
fū ren
  • Mrs.;Lady;Madame;madam;wife;Frau;concubines of an emperor
夫人 [fū rén]
  • (1) [Lady;Mrs.]

  • (2) 古称诸侯之妻

  • 先轸朝,问 秦囚;公曰:夫人请之,吾舍之矣!--《左传.僖公三十三年》

  • (3) 古代命妇的封号

  • 公子姊为赵惠文王弟 平原君夫人。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • 公大怒,取案上器伤夫人。--明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》

  • (4) 尊称自己及他人的妻子。多用于外交场合

  • (5) [concubines of an emperor]∶中国帝王的妾

  • 天子有后,有夫人,有世妇,有嫔,有妻,有妾。--《礼记》

夫人[fū ren]
  1. 她试演了麦克佩斯夫人的角色。

    She was auditioning for the role of Lady Macbeth .

  2. 科伯恩到时正好伊恩爵士和诺布尔夫人也来了。

    Cockburn 's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble

  3. 这部书对布莱尔夫人的性格作了生动的剖析。

    The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair 's character .

  4. 她的第一位顾客竟然是布莱尔夫人。

    Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair .

  5. 夫人,我们当然会给您掉换件大号的。

    Of course we 'll change it for a larger size , Madam .

  6. 我们谨对尊夫人去世表示最深切的慰唁。

    May we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife .

  7. 肯特公爵及公爵夫人阁下。

    Their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Kent .

  8. 尊贵的夫人今天也许愿意动手自己把衣服挂起来吧!

    Perhaps her ladyship would like to hang up her own clothes today !

  9. 夫人,午餐在一点钟开始。

    Luncheon will be served at one , Madam .

  10. 孩子们与我的前夫及其新夫人在一起度周末。

    The children are spending the weekend with my ex and his new wife .

  11. 我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。

    We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening .

  12. 哪来的什么“史密斯夫人”那一套?叫我安娜好了。

    What 's all this ' Mrs Smith ' stuff ? Call me Anna .

  13. 要帮忙吗,夫人?

    Can I help you , madam ?

  14. 史密斯夫人刚刚赢了200万英镑——一点没假!整整200万英镑!

    Mrs Smith has just won £ 2 million ─ yes ! ─£ 2 million !

  15. 夫人你需要点什么?

    Does Your Ladyship require anything ?

  16. 昏暗中,里斯本夫人的脸慢慢变得清晰起来。

    The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness .

  17. 我已经说服坦南特夫人她该退休了。

    I 've persuaded Mrs Tennant that it 's time she retired

  18. 这项技术的完善要归功于凯歌夫人。

    Madame Clicquot is credited with the perfection of this technique .

  19. 过了一会儿,坦尼夫人的眼睛眨了几下睁开了。

    A few moments later Mrs Tenney 's eyelids flickered open .

  20. 海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。

    Mrs. Haines stood nearby , holding scissors to cut a ribbon

  21. 布朗夫人在11月的选举中仍然没有十足的胜算。

    Ms Brown is still no shoo-in for the November election .

  22. 哈迪夫人被救护车送到了医院。

    Mrs Hardie had been taken to the infirmary in an ambulance .

  23. 我到的时候,发现她正在和威廉斯夫人谈话。

    When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams .

  24. “他和斯坦夫人有个计划,”她解释说。

    ' He and Mrs Stein have a plan , ' she explained

  25. “不是真的,”公爵夫人插话道。

    ' Not true , ' the Duchess cut in .

  26. 托马斯和夫人得意地互相望了一眼。

    Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction .

  27. 富兰克林和家里人一样,也对他夫人的新朋友们不屑一顾。

    Franklin shared the family 's scorn for his wife 's new friends

  28. 格利克夫人勒住缰绳在十字路口停了下来。

    Mrs Glick reined in the horse and stopped at the crossroads .

  29. 雷诺兹夫人自从失业以来,一直在做临时工。

    Mrs Reynolds has been temping since losing her job .

  30. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。

    When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges .