
  • 网络academic monographs
  1. 学术专著是以小册子形式出版的。

    The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet .

  2. 面向中文学术专著的机器辅助翻译研究

    Computer-aided Translation of Chinese Academic Monographs

  3. 自从美国学者S.约汉森的学术专著《界面文化》发表以来,许多学者对界面概念以及界面文化的相关问题进行了研究。

    The concepts and its problem of interface and interface-culture have been studied by many scholars since , Interface Culture , the book which written by Steven Johnson , who is a U.S.A scholar , published .

  4. 上海农学院学术专著的统计与分析

    A statistics and an analysis for the works of Shanghai Agricultural College

  5. 主编出版学术专著《微创泌尿外科手术与图谱》。

    He is the chief editor of the publication " minimally invasive surgery and urology map " .

  6. 关于教育对经济增长贡献的研究,国内外的学术专著和论文甚多。

    Contribution of education to economic growth on the study abroad are many academic books and papers .

  7. 从1955年《秦会要订补》开始,学术专著相继问世。

    Since 1955 , Qin Hui Yao ding bu and the other academic works have come out in succession .

  8. 从出版内容来看,大学社所服务的市场主要集中在学术专著和教材出版领域方面。

    From the published content , University Press service market is mainly concentrated in the publishing field of academic monographs and textbooks .

  9. 《批评的概念》是韦勒克继《文学理论》之后侧重于文学理论问题的澄清、继续探讨文学研究与文学批评方法的学术专著。

    Concepts of Criticism by R.Wellek is an academic book that explores the method on studies of literature and criticism of literature .

  10. 根据笔者搜集的资料所及,关于财务文化,无论是财务学术专著还是研究生学位论文,都很难有见。

    According to the author can collect information on the financial culture , there are not yet see financial or academic post-graduate dissertation .

  11. 由马海群教授撰写的《网络时代的知识产权信息管理》是一部具有时代感和开拓创新内容的学术专著。

    Professor Ma Haiqun 's Information Management of Intellectual Property in the Network Age is an academic monograph to explore a brand new field .

  12. (周诚,2003)但尚没有专门学术专著,对土地储备及土地储备资金财务管理问题进行研究。

    However , there was no specialized academic monograph , which focused on the financial management of land reserve funds and the land reserve system .

  13. 杨红莉博士新近出版的学术专著《民间生活的审美言说&汪曾祺小说文体论》,是一部全面阐述汪曾祺文学特色与意义的力作。

    Yang Hongli 's newly-published book Civil-life Aesthetic Expression-Wang Zengqi 's Novel Style presents a full account of Wang Zengqi 's literary characteristics and significance .

  14. 上世纪后期我国学者对道教的研究进入了一个黄金时期,出版了大量的学术专著和文章。

    Late last century , scholars of Taoism in China has entered a study of the golden era of publication of a large number of academic monographs and articles .

  15. 这促使我们去探索各种媒体的潜能和界限,将学术专著与漫画,纪录片和建筑摄影,讲座和音乐录影等各种媒体交织起来。

    This has led us to explore the potentials and limitations of various media , cross-breeding between monographs and comic books , documentary and architectural photography , lectures and music videos .

  16. 本文通过对一悬棺葬考古学学术专著与考古科普读物的版权侵权纠纷的个案分析,提出了学术作品的版权法保护范围及科普作品对学术专著的合理使用的界定。

    The writing , by analyzing the case study of the intellectual property rights piracy of archeological academic works and common scientific readings , puts forward the protection range of intellectual property rights law and the definition of the rational use of academic works in common scientific readings .

  17. 本文提出了《中国现代方志学》这部大型方志学术理论专著学术理论体系的三个组成部分,即方志政治理论、方志基础理论和方志应用理论。

    This article puts forward with great creativeness that the Political Theory of Chorography , the Basic Theory of Chorography , and the Application Theory of Chorography are three components of Chinese Modern Chorography , a large theoretical framework .

  18. 然而学界对萨丕尔的研究似乎不够重视,相关的学术论文,专著甚少。

    But'the academic field seems pay a little attention to Sapir 's research , and the relevant papers are insufficient .

  19. 对于他小说创作的评论和研究,从其在文学界受到关注起至今,已是多不胜数,仅传记和学术性质的专著就有十多部。

    From he got fame in the literature field till now , there has been a large number of commentaries and researches about his novel creation .

  20. 王教授的《孟浩然研究》是一部极富学术个性的专著,有细密翔实的生平考证,深入系统的文本研究,勇于求实的学术争鸣。

    Professor WangHuibin 's Meng Haoran Research is a distinctive academic monograph , which has detailed life evidence , profound and system version research , and realistic academic contention .

  21. 多年来,学者们已分别就上述各个方面对其进行了深入的探究和剖析,产生了一大批有学术价值的专著和文章。

    Over the years ,, scholars have respectively of the above mentioned makes a thorough inquiry and analysis , produced a large number of academic monographs and articles of value .

  22. 网络视频课程的设计研究还是一个崭新的领域,这方面的学术论文或专著研究成果还比较少,因此本论文的研究也只是一个探索性的初步尝试。

    The research on design of Network Video Courses is a new field , with few academic monographs or achievements in the respect , therefore , the paper is simply an explorative attempt .

  23. 纵观近70年来与泥石流发展有关的学科,通过对50余部代表学科成熟度的中外学术教材和专著的透视可知,地貌学是孕育泥石流的母学科。

    Searching for recent 70 years ' developments of subjects relevant to debris now , and studying by about so textbooks related to debris flow , a conclusion fright be drawn : geomorphology is the mother subject of debris now .

  24. 本文在参考已有的学术论文、专著和实际调研考察的基础上写成,是当下民营博物馆发展的对策性、实用性专题研究,对民营博物馆的管理具有实用价值。

    In this paper , the existing reference papers , monographs and research study on the basis of actual written , is the current private museum development strategies , practical case studies , the management of the private museum has practical value .

  25. 出版学术丛书、论文集、学术专著近百部,发表学术论文近千篇;

    Nearly 100 of a series of academic books , collections of papers and special books have been published and nearly 1000 academic papers have been published .

  26. 理论界、学术界立足于现象层面的学术专著、论文较多,立足于理论层面,特别是从生产力这一理论高度来论述可持续发展的相对较少。

    Many academic books and papers focus on the phenomenon level rather than on productive force level .

  27. 在学术界,英语也被广泛应用,并成为众多学术专著和期刊的通用语言。

    In academia , English is also the most widely used language . Many scientific books and journals are published in English .

  28. 中国当代地下诗歌在当下学术界已受到广泛的关注,近十年,多部学术专著与论文以地下诗歌为研究对象,进行思想的、艺术的批评。

    The Chinese modern underground poetry has received widespread public concern in the contemporary academic circle . Over the past decade many academic works and papers have taken the underground poetry as the research object to practice criticism of thought and art .