
  • 网络media relations
  1. 其次对新媒体作为文学传播介质的特点及其新媒体文学与传播介质之间的关系进行了探讨,主要选取了微小说、微电影这两个与媒介关系最为密切的新媒体艺术形式进行分析。

    Secondly , the relationship between the characteristics of literary communication media and new media literature and propagation medium to explore new media . Selected micro-fiction , micro-film , the two most closely with the media relations , new media art forms for analysis .

  2. 现代社会已经成为大众化社会,与大众媒介关系密切,媒介凸现多样性功能:耳目喉舌性与社会公器性,社会联系的参考架构;

    Modern society has evolved into mass society . The evolution can be greatly attributed to mass media . Meanwhile , mass media have presented their diversified functions , including mouthpiece and society public organ as well as the framework of reference of social ties .

  3. 这种新视角既是文学与媒介之关系研究的具体化尝试,也是一个相对比较新的跨学科研究课题。

    And it is a relatively new interdisciplinary research .

  4. 尤其是在当下的情形中,知识分子与媒介的关系发生了巨大的变化,产生了知识分子媒介化的现实。

    Especially at here and now , the relationship has been changed hugely .

  5. 温度与方形黄鼠蚤鼠疫媒介效能关系的研究

    Studies on experimental plague - vector efficiency of citellophilus tesquorum sungaris at different temperatures

  6. 沟通外部公众时医院要注意协调好医患关系、与政府及相关职能部门的关系、与社区和新闻媒介的关系。

    For external relations , the hospital should deal with patient , government , society and medium .

  7. 身处大众传媒时代的人们,与各种传播媒介的关系日益密切。

    The people living in age of mass media , is with a variety of media ties .

  8. 性别与大众媒介的关系。这部分介绍了社会性别理论的主要观点以及媒介与性别的关系问题。

    In this section , the paper introduces the main views about the gender theory and the relation between media and gender .

  9. 在人媒关系中,人始终是首要因素,人与网络媒介发生关系的结果最终体现在人与客观世界的关系中。

    Human remains a primary factor in human-media relationship , whose network consequences finally embody the relationship of human and the Objective World .

  10. 粉丝、粉丝文化与媒介的关系已不再是简单而单一的传受关系。

    Fans , fan culture and the relationship between culture and the media is no longer a single pass by a simple relationship .

  11. 因此,人类社会和媒介的关系对于人类的生存和发展至关重要。

    The relationship between human society and medium , however , is of vital importance to the subsistence and development of human beings .

  12. 儿童与媒介的关系一直以来就是一个有着多种言说可能并彰显现实关怀的话题。

    The relationship between children and the media has always been a topic that may have a variety of explanations and demonstrate the concern for reality .

  13. 因此要以人与客观世界的关系为基准去把握人与网络媒介的关系,平衡网络媒介与大学生个人的心理世界。

    Such relationship , therefore , sets the benchmark to judge human-media relationship and balances the differences between network media and college students ' personal Psychological World .

  14. 第一章主要介绍了现代奥运会创办以来与媒介的关系及其视觉传播方式,分为媒介奥运、奥运形象和视觉传播等三节。

    Chapter one which is divided into three sections mainly introduces the relationship between media and modern Olympic Games since origin and the way of visual communication .

  15. 我们探索了现代文化、传播与大众传播媒介的关系,研究了大众传播媒介对回族社区传统文化的影响。

    We explore the modern culture , communication and mass media relations , study of the mass media on the Hui ethnic community of the traditional culture influence .

  16. 产业结构与制度通过一定的媒介发生关系,这种媒介制约着产业结构与制度的伸展空间和速度。

    The industrial structure and system act upon each other through a certain media , which restricts the space and speed of the extension of the industrial structure and the system .

  17. 分析技术与媒介的关系,对科学博客的传者与受者进行分析,总结其特点,又把科学博客与其他科普方式做对比,分析其不同之处。

    Analysis of the relationship between technology and media , the mass of the science blog by the person who analyzed and summarized its characteristics , and other popular science blog again way to do comparative analysis of their differences .

  18. 我国媒介公共关系在特有媒介体制下,应实行全球化思考,本土化落实,借鉴世界上已有的经验和成果,进行批判地吸收,形成适合中国国情的媒介公共关系发展战略。

    Within the particular media institution , China ' sMedia Public Relations ought to have a global vision and practice localization , modeling and adopting critically existing experiences in the world so as to develop aset of Media Public Relations strategy in accordance with Chinese condition .

  19. 本文先简要分析了图书馆与大众媒介之间的关系,通过分析,得出了图书馆是重要的大众传播通道,并能使简单大众传播效果增强的结论。

    First of all , this essay summarizes the relationship between library and mass medium .

  20. 本文主要就是论述电视节目的创新与受众媒介素养的关系。

    The article is focus on the relationship of TV programs innovative and media literacy .

  21. 在媒介与个人关系方面,文章将分析隐私权问题。

    In terms of relationship between media and individuals , the discussion focuses on privacy issue .

  22. 当代著名的伦理学家哈贝马斯提出了商谈伦理学,认为交往行动实际上是主体间以语言为媒介的商谈关系。

    The well-known ethicist Habermas put forth a discourse ethics , proposing that communication is actually negotiated relations among people by the mediation of languages .

  23. 从体育广告的基本概念入手,考察体育广告业的兴起与发展的过程及其这一过程中体育广告市场与媒介需求的关系等问题。

    Based on the concept of sport advertisement , this article reviews the rising and developing process of sport advertisement and analyzes the relationship between the advertisement markets and media demands .

  24. 文章紧密结合公共关系和新闻事业的前沿理论和实践,在媒介内外公共关系和经营管理的重大变革之中来审视其当前所面临的挑战和问题。

    It keeps pace with the Public Relations and Journalism 's theory and practice , which analysis contemporary confronted challenge and problem of the change between Public Relations in-and-out media and management .

  25. 本研究通过考察现代社会大众与传播媒介之间的关系,认为大众对传播媒介的依赖性越来越强,导致现代生存的媒介化。

    This dissertation investigated the relationship between the masses and the mass media in the contemporary society and drew the conclusion that the masses are increasingly dependent on media , which finally lead to Being Media .

  26. 英文摘要作为科研论文的重要组成部分,有其特殊的学科意义和社会作用:它是国际间知识传播、学术交流与合作的桥梁或媒介,直接关系到科研成果在世界范围内的传播和交流。

    English abstract , as an important part of scientific thesis , plays the role of agent between the international exchange of science and technology , and it is of great significance as it can directly influence whether the research findings can be world-widely spread and exchanged .

  27. 本文创新点在于:把新闻自律与媒介生态环境关系放在媒介生态学中研究,把媒介环境作为社会信息系统的一个子系统,研究它的运作规律以及人与它的相互关系。

    This text innovates and clicks lying in : Is it put in media studying in the ecology with media ecological environment relation to contain news by oneself , regard environmental media as a subsystem of the social information system , study its operation law and people and its interreaction .

  28. 该方案以XML为中间转换媒介,实现了关系数据与XML数据的双向转换,并且该方案中加入了对XML数据清理的功能。

    The solutions can achieve bidirectional transfer between relational and XML data based on XML , and joined XML data cleaning function in the solutions .

  29. 四川省疟疾流行情况与媒介按蚊种群的关系

    Situation of malaria prevalence and its relationship with Anopheles population in Sichuan Province

  30. 浅析网络媒介与传播的关系

    The Relation between the Network Medium and Dissemination