
  • 网络Religious Activity;religious practice
  1. 河南农村宗教活动对基层政权的影响及对策研究

    The Impact of Rural Religious Activities on the Basic-level Political Power

  2. 传统的宗教活动每年多在风景园林中进行。

    Traditional religious activities are usually held in these gardens annually .

  3. 这座建筑是用于宗教活动的。

    The building is used for religious purposes .

  4. 清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。

    The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion .

  5. 在空闲的时候,他喜欢和妻子Leah,以及他们的儿子Liam一起度过,弹奏钢琴以及进行宗教活动。

    In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife Leah , and their son Liam , playing the piano , and exercising religiously .

  6. 圣职志愿者指的是申请进入宗教活动的志愿者。

    A postulant is a candidate for into a religious order .

  7. 卢森堡法律禁止收集宗教活动的数据。

    Luxembourg law forbids the collection of data on religious practices .

  8. 为庆祝新圣徒而举办的宗教活动将持续整年。

    Services commemorating the new saints will continue throughout the year .

  9. 穆斯林在清真寺祈祷和举行宗教活动。

    Moslems pray and hold religion activities in a mosque .

  10. 那儿是思想活动和宗教活动唯一无二的中心。

    It is a unique centre of thought and religion .

  11. 中国宪法规定,国家保护正常的宗教活动;

    China 's Constitution stipulates that the state protects normal religious activities .

  12. 故态复萌,堕落恢复到罪恶或错误上,尤指在宗教活动中。

    To revert to sin or wrongdoing , especially in religious practice .

  13. 他们一起参加宗教活动或观看体育电视节目。

    They attended religious services or watched sports on television .

  14. 试论宗教活动与封建迷信活动的区别

    The Difference between the Religion Activity and Feudal Superstitious Activity

  15. 从《诗经》看宗教活动的世俗化

    Activities On the Secularization of Religious Rites in The Book of Songs

  16. 最后这些戏剧性的表演从宗教活动中分离了出来。

    Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities .

  17. 有组织的宗教活动;有组织的犯罪行为;组团旅游。

    Organized religion ; organized crime ; an organized tour .

  18. 在特定地点建立宗教活动场所

    from building a house of worship in a particular area

  19. 跨世纪宗教活动现象辨析

    Phenomena of Religious Activities across the Centuries : An Analysis

  20. 不可忽视大学校园里的非法宗教活动

    The Illegal Religious Activities on Campus & A Case Study of Christianity

  21. 如果你希望按照自己希望的那样进行宗教活动

    If you want the freedom to worship as you wish

  22. 然而他无法在马萨诸塞州从事宗教活动,

    But Williams could not practice his religion in Massachusetts ,

  23. 鼓励善良宗教活动,增强道德他律性与鼓励自我实现的追求;

    Thirdly , encouraging kind-hearted religious activities to enhance moral heteronomy and self-actualization .

  24. 古代丝绸贸易与宗教活动

    Silk Trade and Religious Movement in the Ancient World

  25. 艺术创作与宗教活动、人类劳动一样,是人的本质对象化的重要途径。

    Artistic creation is an important approach of the projection of human essence .

  26. 试论哈尔滨市宗教活动场所的功能及其管理

    Discussion on the Function and Influence of the Religious Activity Places in Harbin

  27. 一些农村宗教活动产生原因的探析

    Cause of Religious Activities in Rural Area of Luoyang

  28. 春秋宗教活动主要是祭祀和卜盆。

    The religious actions in Spring and Autumn mainly were commemoration and augury .

  29. 欧洲哪个国家的人参加宗教活动最少?

    In which European countries are people least likely to attend religious services ?

  30. 宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?

    Is there any religious places in Yichang ?