
  • 网络post-baccalaureate
  1. 我国高校学士后教师培养模式的现状分析

    Status Quo of the Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Training Model in China

  2. “学士后”学生专攻应用研究和发展项目。

    " Post-bachelor " students will specialize in applied research and development projects .

  3. “学士后流动站”破解大学生就业难题

    Post-bachelor Mobile Station for Employment Problem

  4. 近年来,我国在职教师继续教育已从学历补偿教育逐步过渡到学士后教师教育。

    In recent years , our post-service teacher education has transformed into post-bachelor teacher education from bachelor compensation education .

  5. 1980年获得戏剧学士后,他继续在纽约大学深造并取得美术硕士学位。

    After receiving his bachelors in theater in 1980 , he went to New York University and received his MFA .

  6. 我国发展学士后教师教育既是对国外发达国家的经验借鉴,也是我国社会发展和教师教育改革的现实需要。

    Developing in our country is both drawing experiences from developed countries and a realistic need for developing of society and reforming teacher education .

  7. 在教师教育方面,转型的主要任务是将教师培养的重心上移至学士后教师教育,并真正实现教师教育与各本科专业教育的剥离或教师教育的教育学院化。

    On the regard of teacher education , the main task is to emphasize on post ? bachelor education , and truly separate the undergraduate education from the teacher education .

  8. 硕士及学士后文凭课程学生须于学期开始时开学,而博士生则须于每个月首天开学。

    Students of Master 's and Postgraduate Diploma programmes must commence study at the beginning of a teaching term , while doctoral students must commence on the1st day of a month .

  9. 近十余年来,X+X的本科分段培养模式和学士后的培养模式逐渐成为高师院校教育改革的主要趋势。

    In the latest decade ," X + X " in the undergraduate segment culture mode and postgraduate training model is becoming the main trends of the reform of the Higher Normal College .

  10. 因此,在当前我国提出大力发展专业学位教育的背景下,对我国学士后教师教育发展与政府作用的研究,是一项具有重要理论价值和实践意义的课题。

    Therefore , we research the development of post-baccalaureate teacher education and the role of government not only possesses important theoretical value , but also much practical value in current background of developing our professional degree educations .

  11. 在获得经济学学士学位后,您为何决定攻读mba?

    Why did you decide to study for an MBA after your undergraduate degree in economics ?

  12. 总部设在华盛顿的美国高校妇女教育基金协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityWomenEducationalFoundation)昨日公布了这份报告。报告表示,在获得学士学位后一年的时间里,女性的薪金只有男性的80%。

    The report , released yesterday by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation , a Washington , DC-based group , said that one year after receiving a college degree , women make 80 per cent of what their male counterparts earn .

  13. 梅特兰是在杜伦大学(DurhamUniversity)获得学士学位后加入陆军,他表示,他曾服过短期兵役的这一事实,打动了未来的雇主。

    The Barings man joined the Army after getting his BA degree at Durham University , and says prospective employers were impressed by the fact that he had done a short service commission .

  14. 2008年大学毕业并取得旅游管理学士学位后,我就做了一名导游。

    I worked as a tour guide after graduating from university with a bachelor 's degree in tourism management in 2008 .

  15. 这次他解释到,拿到学士学位后,他继续深造去了。

    This time he explained that after he got his bachelor 's degree , he decided to go a little further .

  16. 完成学士学位后,获该校颁发奖学金进修硕士课程,2006年以优异成绩毕业。

    He had also worked with clarinettist Julian Farrell and flautist Glen Martin and in2006 completed his Master 's degree under a school scholarship .

  17. 学生们获得学士学位后,可能会继续攻读研究生学位&可能是硕士学位,也可能是博士学位。

    After students have a bachelor 's degree , they may go on to earn a graduate degree & either a master 's degree or a doctorate .

  18. 等我把我在大学获得学士学位后承办的第一项工程的情况告诉你以后,你就会明白我的意思了。

    You 'll see what I mean when I tell you about the first project I ever did after I finished my bachelor 's degree at the university .

  19. 为了令我丈夫开心和使婚姻和睦,我在完成副学士课程后就辞掉了高中毕业后就一直喜爱的工作。

    Trying to keep my husband happy and my marriage together , after earning my associate 's degree I quit the job I had enjoyed since high school graduation .

  20. 在浙江大学获得国际贸易学士学位后,我直接进入杭州服装进出口公司做了三年的进口部职员。

    After attaining a BA in International Trade in Zhejiang University , I directly worked with Hangzhou Garments importing and exporting company as an importing staff for three years .

  21. 韦伯斯特表示:“当我获得学士学位后,我非常高兴,并且为自己感到骄傲。我实现了六年以来一直追求的目标。”

    Ms Faizey Webster said : ' When I passed my degree , I was so pleased and proud of myself . I had achieved my goal that I had for six years been striving for .

  22. 获得纯艺术类学士学位后,我为书籍和报纸画插画和封面,包括《纽约时报》、《时代周刊》、《新闻周刊》等。

    There I was trained as an illustrator . I graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Arts and then worked as an illustrator . I 've done book cover , magazines , including New York Time , Times , Newsweek .

  23. 2008年大学毕业并取得旅游管理学士学位后,我就做了一名导游。这是份苦差事,我需要全国到处跑,还要处理各种投诉。

    I worked as a tour guide after graduating from university with a bachelor 's degree in tourism management in 2008 . It was a tough job , as I had to run around the country , and deal with all sorts of complaints .

  24. 去年毕业并取得精算学学士学位后,安芯(化名)本可过上按部就班的生活:在一家银行或保险公司中找份工作,整日与数字、图表打交道,拿一份不错的薪水。

    With a bachelor 's degree in actuarial science , Anxin 's life could have followed a predicable course since graduation last year : Secure a post in a bank or an insurance company , deal with figures and charts and earn a handsome salary .

  25. 又一个四年过去了,他又写来一封信,这次他解释说,在获得学士学位后,他决定继续深造,信里还解释说她还是他最好的、最喜欢的老师,但是这时他的署名有些长了。

    Then four more years passed and yet another letter came . This time he explained that after he got his bachelor 's degree , he decided to go a little further . The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had . But now his name was a little longer .

  26. 教育经历:1967年获得密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)学士学位,后在麻省理工学院(MIT)取得博士学位。

    Education : BA from University of Michigan in 1967 , followed by PhD at MIT .

  27. 陈永涛先生早年毕业于北京交通大学,获得电气工程学士学位,后就读于美国城市大学,获得市场MBA学位。

    Bob holds a BA in Electrical Engineering from Beijing Communications University and an MBA in Marketing from City University in USA.

  28. 此外,学士学位阶段后的学习能提供专门技能,而实习能提供工作经验。

    Additionally , post-baccalaureate studies provide specialization and internships provide work experience .

  29. 她在加州大学圣库路兹分校获戏剧艺术学士学位,后在伯大尼大学学习教育学硕士。

    She received her BA in Theatre Arts from of University of California , Santa Cruz and her post-graduate studies at Bethany University 's teaching program .

  30. 阿彼察邦于1970年生于曼谷,在坤敬大学获得了建筑系的学士学位,后又在芝加哥艺术学院获得了电影制作美术专业的硕士学位。

    Apichatpong was born in Bangkok , 1970.He holds a degree in Architecture from Khon Kaen University and a Master of Fine Arts in Film-making from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago .