
  1. Brooksbank两年前开始学习韩语,并很快痴迷上了韩语。

    Brooksbank took up Korean two years ago and quickly became obsessed .

  2. 所以我们来到这里学习韩语,学习我的祖国。

    So I came here and Iearned Korean and Iearn about my country .

  3. 最近丽莎对学习韩语非常感兴趣。

    Lisa is interested in studying Korean these days .

  4. 我交一些会中国话的韩国朋友来帮助我学习韩语!

    I would like some Chinese , Korean friends to help me learn Korean !

  5. 我将继续认真学习韩语。

    I will continue to conscientiously study Korean .

  6. 我听说你最近在很用功地学习韩语?是真的吗?

    I heard that you are studying Korean very hard these days , is it true ?

  7. 海尼发誓一定要努力学习韩语,成为一个“真正的韩国人”。

    Henney has vowed to study Korean hard and become active as a " true Korean " .

  8. 比如有一天我到韩国去了,我也得学习韩语么?

    If one day , for example , that I have to study Korean for me to go to korea ?

  9. 和很多日本女性一样,安倍昭惠很喜欢看韩剧,甚至开始学习韩语。

    Like many Japanese women , she is a fan of the South Korean television dramas . She even began learning Korean .

  10. 中国人学习韩语单词虽然同其他国家的语言学习者比起来有得天独厚的优势,但是容易收到母语的影响。

    Although Chinese learning Korean words have the richly endowed natural advantage compared to other countries language learners , but easy to be influenced by mother language .

  11. 越来越多的人为了一睹影视剧拍摄现场的风采,或想亲身感受一下自己偶像生活的环境,不远千里奔赴韩国旅游。而为了追赶“韩流”风,甚至连学习韩语都成了一种时尚。

    Korean tourism . More and more people travel to Korea to see the locations where popular dramas are shot and feel the environment their idols live . To catch the " Korean wave , " youngsters even learn the Korean language , which has become a fashion .

  12. 这些对话是我后来学习正式韩语的基础。

    These conversations gave me the foundation to learn formal Korean later .

  13. 我也正在学习英语,也想学习韩语,希望我们能成为朋友!

    I am also learning English , but also want to learn Korean , I hope we can be friends !

  14. 通过此项研究,我们相信必然会对学习汉语的韩国人以及学习韩语的中国人在学习相关词语时能对词语所蕴含的深层意义有一定的帮助。

    Through this research , we believe it must give some help for the Koreans who learn Chinese and the Chinese who learn Korean when learning the deep meaning of the related words .