
  • 网络Large screen display system;DLPS;LSDS;large-scale display system
  1. 由多个投影面形成的大屏幕显示系统存在诸如不同的投影机之间的亮度响应不一致、拼接重叠区的高亮带以及同一个投影面内的亮度差异等亮度不平衡的问题。

    Large-scale display system based on multi-projectors can provide highly immersive virtual environment . But the problems of intensity response nonuniformity between each projector , the high brightness in the overlap regions and the intensity difference within a projection can be annoying .

  2. 中断在LED大屏幕显示系统中的应用

    An application of interruption in a large screen LED display system

  3. LED大屏幕显示系统的对比度与亮度调节技术

    The Brightness and Contrast Adjustment Technology of Large-Scale LED Display System

  4. 用VisualBasic开发大屏幕显示系统中的双机通讯

    Developing the Communication Between Two Computers in the Large Screen Display System with Visual Basic 3.0

  5. 基于函数发生器的LED大屏幕显示系统

    A LED Large Screen Displaying System Based on Function Reactor

  6. 多种串行接口技术在LED大屏幕显示系统中的应用

    Application of Multi-serials Ports Technique in Big Screen LED System

  7. 基于无线通讯的LED大屏幕显示系统的实现与设计

    Design and Implementation of LED Large-screen Show System Based on Wireless Communication

  8. LED大屏幕显示系统的一种实现方法

    An Implementation of LED Dot Matrix Display System

  9. LED大屏幕显示系统实验箱的设计与实现

    Design and realization of LED display experiment device

  10. IBMPc控制的LED大屏幕显示系统

    LED large screen Display System Controlled by IBM PC

  11. 煤矿生产、安全调度LED电子大屏幕显示系统的设计

    Designing of Large LED Electronic Screen Displaying System for Producing and Safty Dispatching Used in Coal Mines

  12. LED工业大屏幕显示系统是一种新型的、实时在线显示工艺过程参数的显示系统。

    LED industrial scale large-screen display system is a new , real-time and on-line system for displaying process parameters .

  13. 用EDA技术设计LED大屏幕显示系统的总控模块

    Designing the Chief Control Module for Large Screen LED Display System Using EDA Technology

  14. 介绍了一种由PC机与单片机双机控制的LED大屏幕显示系统的设计方法。

    This study represents on a design method of a LED large-screen display system controlled by PC and single-chip microcomputer .

  15. 最后对LED大屏幕显示系统的性能进行了分析和评价。

    Finally , it has carried on the analysis and the appraisal to the performance of LED Large Screen Displaying system .

  16. 提出了一种实现LED大屏幕显示系统的亮度与对比度调节技术,介绍了该技术的算法与实现电路。

    The technology realizing the brightness and contrast adjustment of the large-scale LED display system and its algorithm and circuits are introduced .

  17. 基于Delphi的远程数据传输大屏幕显示系统的设计

    A Design for the Long-range Data Transmission Large Screen Display System Based on Delphi

  18. 利用VGA卡实现LED大屏幕显示系统的同步

    VGA Synchronous Technology of Large LED Display System

  19. 本文介绍由IBMPc机控制的LED大屏幕显示系统,可以显示16点阵和24点阵的汉字。

    LED Large screen display system controlled by IBM PC is introduced in this paper . It can display 16 dot matrix and 24 dot matrix Chinese characters .

  20. 传统的LED大屏幕显示系统用中小规模集成电路实现,系统体积较大、调试困难、不易修改。

    The traditional LED Displaying system was put into practice by small or middle scale integrated circuit . The bulk of system is more large ; the debugging is difficult ;

  21. 接着提出了一种彩色LED大屏幕显示系统的设计方案,然后具体分析这个系统的硬件设计和软件设计。

    Then a kind of display system design of colorful LED large screen has been put forward , with specifically studies of the hardware design and software design of the system followed .

  22. 为进一步促进LED技术的发展,扩大太阳能光伏电源的应用范围,研发了一种用太阳能光伏供电的LED大屏幕显示系统。

    To improve the development of LED technology and expand the applied fields of solar PV power source , we worked out a kind of LED large-screen display system powered by the solar PV source .

  23. 在本设计中完成了系统的硬件电路设计和相关软件设计,并对LED大屏幕显示系统中实时图像处理算法进行了有意义的探索。

    It has completed the design of hardware circuit system and the related software in this design , and has made the significance exploration in the real-time imagery processing algorithm which was used in LED Displaying system .

  24. 以此显示EDA技术的技术优势和所设计LED大屏幕显示系统的高集成度、高可靠性和高灵活性等特点。

    The purpose of this paper is to show the technical advantage of the EDA technology and the high integration , high reliability and high flexibility of the LED display system designed with this technology .

  25. 作为该技术的应用研究,阐述在一个异步全彩色LED大屏幕显示系统的设计中采用EDA技术完成其总控模块设计的可行性和具体设计方法。

    As an applicative research of this technology , this paper introduces the feasibility and design method of using EDA technology to design the chief control module of a full color large screen LED display system .

  26. 为了分析LED大屏幕显示系统的信息泄漏原理,本文首先分析了LED大屏幕显示系统组成结构与工作原理,对系统的信息泄漏进行了初步定位。

    In order to analyze the information disclosure principles of the LED large screen display systems , firstly in this paper , the structure and working principle of the system was analyzed , and the information disclosure of the system was initially positioned .

  27. LED大屏幕显示系统具有亮度高、重量轻、显示位置精度高等特点,在各种大屏幕显示应用中占有相当大的比例,已成为现代显示科学技术中不可缺少的手段。

    LED large screen display system has characteristics of high brightness , low weight , high precision display location and so on , it takes a large proportion of application of large screen display and has become an integrant part of science and technology .

  28. MPDP无缝拼接大屏幕显示系统在电网调度中的应用

    Application of Large Seamless Display System of MPDP in Network Dispatching System

  29. 大屏幕显示系统采用DLP技术,主要由屏幕投影单元和图像拼接控制系统组成。该技术在津滨轻轨工程中进行了实际应用。

    The large screen projection system , which adopts DLP technology and mainly consists of large screen projection unit and image combination control system , has been applied in Tianjin-Binhai Mass Transit project .

  30. 在深入研究LED大屏幕显示系统结构和灰度实现、伽马校正等工作原理的基础上,提出了采用DVI接口作为数据源、千兆以太网作为传输媒介、FPGA作为主控芯片的总体设计方案。

    On the basis of the structure of the large screen display system and the principle of gray realization , gamma correction , the overall design was proposed , with DVI interfaces as the data source , Gigabit Ethernet as the transmission medium , FPGA as the master chip .