
  • 网络College English Curriculum Requirements;CECR
  1. 2007年出版的《大学英语课程教学要求》着重强调了学生听说能力、交际能力的培养。

    College English Curriculum Requirements published in 2007 especially emphasizes the cultivation of listening , speaking and communicative abilities .

  2. 《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》)把培养学生的英语综合应用能力和增强其自主学习能力作为大学英语教学的主要目标。

    College English Curriculum Requirements ( Requirements ) sets " developing students ' ability to use English in an all-round way " and " enhancing their ability to study independently " as the main objective of College English teaching and learning .

  3. 试论大学英语课程教学要求的基本原则和精神

    On the Basic Principles of the Teaching Requirement for College English

  4. 《大学英语课程教学要求》指导下的大学英语口语教学

    Oral English Teaching under the Guidance of College English Curriculum Requirements

  5. 论贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》的几个关键问题

    Some Essential Problems in the Implementation of the New Course Requirement

  6. 浅议《大学英语课程教学要求》出台的必要性

    On the Necessity of Birth to the College English Teaching Requirement

  7. 解读《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》

    Interpretation of College English Curriculum Requirements ( For Trial Implementation );

  8. 新《大学英语课程教学要求》在应用型本科院校的实施原则

    Implementing Principles of New College English Curriculum Requirements in Applied Undergraduate Institutes

  9. 基于《大学英语课程教学要求》的《新视野大学英语》评价

    An Evaluation of New Horizon College English Based on College English Curriculum Requirements

  10. 大学英语课程教学要求词表修订探讨

    On the vocabulary size of the College English Syllabus

  11. 作为教学改革指导性的文件《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》也已正式出版发行。

    The guiding document College English Curriculum Requirements ( CECR ) has also been published .

  12. 最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》中,突出了听说能力培养在英语学习中的重要地位。

    In the newly published National English Curriculum for College , listening has been highlighted .

  13. 《大学英语课程教学要求》对非英语专业大学生的英语写作能力提出了明确的要求。

    In the College English Curriculum Requirements ( 2004 ), explicit writing requirements are set for non-English majors .

  14. 《大学英语课程教学要求》从试行到实行,提出了基于计算机和课堂的英语教学新模式。

    From trial to implementation , College English Curriculum Requirements has put forward the computer-and classroom-based teaching model .

  15. 在英语学习过程中运用元认知策略,认知策略有利于学习者进行自主学习,以达到《大学英语课程教学要求》的要求。

    An experiment of applying cognitive strategy to college English teaching and its statistical results are reported in this paper .

  16. 随着2004年《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》的修订,英语口语教学受到极大关注。

    With the revise of the College English Curriculum Requirements in 2004 , oral English teaching has drawn great attention .

  17. 文章最后针对新的《大学英语课程教学要求》的目标提出一些关于教学改革的建议。

    Based on the objectives in the new College English Curriculum Requirements , some suggestions on teaching reform have been put forward .

  18. 《大学英语课程教学要求》迫切要求改进大学英语学科的教学模式,这是大学英语学科建设的重要组成部分。

    College English Course Requirement requires the reform of teaching pattern . This is an important component of the college English subject construction .

  19. 我国新的大学英语课程教学要求规定,现在的教学模式应该是充分利用计算机技术,是基于计算机和课堂的英语多媒体教学模式。

    The College English Curriculum states that the new mode of teaching should be computer-based learning , with listening and speaking as the focus .

  20. 在《大学英语课程教学要求》的指导下,国内的许多大学建立起了基于网络的英语自主学习系统。

    In response to College English Curriculum Requirements , many colleges in China built up a web-based autonomous English listening learning ( WAELL ) system .

  21. 2004年出台的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》明确指出听、说两项技能在英语教学中的重要性。

    The importance of listening and speaking skills was emphasized in College English Curriculum Requirements ( For Trial Implementation ) which was published in 2004 .

  22. 我国教育部2004年最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中把培养学生自主学习英语的能力作为教学的主要目标之一。

    The College English Curriculum Requirements ( for Trial Implementation ) published in 2004 places great stress on developing non-English majors ' ability for autonomous learning .

  23. 新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)强调了在当前形势下培养大学生英语听力能力的重要性。

    The newly issued document The College English Curriculum Requirements ( 2004 ) emphasizes on the cultivation of college students ' listening abilities under current situations .

  24. 2004年1月,教育部正式颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》提出了新的教学目标。

    The Ministry of Education issued the College English Curriculum Requirements ( for Trial Implementation ) in 2004.New teaching goals and objectives are put forward in it .

  25. 《大学英语课程教学要求》提倡和强调新的听力教学模式要建立在现代技术上,特别是网络技术上,以此来顺应现实的需要。

    The College English Curriculum Requirements advocated and emphasized that the new listening teaching mode should be built on modern information technology , particularly on network technology .

  26. 2007年《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称《课程要求》)正式公布实施,标志着大学英语教学进入了一个新的发展阶段。

    In 2007 , College English Curriculum Requirements ( Requirements hereafter ) was formally issued and it indicates college English education enters into a new phase of development .

  27. 补偿策略在实现英语综合应用能力教学目标中的运用&对《大学英语课程教学要求》较高层次教学模式的尝试

    Compensatory Strategies in Attaining the Teaching Goal of Comprehensive Applied Competence in English & An attempt at the teaching mode reform of Higher Requirement Level in College English Curriculum Requirements

  28. 依据教学改革指导性文件《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》),对传统教学模式的缺陷进行反思,并尝试提出改造的思路。

    Under the guiding document College English Curriculum Requirements the paper reflects on the shortcomings of the traditional teaching model and tries to put forward some suggestions to reform it .

  29. 该校对《大学英语课程教学要求》所倡导的基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式积极进行校本实践,成效显著,具有典型性和代表性。

    The university has been actively involved in school-based practice in the computer - and classroom-based College English teaching model and made remarkable achievements , hence is typical and representative .

  30. 在实施新型教学模式和贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》过程中进行课堂提问是非常必要的。

    It is also a necessary method in the process of putting a new teaching mode into practice and carrying out " The Teaching Demands of College English Course " .