
tài yánɡ shí
  • Solar time;solar hour
太阳时 [tài yáng shí]
  • [solar time] 以太阳表示的视时或平时;以平太阳时的单位表示的时间

  1. 太阳时角变化对固定条形镜面聚光器焦线位置的影响

    The influence due to change of solar hour angle in the position of focusing line for faceted fixed mirror solar concentrator

  2. 本文讨论了当固定条形镜面聚光器长轴沿东西向放置时,太阳时角变化所引起的焦线位置的移动。

    This paper deals with a displace of focusing line position which is caused by change of solar hour angle when a long axis of FMSC is placed in east-west direction .

  3. 晒太阳时,人类自身能够合成维生素D3。

    Humans make their own vitamin D3 when they are exposed to sunlight .

  4. 记者GMT、UTC、GPS、原子时、太阳时,由你选择。

    CORRESPONDENT GMT , UTC , GPS , atomic time , solar time , you take your pick .

  5. 《科学》称,尽管研究人员目前尚未观测到X行星的本尊,但他们在近距离观测太阳时发现六个星体的排位很奇特,因此他们确信一定存在X行星。

    The researchers haven 't observed Planet X itself , but believe it exists because of the unique configuration of six objects when they come closest to the sun , according to Science .

  6. 特别是使用了MATLAB程序处理数据,得到南北水平轴跟踪时跟踪角和太阳时角间的关系图像,着重分析了此时采取混合跟踪的可行性和适用性。

    By using MATLAB to deal with data , the figures of relations between hour angel and the tracking angle of horizontal N / S tracking can be worked out , and at this time feasibility and applicability of hybrid tracking control system are analyzed .

  7. 正如伊卡洛斯(Icarus)在飞近太阳时看到他的蜡质羽翼逐渐融化,随着有关卢拉石油政策的争议猛增,他正在拿自己的政治遗产冒险。

    Just as Icarus saw his wings of wax melt as he flew too close to the sun , so Mr Lula is risking his legacy as controversies multiply over his petroleum policies .

  8. 当彗星最接近太阳时,它们运行得最快。

    Comets travel fastest when they are closest to the sun .

  9. 而当南半球朝向太阳时。

    But when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun .

  10. 他看太阳时觉得自眩。

    He was dazzled when he looked at the sun .

  11. 不过前提是伊森能在周四飞过太阳时“存活”下来。

    But that was only if ISON had survived Thursday 's flyby .

  12. 但当北半球远离太阳时。

    But when the northern hemisphere is tiited away from the sun .

  13. 没有戴太阳镜,在面对太阳时看不清飞机。

    Use sunglasses or you may risk loosing your plane in the sun .

  14. 我们这半球背对太阳时,就是黑夜。

    When our part turns away from the light , we have night .

  15. 当我们在朝向太阳时,就是白天,对不对?

    When we are faclng the light , it 's day , yes ?

  16. 这颗慧星在接近太阳时将会分裂。

    The comet will split up during its close approach to the sun .

  17. 真太阳时的时辰间距并非相等

    Intervals of Real Solar Time are not Equal

  18. 当你看太阳时,你得眯缝眼看。

    When you look at the sun , you have to squint at it .

  19. 当北极再一次朝向太阳时,春天来临。

    Winter truns to spring when the North Pole again faces toward the sun .

  20. 如果可能,保持宝石出太阳时不穿。

    If possible , keep gemstones out of the sun when not being worn .

  21. 平太阳时换算恒星时的增量

    Acceleration of sidereal on mean solar time

  22. 我们想我们最好在出太阳时出去散步。

    We thought we 'd go out for a walk while the sun was shining .

  23. 人眼直接正视太阳时,看到太阳黑子概率非常小。

    It 's quite difficult people to face the sun directly and see sunspot by eyes .

  24. 当彗星接近太阳时,就会解冻一些气体。

    As a comet gets closer to the sun , some gases in it begin to unfreeze .

  25. 格林尼治平太阳时角

    Greenwich hour angle mean sun

  26. 卫星上绝对辐射计观测太阳时与太空的辐射交换

    The Radiation Exchange between the Space and the Absolute Radiometer Along with the Solar Observation on Spacecraft

  27. 这一传统被认为可以追溯到史前时代,早期人类崇拜太阳时。

    This tradition is thought to date back to prehistoric times , when early humans worshipped the sun .

  28. 然而爱因斯坦却能证明从恒星来的光线当其经过太阳时变弯曲了。

    But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun .

  29. 在它远离太阳时,大气再次凝结形成一层新的只有一毫米的冰帽。

    When it recedes , the atmosphere condenses again to form a new coating of ice just a millimeter thick .

  30. 对国家和地区政府而言,太阳时只是备选方案之一,但并不见得总是最重要的。

    For national and regional governments , solar time is just one consideration , and not always the most important one .