
  1. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)的文化历史学家加里•许(GaryXu)在看过这些雕塑的黏土模型之后称这些东西“奇妙无比”。

    Gary Xu , a cultural historian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , has seen the clay models and calls them ' fantastic . '

  2. 人生坎坷的风雨终将过去,留下是彩虹的奇妙无比

    The storms of life will leave behind the wonder of a rainbow

  3. 这感觉简直是奇妙无比!

    And I think it is just great !

  4. 好了,为什么不穿上那件奇妙无比的隐形衣回去睡觉呢?”

    Now , why don 't you put that admirable cloak back on and get off to bed ?

  5. 例如看着潮汐随着潮退潮涨而改变,真是奇妙无比的。

    For example , it 's amazing to see the way a tidal pool changes with the tide .

  6. 创造新的东西的确奇妙无比,但是呵护已经存在的东西也是不可思议事情。

    Creating something new is a wonderful thing , but taking good care of an object that is already there can be magical .

  7. 然而,当你们与地球母亲一起完成提升,所有那一切都会留在身后,因为你们将喜悦于这更高维度的美丽和奇妙无比。

    However when you ascend with Mother Earth , all of that will be left behind as you enjoy the beauty and wonders of the higher dimensions .

  8. 在这里,在色彩的斑点、线条、色调、中间色、不可捉摸的形象的混沌中诞生了“光”。这就是奇妙无比的“光”!

    Where from a chaos of color spills , lines , tones and half-tints , imperceptible images there comes " Light " and that is deific " Light "!

  9. 虽然我们善于覆盖所有其它谈话地调节到一段谈话上的能力奇妙无比,似乎我们从被拒绝的那些谈话中会吸收很少的信息。

    Although we are fantastically good at tuning in to one conversation over all the others , we seem to absorb very little information from the conversations we reject .

  10. 它在一个地窖里还有一座圆雕的耶稣受难像和一个镀金的木雕太阳,都是奇妙无比的东西。朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。

    It has , also , a crucifixion in high relief , in a cellar , with a sun of gilded wood . These things are fairly marvellous . cannot make a silk purse out of a sow ' ear .