
zì zhǐ lǒu
  • Wastebasket;wastepaper basket
字纸篓 [zì zhǐ lǒu]
  • [wastebasket] 办公室或其他场所放废纸用的篓

  1. 把它撕碎,丢到字纸篓里去。

    Tear it up and throw it in the wastebasket .

  2. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓里。

    He wadded up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket .

  3. 他把信件撕成两半,扔进字纸篓。把废纸扔到纸篓里。

    He ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket .

  4. 他看了信之后,把它扔进了字纸篓。

    After reading the letter , he threw it in the waste-paper basket .

  5. 他气愤地把信撕掉,扔进字纸篓里。

    He tore up the letter angrily and threw it into the waste-paper basket .

  6. 她把便条扔进字纸篓,倒在榻上就睡熟了。

    She threw the note into a wastebasket , and fell fast asleep on a couch .

  7. 吉诺曼先生接到那封信,双手发颤,念完以后,撕成四片,扔在字纸篓里。

    M.Gillenormand trembled as he took the letter , read it , tore it in four pieces , and threw it into the waste-basket .

  8. 而剩下的枯燥无味的公司,职位和日期的罗列,恰恰了使你的简历被轻易地丢进字纸篓。

    What is left is a boring listing of companies , positions , and dates that are guaranteed to turn off the reader and land your resume in the circular file .

  9. 用在办公室等处可减少字纸篓等其它卫生用具,能使室内保持整洁、美化环境。

    Being used in offices , the utility model can reduce the use of other sanitary appliances , such as waste-paper baskets , etc and keep a room clean , beautifying the environment .