
  • 网络scholarly communication
  1. 基于网络的学术传播模式研究

    On the Mode of Scholarly Communication Based on Network

  2. 学术传播是人类科学活动的重要组成部分,是推动科学发展的重要手段。

    Scholarly communication is an important part of scientific activities and significant measures for the development of science .

  3. 网络时代大学出版社保持学术传播主导地位研究

    How to Maintain University Publishers Dominant in Learning Propagation in Net-era

  4. 古代学者颜之推的类书编撰及文化学术传播活动

    Books Compilation and Culture Dissemination of the Ancient Scholar-Yan Zhi-tui

  5. 面对信息化和网络化的冲击,伴随着学术传播方式的变化,大学出版社在学术传播中的作用也在发生相应的改变,而且面临着挑战与机遇。

    With the changed way the learning propagation in net-era , the role of university publishers confronted challenges and chances is changing .

  6. 自诞生以来,科技期刊一直是学术传播体系中一个稳定和重要的传播媒介。

    Since its emergence , scientific and technical journals have been one of the stable and important communication media among academic dissemination system .

  7. 计算机技术、网络技术的发展,给学术传播提供了新的途径,也导致了学术传播体系的变革。

    The development of the computer and network technology offers new methods for scholarly communication and also leads to the reformation of the scholarly communication system .

  8. 宋代理学家充分发挥了教育的学术传播功能,开创了中国古代学术传播的新阶段。

    The Neo-Confucians in Song Dynasty , who allowed full play to the education 's academic disseminating function , started a new period of Chinese ancient academic dissemination .

  9. 总结出基于网络的学术传播模式,并分析了学术传播的发展趋势;最后,从政府介入、质量控制的角度,对基于网络的学术传播管理与控制进行探讨。

    The last part summarizes the model of scholarly communication based on the network , analyzes the developing trend of the scholarly communication , and finally probes its control and management .

  10. 具有学科分类齐全、范围广泛、检索功能强大的特点,补充了传统学术传播的局限,已为教学与研究型用户所高度依赖。

    Completely classified subjects , wide scope , and powerful index are its characteristics . It supplements the limitation of traditional academic dissemination and is extremely frequently browsed by teaching and researching staff .

  11. 作为学术传播体系中最为重要的传播媒介之一,学术期刊在学术交流和知识传承中扮演着十分重要的角色,同时也是图书馆资源建设的重要组成部分。

    As one of the most important media in scholarly communication , academic journals play an important role in academic exchanges and knowledge transmission , but also an important part of the library building resources .

  12. 现阶段,现代远程教育的“软环境”的建设,重点应放在学术传播环境、信息资源环境、人际交互环境、法规制度环境的建设之上。

    At present the " soft environment " construction of modern distance education should lay the importance on the establishment of learning diffusion environment , information resources environment , interpersonal interaction environment , and law and stipulation environment .

  13. 在创立之初屡遭打击、压制的理学,到南宋时期上升为官方统治思想,其扎实、有效的学术传播活动,促进了理学被官方以及学术界的接受和认可。

    At the beginning , the Neo-Confucianism was stroked and stifled repeatedly . Until the Southern Song Dynasty , it grew up to be the official control ideology . It possessed solid and effective communication active , so it was accepted by government and academic circles .

  14. OPENACCESS学术期刊传播障碍及对策研究

    A Study on Communication Barriers and Strategies of Academic Journals Based on Open Access Publishing

  15. 讲会是古代学术思想传播的重要途径。

    Lecture is the important way that ancient academic thought spread in .

  16. 我国医学领域开放存取型学术期刊传播效果实证研究

    Empirical Research on Communication Effects of Domestic Medicine Academic Open Access Journals

  17. 高校学报学术信息传播的优化

    Optimization of Academic Information Spreading through College Journals

  18. 科技学术期刊传播特点研究

    Study of transmitting features of sci-tech academic journals

  19. 结构主义思想在学术界传播开来。

    Structuralist ideas percolated through the academic community .

  20. 徽州传统学术文化传播分徽州区域内传播和区域外传播两类。

    The diffusion of Huizhou traditional academic culture is divided into the diffusions within and outside the area .

  21. 学术期刊传播特点及稿流控制&以《新疆农垦经济》稿流为例

    Features of Communication of Academic Periodicals and Its Manuscript Control & Taking the Manuscript Flowing of Xinjiang Land Reclamation Economy as an Example

  22. 开发存取出版是一种基于学术自由传播的出版机制,真正打破了传统出版模式向用户收费的传播障碍。

    OA Publishing is a kind of publishing mechanism based on free academic transmission , which destroy the traditional publishing barrier of charging readers .

  23. 实施学报编排规范是提高学报质量的需要,是学术信息传播的需要,是存储检索的需要。

    The implementation of norm of journal layout is the demands of improving the quality of journals , transmission of academic information , memorizing and searching .

  24. 现行的高校学术期刊传播策略存在主动性、创新性、普遍性不足和主题不突出的问题,影响了高校学术期刊社会效益的发挥和向更高层次的发展。

    Some problems arise in publicizing journals , such as lack of creation , initiative , universality , and no central theme , which influences its social interest and higher – level development .

  25. 从12世纪末开始,综合大学的兴建促进了学术的传播和发展。伴随于此的是手抄本书籍的大量描绘和制作。

    By the end of the 12th century , the constitution of universities began to promote the communication and development of academia , with the concomitance of considerable paintings and productions on manuscript books .

  26. 然后重点分析了开放存取政策在解决学术信息传播障碍和处理版权问题时采用的途径,以及这一政策所产生的作用。

    After then , the paper emphasizes on the analysis of the way that open access have adopted in overcoming academic barriers in information dissemination and resolving the copyright issue , as well as the resulting effect of this policy .

  27. 现代信息技术对学术期刊信息传播的影响

    Impact of modern information technology on information distribution of academic periodicals

  28. 徽州传统学术文化的传播及其特点

    Diffusion of Traditional Academic Culture in Huizhou and Its Characteristics

  29. 开放文档先导及其对学术期刊数字化传播方式的影响

    OAI and its influence on the digital dissemination mode of academic journals

  30. 学术期刊信息传播功能的分化与重整

    Separation and recombination of information spreading functions of academic journals