
  1. 二是确立大经贸战略;

    Second , establish a " wild & economic trade " strategy ;

  2. 真正实施大经贸战略;

    To realize the strategy of general economy and trade .

  3. 我国大经贸战略的内涵与实施的对策问题

    China 's Large Economy and Trade Strategy : Its Connotation and Implementation

  4. 经济全球化与我国大经贸战略的实施

    Economic Globalization and China 's Practice of Gross Trading Strategy

  5. 理清大经贸战略思路牵引重庆经济快速发展

    Straightening out the Thinking of Business and Economics Drawing Economy High-Speed Development in Chongqing

  6. 20世纪90年代中期实施的大经贸战略对我国对外贸易发展具有十分重要的作用。

    China 's application of gross trading strategy in the middle of 1990s is very important for the development of China 's foreign trade .

  7. 外贸企业实施大经贸战略在国际贸易中的研究我国猪肉产销和外贸策略

    Study of Foreign Trade Corporation Execute Mighty Economy & Trade Tactics in the Field of International Trade Foreign Trade Tactics on China Pork Production and Marketing

  8. 论文强调加大实施大经贸战略力度,走规模经营路子,实行集约化管理,积极稳妥走出去拓展发展空间,培植新的出口增长点。

    The paper has stressed to strengthen implementing strategy on " omni-bearing economic trade ", operating with a certain scale , managing with centralization , positively and stably pioneering development space with manner of " initiativespirit ", export increase project to be cultivated .

  9. 城乡经济发展差别巨大,地区发展不平衡,二元经济结构十分明显,城镇化滞后于经济发展。我国大经贸战略的内涵与实施的对策问题

    The difference between urban economy and rural economy is very large , economy developing is unbalanced in different area , binary economy structure is clear and urbanization is draggled behind economy development . China 's Large Economy and Trade Strategy : Its Connotation and Implementation