
  • 网络Space project;aerospace engineering
  1. 二十五年来,美国的太空工程就是如此。

    But for twenty-five years the United States space program has been doing just that .

  2. 中国官方媒体报告说,中国的最终目标是建造一个永久的空间实验室,和一个大型太空工程系统。

    Official Chinese media report the country 's ultimate goal is to build a permanent space laboratory and a larger-scale space engineering system .

  3. 上世纪60年代和70年代期间,NASA曾在阿波罗工程和太空实验室工程中使用土星五号火箭。

    NASA used Saturn Five rockets during its Apollo and Skylab programs in the nineteen sixties and seventies .

  4. 选择用于太空生物医学工程的控制规律和估计其控制参数。

    Select control laws and evaluate control parameters applied to space biomedical engineering .

  5. 定量的分析人类在微重力环境下的活动,对科学研究和太空船工程设计均很重要。

    Quantitative analysis of human performance in microgravity is important for both scientific investigations and spacecraft engineering design .

  6. Planning技术是在生产,太空,软件工程,机器人,教育与娱乐领域内建立智能系统的一项关键技术。

    Planning is a key technology for building intelligent systems in areas such as manufacturing , space systems , software engineering , robotics , education , and entertainment .

  7. 太空环境对生物工程细胞CHO(dhfr~-)的影响

    Effect of outer space on bio-engineering cells carried by returned satellite

  8. 南韩计划到明年年底建成它的首个太空中心,作为工程的一部分,为未来十年进行太空探测,打下技术和科学方面的基础。

    South Korea plans to complete its first space center by the end of next year as part of a program to lay the technological and scientific groundwork for space exploration in coming decades .

  9. 根据News6网站报道,该太阳能发电厂大到能从太空看到。该工程是迪斯尼与杜克公司签署的一份15年合约的一部分,该合约允许杜克能源公司负责运营发电厂,作为交换,杜克要为公园供电。

    Large enough to be seen from space , the project is part of a 15-year agreement that allows Duke Energy to run the farm in exchange for powering the theme park , News6 reported .

  10. 本课程透过航空学、太空航行学和设计讲座强调了航空太空飞行工程的基本概念和方法。

    The fundamental concepts , and approaches of aerospace engineering , are highlighted through lectures on aeronautics , astronautics , and design .