
tiān zhǔ jiào tánɡ
  • catholic;Catholic church;cathedral
  1. 国内其他旅游景点,比如武汉的黄鹤楼和青岛的天主教堂等地标,也陆续加入了这场社交媒体狂欢,推出各自的产品,吸引游客纷纷拿着他们的冰棍产品在对应的景点前拍照。

    Other tourist destinations in China soon joined the social media carnival with their own offerings , from Wuhan 's Yellow Crane Tower to the catholic church in Qingdao , attracting tourists to take pictures of the ice pops in front of their prototypes .

  2. Gauthier在上海徐家汇天主教堂开始了地磁观测。

    Gauthier began to carry out his geomagnetism observation in Xujiahui Catholic Church of Shanghai .

  3. 这座天主教堂的拱顶非常高。

    The vault of this cathedral is very high .

  4. 那年的圣诞节刚结束,乔安妮和阿卜杜勒法塔赫·钱德里就在格林贝的使徒圣菲利普天主教堂(St.PhiliptheApostleCatholicChurch)完婚了。

    Just after Christmas that year , Joanne and Abdulfattah were married in St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church in Green Bay .

  5. 亚美尼亚的天主教堂以位于黎巴嫩的Bzoummar,作为总部。

    The Armenian Catholic Church is headquartered in Bzoummar , Lebanon .

  6. 此前一份报道指控教堂妨碍对虐童事件的调查,爱尔兰总理恩达•肯尼(EndaKenny)强烈批评了天主教堂。

    It follows strong criticism of the Church by the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny after a report was published accusing the Church of sabotaging an investigation into the rape of children .

  7. 七名由于结婚而违背了独身条令而被驱逐出天主教堂定牧师在肯尼亚的Kisumu被委任神职。

    Seven married priests who were expelled from the Catholic Church for failing to obey the law of celibacy have been ordained in the Kenyan city of Kisumu .

  8. 孩子们要跟着父母定期去天主教堂做礼拜。

    The children also attended Catholic church regularly with their parents .

  9. 维也纳双城的罗马天主教堂,奥地利

    Roman Catholic Church in Vienna 'S Donau-City , Austria , 2000

  10. 但是他们并不是罗马天主教堂的一部分。

    But they are not part of the Roman Catholic Church .

  11. 他们哪里得罪了天主教堂?

    What wrong did they do to the Catholic Church ?

  12. 天主教堂神父和修女的平均年龄达到70岁,而且还在升高。

    The average age of priests and nuns is seventy and rising .

  13. 南方传道浸信会天主教堂。

    ' 'missionary Southern Baptist Church of God in christ .

  14. 大约500名穆斯林人居住在博阿利的一座天主教堂里。

    About 500 Muslims are living at one Catholic church in Boali .

  15. 更因为它是巴黎最古老的天主教堂。

    But also is the oldest church in paris .

  16. 爱尔兰天主教堂的声誉已经严重动摇。

    The reputation of the Catholic Church in Ireland has been severely shaken .

  17. 天主教堂的语言是拉丁语。

    The language of the Catholic Church was Latin .

  18. 它既是罗马天主教堂又是博物馆。

    It was functioning as both a Roman Catholic church and a museum .

  19. 城里有两座天主教堂和两座犹太教堂。

    There were two Catholic churches and two synagogues .

  20. 天主教堂现在正考虑修改其与教会有关的劳动规定。

    The Catholic church is now thinking of reforming its ecclesiastical labour rules .

  21. 我以前在天主教堂做礼拜。

    I worshiped in catholic churches for many years .

  22. 天主教堂会雇佣以为天主教神父,主持天主教的弥撒。

    A Catholic church would hire a Catholic priest to perform Catholic Mass .

  23. 星期天早上全家去当地的天主教堂做礼拜。

    On Sunday mornings , the family goes to the local Catholic Church .

  24. 他在一个天主教堂里娶的她。

    He married her in a Catholic church .

  25. 西方文化影响下的太原天主教堂建筑

    Influence of Western Culture to Taiyuan Catholic Church

  26. 就像在罗马帝国和天主教堂中的表现,信不信由你。

    like the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church , believe it or not .

  27. 罗马天主教堂有主教,红衣主教,教皇。

    The Roman Catholic Church has bishops , and cardinals , and the Pope .

  28. 然而,天主教堂仍然不为所动。

    However , the Catholic Church remains unmoved .

  29. 天主教堂僧侣统治集团认识到范例改变的份量。

    The hierarchy of the Catholic Church realize the magnitude of the paradigm change .

  30. 银川市天主教堂建筑研究

    Study on catholic church architecture of Yinchuan