
xué shenɡ shǒu zé
  • Student Code;school code
  1. 在成年人中似乎盛行对孩子的约束姿态,从学生守则上的每一句“别这样干”、“别那样干”到学校internet的使用限制。

    Now , adults seem to have a prevalently restrictive attitude towards kids from every " don 't do that ,"" don 't do this " in the school handbook , to restrictions on school internet use .

  2. 我已了解并愿意遵守学生守则。

    I fully understand and agree the above student behavior expectations .

  3. 美国中小学学生守则

    Regulations for American Pupils and Middle School Students

  4. 尽管它们没被写在官方的学生守则里,但胆敢质疑这些规矩的人将会面临苦不堪言的惩罚。

    They might not be written in the official regulations handbook , but unspeakable atrocities await those who dare to question Oxford 's weirdest rules .

  5. 她要求自己以及学生的守则是,做人诚实,永不责人。

    Her guideline for herself and her students was to live honestly and never blame others .

  6. 只教学生遵守学校守则、教他们设法寻找正确答案的做法,最终只会扼杀学生独立自主的能力和不断学习、顽强生活的热情。

    Teaching students to conform and to search for the one right answer ultimately destroys their independence and their passion for learning and living .

  7. 老师将与学生讨论本学生守则。

    Each teacher will inform all students of school policy regarding behavior expectations .

  8. 每个学生都必须遵守学生守则。

    Every student should obey the Students Regulations .

  9. 对于此举的意图,学校表示在于传达一个信息,希望学生都能遵守学生守则、注意仪表。

    School authorities said the pictures are intended to spread the message that students should observe proper dress codes .