
  • 网络Big numbers;large number
  1. 中国互联网行业的大数字在不断变得更大。

    The big numbers of the China 's internet keep getting bigger .

  2. 你曾经见过刷在池边的大数字吗?

    Have you seen those big numbers painted on the side of the pool ?

  3. “但在这个实验中他们更关注大数字不是小数字。”

    " But in this experiment what they 're doing is paying more attention to the big number than the little one . "

  4. 针对一些计算机限于BASIC语言的数字有效位不能进行大数字的运算,提出了一种扩展数字有效位的方法并给出了相应的算法程序。

    Aimed at that owing to the restriction of significant digits in BASIC , some computers can not complete operation of large number , a method for enlarging the digits of significant figures is put forward and the corresponding program is also given .

  5. 并且运用MarkⅡFP方法对一个典型的MIS系统&国防科大数字校园教务管理系统进行了实例计算,细致分析了度量结果。

    And used Mark ⅱ FP methods to estimate a typical MIS system - NUDT Digital Campus educational administration management system , analysis the results of the measure in detail .

  6. 本文介绍了高清晰度数字电视在国内的发展状况,并将国际上的两大数字电视地面广播信道传输标准ATSC和DVB-T进行了比较,在此基础上进一步阐明COFDM传输系统的原理和特点。

    In this paper , we first introduce the development of high definition television in our country and the principle of COFDM technique , followed by comparing the two channel transmission standards between ATSC and DVB-T for digital terrestrial television .

  7. 首先介绍数字电视的概念,然后介绍目前世界上已有的3大数字电视标准:美国ATSC标准、欧洲DVB标准和日本ISDB标准,最后介绍我国数字电视标准的发展。

    This paper firstly introduces the concept of digital TV , then introduces three standards of digital TV in the world : ATSC of America , DVB of Europe and ISDB of Japan , finally introduces the development of digital TV standard in China .

  8. 论文的成果在国防科大数字校园应用的开发中发挥了很大的作用。

    This paper contributed to the development of NUDT Digital Campus .

  9. 我报告了偏向大数字的摇骰子结果。

    I reported my die-rolling with a bias towards high numbers .

  10. 以下便是2014年你将可能发现的五大数字趋势。

    Here are the Top 5 Digital Trends you can look forward to for 2014 .

  11. 对外汉语听力课中大数字及省略表达的数字的听记是留学生习得汉语的一个难点。

    The notes-taking of large-number and elliptically-expressed number is difficult to Chinese-learning oversea students in the listening class .

  12. 自动拒绝将自动拒绝接听来电后,在规定的期间。一个大数字反跌也显示在来电。

    Auto-reject with SMS will automatically reject an incoming call and will send a SMS text to the remote caller .

  13. 但这实际上与事实相去甚远,因为单纯将大数字与较小数字相比是有一定欺骗性的。

    This could not be further from the truth as it is deceptive to compare larger numbers to smaller ones .

  14. 文章重点介绍了国际上有影响的三大数字图书馆体系结构:互联信息空间、信息总线和基于代理的体系结构。

    The main part of this paper introduces three influential digital library architectures , InterSpace , InfoBus and Agent-based architecture .

  15. 读着这一连串大数字,人们会觉得有必要预约一位收费不菲的配镜师。

    Reading this succession of large numbers makes one feel the necessity to book an appointment with an expensive optician .

  16. 不分个体的大数字激起人们对这个国家能够承受多少移民的恐惧,即使并非所有来英国的人都会成为永久居民。

    Big faceless numbers can stoke fears about how many incomers the country can support , even though not all become permanent residents .

  17. 风怒现在看起来是一个大数字,但是在战斗日志里面它显示了两个分别的命中。

    Windfury procs appear to be one number for two hits on screen , but it does show two separate hits in the combat log .

  18. 你所说的“大数字”只是用户基数的很小一部分。

    Your " big numbers " here are really just a drop in the bucket , fractions of fractions of a percent of our user base .

  19. 一百万个文明社会是一个令人吃惊的大数字,它令人鼓舞地想像那些百万个世界的变化万千、生命特色和贸易活动。

    A million civilizations is a breathtakingly large number , and it is exhilarating to imagine the diversity , lifestyles and commerce of those million worlds .

  20. 让大数字(司机、行程、乘客、城市数量等)涨上去,要比预防这种罕见的灾难事故简单得多。

    It 's way easier to get big numbers to go up ( riders , trips , passengers , cities ) than protect against the rare , catastrophic incident .

  21. 巴基斯坦可能会购买“未来的大数字”的多用途飞机,但没有签署任何协议,购买多达150架,该官员告诉金融时报。

    Pakistan might buy " larger numbers " of the multi-role aircraft in the future but has not signed any deal to purchase as many as150 jets , the official told the Financial Times .

  22. 我给出一个大数字,又一次,我并不想令你们感到枯燥,但你们可以自己看看会发生些什么,这儿有个有趣的问题。

    All right , here I gave it a big number , 123456789.And again , I don 't want to bore you , but you can see what 's going on here with this trend .

  23. 有线数字电视网经过多年的发展,其未来的发展潮流是通信网、互联网、数字电视网的三网融合,这为各大数字电视运营商带来了无限商机,业务多元化成为发展的必然趋势。

    With several years ' development , Cable Digital TV Network is being combined with communication network and Internet . This gives Digital TV service providers enormous business opportunities . Business diversification has become an irresistible trend .

  24. 一天,他坐在办公室里,看到有一个人在外面,于是他就装作生意很忙的样子,拿起电话胡吹乱侃,还不停的甩出几个大数字,好像在谈一笔大买卖。

    Sitting there , he saw a man come into the outer office . Wishing to appear busy , the businessman picked up the phone and pretended that he had a big deal working . He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments .

  25. GIS的大比例尺数字测图方法分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement of large scale GIS-oriented digital mapping

  26. 面向GIS的大比例尺数字地形图空间数据结构探讨

    Discussion on Structure of Spatial Data of Large Scale Topographic Maps for GIS

  27. 六比五大。数字six后接单数动词。

    Six is greater than five .

  28. 随着城市信息化建设特别是GIS应用的发展,对大比例尺数字图的需求日益增加。

    With the development of city information building , a large scale digital surveying and mapping system is widely used in urban geographic information system .

  29. 带有分数抽头判决反馈均衡器的简化VA在大容量数字微波中的应用

    Application of Simplified VA with Fractionally Spaced DFE in High Capacity Microwave Digital Radio

  30. 大面积数字化成图DTM建立与地物编辑的方法研究

    The DTM Establishing and Geo-objects Editing Method Research in Large Area Digital Mapping