indicates that FoF was not as effective as FoFS in improving subjects ' accuracy in producing English RCs .

  9. 笔者从-ing分词和-ed分词的性质和功能-、ing分词/-ed分词和定语从句之间的转换以及-ing分词被动式和-ed分词的比较三个方面入手对-ing分词和-ed分词进行归纳比较。

    This essay is trying to sum up their usage from three aspects : the nature and the function of the participles ; the differences between the participles and the attributive clauses ; the comparison between-ing participle and-ed participle .

  10. 本文根据Quirk和Leech等人的有关论述,提出可以从五个方面来认识同位语从句和定语从句的区别问题。

    According to the expositions of Quirk , Leech and some other grammarians , the authors of this article suggest that the two clauses should be distinguished according to five criteria .

  11. 再析定语从句与同位语从句的异同

    Analysis on the Similarities and Differences between Attributive and Appositive Clauses

  12. 中国学生英语定语从句的理解与产生

    Chinese English Learners ' Comprehension and Production of Restrictive Relative Clauses

  13. 定语从句和同位语是英语句子中最常见的语法修饰形式,是基本句子的扩展,在医学英语文章中使用频率相当高。

    Attributive clauses and appositives are the most common English modifiers .

  14. 试论科技英语定语从句的汉译方法

    A study on the techniques of E-C Translation of attributive clauses

  15. 定语从句as做宾语他是我曾经见过的最聪明的孩子。

    He is as clever a child as I ever saw .

  16. 正确理解定语从句前逗号的作用

    Exact Comprehension of the Functions of Comma using Before Attributive clauses

  17. 俄英定语从句间表现形式的比较

    The Contrast of the Attributive Clause Manifestation between Russian and English

  18. 日汉非限制性动词定语从句对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Difference in Japanese and Chinese Nonrestrictive Clauses

  19. 用定语从句把他们组合在一起。

    Match and combine them into sentences using the attributive clause .

  20. 浅析定语从句与其主句的逻辑关系

    On the Logical Relationship Between the Main Clause and Its Attribute Clause

  21. 我哥哥在国外工作,他下周将回来。(非限定性定语从句)

    My brother , who works abroad , is coming next week .

  22. 然后把这两个句子用定语从句连接起来。

    Then join the two sentences using the Attributive Clause .

  23. 地点状语和定语从句在这里是什么区别?

    What 's the difference between adverbial clause and relative clause here ?

  24. 英语定语从句习得认知心理教学研究

    A Cognitive Study of Teaching and Learning English Attributive Clauses

  25. 他没赶上火车,这使他父亲很生气。(定语从句修饰整个主句)

    He missed the train , which made his father very angry .

  26. 如何翻译有定语从句的复合句

    How to Translate Complex Sentences Containing Attributive Clauses into Chinese

  27. 最简方案框架下汉语定语从句的推导生成

    Derivation of Chinese Restrictive Relative Clauses in a Minimalist Account

  28. 中国英语学习者定语从句习得的个案研究

    A Case Study of Chinese EFL Learners ' Acquisition of Relative Clause

  29. 在英语中,有些从句从语法结构上看是定语从句,但跟主句在逻辑上却有状语的关系。

    Some English sentences are structurally attributive clauses but logically adverbial ones .

  30. 定语从句我们所谈论的事实是非常重要的。

    E.g.The fact that we talked about is very important .