
wěi tuō hé tonɡ
  • contract of bailment;contract of mandate;mandate
  1. 它是连接信托与合同的重要桥梁,与合同法中既有的行纪合同、居间合同、委托合同存在着一定的区别和联系。

    It is a key to connect trust and contract . There are differences and relations between trust contract and contract of commission , contract of mediate and contract of mandate which have already existed in present Contract Law .

  2. 委托合同研究机构(RO)着临床试验外包的继续趋势也在全力进行中,但是钱花在那里呢?

    The contract research organisation ( CRO ) industry is in full swing as the clinical trial outsourcing trend continues , but where is the money being spent ?

  3. 医疗服务合同具有委托合同的基本属性。

    Medical service contract is a kind of contract for commission .

  4. 力图使委托合同标准化,制定共同的合同条件。

    Try hard to standardize the contract and make common contract terms .

  5. 基金经理与基金管理人之间是雇佣合同关系,与基金托管人之间是托管合同关系,与基金持有人之间是委托合同关系。

    The relations between fund manager and fund shareholders are entrustment relations .

  6. 建设工程管理承包模式及其管理委托合同的研究

    Study of Management Contracting and Standard From of Management Contract

  7. 也许你的律师可以草拟些委托合同。

    Except maybehave your attorneys draw up some contracts .

  8. 雇佣合同只能是有偿合同,委托合同可以是无偿合同。

    And employment contracts are paid contracts while contracts of commission may be unpaid .

  9. 在全权委托合同上,甚至连纽曼和布莱克特也没有被提到。

    For that matter the carte blanche contract made no reference to Newman or Blackett .

  10. 代理权的授予与委托合同及代理行为的关系;

    The relation between the agency grant and the commission contract or the agency action ;

  11. 委托合同理论研究

    Trust Contract theory study

  12. 监理方的监督权一方面来源于法律的规定,另一方面来源于建设方的委托合同。

    The supervisor 's rights in performance stem from two aspects : laws and contract of project supervision .

  13. 本部分重点探讨了大陆法系和英美法系与委托合同相关的立法。

    The part mainly explores the legislations about entrustment contract of Civil law system and Anglo-American law system .

  14. 委托合同终止时,受托人应当报告委托事务的结果。

    Upon discharge of the agency contract , the agent shall render an account of the entrusted affair .

  15. 1999年,我国《合同法》正式颁布实施,这标志着委托合同正式成为有名合同对现实生活进行指导和规范。

    Contract Law has been enforced in 1999 , it means that the entrustment contract becomes formal contract to regulate reality .

  16. 从定义中我们可以看出独立性原则的适用范围与内容。银行独立担保的当事人是银行与受益人,与银行担保相联系的是申请人与受益人间的基础合同和申请人与受益人间的委托合同。

    This principle is applied to two relations between contract of guarantee and mandate and primary contract , and that is scope of independent principle .

  17. 现行公司法在股东出资违约责任体系方面存在着明显的欠缺与失衡,应着力建立和完善相应的制度。在违约责任部分,首先提出审计业务约定书实质是委托合同。

    Because there is obvious deficiency and imbalance on shareholders ' liabilities to the breach of agreement on investment , relevant systems should be constructed and consummated .

  18. 无偿的委托合同,因受托人的故意或者重大过失给委托人造成损失的,委托人可以要求赔偿损失。

    Under a gratuitous agency appointment contract , if the principal sustains any loss due to the agent 's intentional misconduct or gross negligence , the principal may claim damages .

  19. 学界对代买彩票的基础关系存在无偿委托合同和好意施惠关两种见解。

    The thesis thinks that agency purchase for lottery belongs to unpaid trust contract and owing to that , this thesis analyses the right and duty of relevance people detailedly .

  20. 商事委托合同的任意解除权行使问题,在理论界与实务界都引起了广泛关注,是学术研究和司法实践中争论的热点问题之一。

    The exercise of the right of termination without any reason of the commission contract , it is one of the hot issues of debate in the academic research and the judicial practice .

  21. 本文从分析医患关系的特点入手,阐述了医患关系是一种合同关系,这种合同有着与一般合同所不同的特点,其性质类似于委托合同。

    This article discusses the characteristics of the relationship between doctors and patients . It defines the relationship as a contract one , the nature of which is similar to that of entrustment contract .

  22. 新《合同法》针对以往外贸代理立法上的不足和实践中存在的问题,规定了委托合同与行纪合同及其规则,从而为我国外贸代理制的发展奠定了坚实的法律基础。

    In 1999 , China made a new Contract Law of PRC ( which contains the rules of agency contract and commission agency contract ) and laid a solid foundation for Foreign Trade Agency System .

  23. 目前关于演艺经纪合同性质的学说主要有委托合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说、劳动合同说四种。

    At present , there are mainly four common academic theories about the nature of the performance brokerage contract , for example : the commission contract ; the intermediation contract ; the brokerage contract ; the labor contract .

  24. 因不可归责于受托人的事由,委托合同解除或者委托事务不能完成的,委托人应当向受托人支付相应的报酬。

    Where the agency appointment contract is terminated or the entrusted affair is not capable of being completed due to any reason not attributable to the agent , the principal shall pay to the agent an appropriate amount of remuneration .

  25. 但由于政府责任下的社会保险权保障了基本医疗保险被保险人的权利,而公立社会保险机构与医疗服务机构的行政委托合同则规定了医疗服务机构的义务。

    However , due to the social insurance rights which under the governmental responsibility protect the right of basic medical insurance insurant , and public agencies develop the basic medical services agreement which provides the obligations of the medical sector .

  26. 笔者认为应将其定位为支付结算主体,并适时实行牌照制度,支付中的法律关系主要是保管和委托合同关系。

    The author believes that we should define the legal status of the online third-party payment to be payment and settlement subject , and adopt the license system in time . The major legal relationship is deposit and bailment contract relationship .

  27. 索取、收受委托合同约定以外的酬金或者其他财物,或者利用执行业务之便,谋取其他不正当的利益;

    To ask for or accept remuneration or other forms of payment in cash or in kind in addition to what is agreed upon with the client in a contract , or seek other unlawful interests by taking advantage of their services ;

  28. 信托合同从本质上说是一种特殊的合同,是委托合同的一种延伸,因此《信托法》是《合同法》的特别法,主要对信托合同进行调整。

    Trust contract is a special contract in nature , which is an extension of the contract of commission . So , " Trust Law " is a special part of the " Contract Law " . It mainly adjusts trust contract .

  29. 公司型基金采用董事会中心主义,即由基金董事会代表基金选择投资顾问(即基金管理人)、确定管理费率、签署委托合同等。

    In addition the board plays the central part and is authorized to choose investment consultants ( i.e. , fund managers ), to determine management fees to be charged , and to sign management agreements with such consultants on behalf of the fund holders .

  30. 给出了在研发规模和投标人数n这些变量变化的时候,委托人合同的选择,也给出了相应的代理人的竞标数额B和努力水平e的选择。

    The contract choice when x ( thescale ) or n ( the number of the bidders ) changes , the principal facing and the agent 's choice of B ( the bid ) and e ( the effort level ) are presented .