
  • Font Design;Typography;Typeface design
  1. 以篆刻研习为例,与此相关的科目有中国艺术史、中国书画、字体设计、珠宝设计和雕塑。

    For instance , the study of Seal Engraving is related to Chinese Art History , Chinese Painting and Calligraphy , Typography , Jewellery Design , and some aspects of Sculpture .

  2. 现代市场营销和广告宣传中,优秀的品牌应该在拥有独特的图形、色彩、造型的同时还要有与品牌内涵相辅相成的品牌字体设计、严格规范的字体来进行长期的维护,才能使消费者记忆深刻。

    In modern marketing and advertising , good brand should have a unique pattern , color , shape content but also have complementary typography design with the brands , that font constraints to strictly regulate the long-term maintenance , in order to make consumer keep memories .

  3. 碑文,有石头雕刻家NickBenson用特制的字体设计,充分表达了严肃庄严和现代力量。

    The inscriptions , set in a custom typeface designed by the stone carver Nick Benson , manage to convey both extraordinary gravitas and a modern energy .

  4. 这些问题都可以解决,但对定制的emacs,需要具备比一般字体设计人员更多的了解。

    Such problems could be circumvented , but required a bit more knowledge of customizing emacs than the average font designer was likely to display .

  5. 对汉字正文字体设计目前存在问题的思考

    Ponder of the Questions in Text Front Design of Chinese Characters

  6. 探讨汉字字体设计在包装设计中的应用

    On the Application of Chinese Character Fonts Design in Packaging Design

  7. 酒店标准字体设计的优点是什么呢?

    Hotel standard font design advantages , what is it ?

  8. 汉字字体设计中的图形意味

    The Figure in the Script Design of Chinese Character Means

  9. 字体设计在现代平面设计中的应用尤为重要。

    Typographic Design is particularly widespread for application in modern graphic design .

  10. 毕竟,字体设计是一门艺术而非科学。

    After all , font design is an art rather than a science .

  11. “字体设计模型”与设计思维

    " Style Designing Model " and Designing Thought

  12. 技术的应用普及为动态字体设计搭建了一个基础性的研究平台。

    The application popularization of the technique has built a fundamental platform for research .

  13. 酒店企业的字体设计的重要性!

    Hotel importance of corporate font design !

  14. 关于汉字字体设计的几点浅见

    On the Design of Chinese Character Scripts

  15. 而我国的字体设计水平相对而言仍处于比较落后的位置。

    The font design level in our country is still in the relatively backward relatively .

  16. 新媒体时代的到来,为字体设计的创作空间提供了新的可能。

    The arrival of the new media era provides new creative possibilities for the font design space .

  17. 拉丁字体设计的创意构思

    Conception of Latin Type Design

  18. 应该将汉字动态字体设计纳入动态化图形设计的范畴中进行研究。

    The dynamic Chinese character design should be classified into the dynamic graphic design area for research .

  19. 纳西象形文轮廓字体设计制作及植入研究

    The Design and Development of Outlines Font of NaXi Hieroglyphic and the Embedding Fonts Technology of NaXi Hieroglyphic

  20. 结合产品本身的个性的字体设计,体现产品品质的卓越和独特个性!

    Personality and the size of the combined product design , product quality reflects the unique character of excellence !

  21. 作为字体设计的本源,汉字的发展、流变也就成为印刷字体设计最为重要的基础。

    As the base for type design , the development of Chinese character becomes the most important basis of type design .

  22. 这一实践的成功也为今后的字体设计领域提供了更为广阔的设计空间与平台。

    The success of this practice , the font design for the future provision of a broader design space and the platform .

  23. 字体设计是视觉传达设计的重要组成部分,也是信息传播的载体。

    The font design is not only an important part of visual communication design , but also a carrier of information transmission .

  24. 试析英文字体设计中图形文字的表现力集体对抗项目竞技表现形成的内在随机涨落力

    The Artistic Appeal of Graphic Character in English Typography ; the Intrinsic Stochastic Fluctuation Strength of the Athletics Performance of Collective Resistance Event

  25. 其它还有平面设计、字体设计、标志设计、广告摄影、中国文学赏析等。

    There are other graphic design , font design , logo design , advertising photography , appreciation of Chinese literature , and so on .

  26. 本文试图通过对字体设计在平面设计中的重要作用,发掘汉字字形的文化内涵与多种视觉表达形式的可能性。

    The good styles can be good references for Chinese character design , which is more convenient and fast to enrich Chinese characters shapes .

  27. 尤其是在以印刷为媒介的平面设计当中,字体设计更是淋漓尽致的发挥着传递信息与美化版面的作用。

    Especially in the graphic designs , printing as a medium , fonts design plays an even more exhaustive transmission of information and beautify layout role .

  28. 汉字这种汉民族历史文化的载体,是现代字体设计的一个取之不尽的源泉。

    Chinese , as a medium for the history and culture of the Chinese nationality , is an inexhaustible source for the design of modern characters .

  29. 如西方和日本的字体设计语言就十分丰富与多元化,代表着现代字体设计水平的前沿方向。

    Such as , western and Japanese font design language is very rich and diversified , and they represent the forefront of modern font design level direction .

  30. 由静态化表现方式转换为动态化表现方式这一点是决定汉字动态字体设计性质的重要环节。

    The rather important part for the decision of the dynamic Chinese character design nature is the transformation of the form of expression from static to dynamic .