
  1. 春秋时期,随着人本主义、理性主义思潮的兴起,作为奴隶制宗法道德体系基础的孝观念受到了极大的冲击。

    With the appearance of the social ideological trend of humanism and rationalism in the Spring and Autumn Period , the concept of filial piety was seriously pounded .

  2. 即:宗法制度、道德观念、文化教育、职业活动。

    Namely , patriarchal clan system and cultural education , moral , occupational activities .

  3. 中西体育文化的差异主要体现在哲学基础、体育语言符号、体育思维方式、宗法制度、道德观念与价值观念等方面。

    The differences between the Chinese PE culture and West PE culture exist in the base of philosophy , lansign of PE , thinking modes of PE , patriarchal clan system , morality idea and value idea , and so on .

  4. 他们的悲剧结局反映了宗法文化和传统道德已经脱离时代的客观事实。

    Their tragic ending reflected an objective fact that patriarchal culture and traditional ethics had broken away from the era .

  5. 宗法制度、伦理道德、婚姻制度、家庭制度等都对从他亲属称谓的产生和发展有着很大影响。

    The patriarchal clan system , ethics and morality , marriage system , family system and so on exert effect on them .

  6. 他既怀抱着对传统宗法制度和伦理道德深深的眷恋,又清晰地意识到它对人性的压制和扭曲。

    Not only was he keen on the patriarchal culture and ethics , but he clearly realized the oppression and distortion of humanity exerted by patriarchal culture and ethics .