
  • 网络Multiprobe
  1. 多探头相关仪的特点与应用

    Characteristics and Application of Multiprobe Correlator

  2. 多探头表面化学分析仪

    Multiprobe surface chemical analyzer

  3. 多探头超声C扫描包覆层粘接图像的融合处理

    Fusion Images Processing for Liner-clad Adhesive State for Multi-probes Ultrasonic C-Scanning

  4. 16层多探头CT评估冠状动脉狭窄程度的准确性

    Accuracy of 16-row multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of coronary artery stenosis

  5. 多探头K分割编码结构及循环码编码器研究

    Research on Multi-probe K-partitioning Encoding Structure and an Encoder of Binary Cyclic Code

  6. 用16×0.75准直单元及375ms旋转时间的多探头CT检测冠状动脉狭窄

    Detection of coronary artery stenoses using multi-detector CT with 16 x 0.75 collimation and 375 ms rotation

  7. 基于DSP的自动找平控制系统的研究,为进一步开发多探头超声波自动找平控制系统奠定了基础。

    Through the study of auto leveling DSP control system , lay the foundation of the ultrasonic auto leveling control system study .

  8. 文中介绍了一套基于DSP的多探头超声波成像测井仪器的系统组成、工作原理。

    This paper brings forward a set of multi-probe ultrasonic imaging logging instrument based on DSP and introduces its operating principle and systematic components .

  9. 本文简要介绍了FT-609型多探头放免测定仪的总体设计框图和设计思想;

    An overall design schematic diagram of the instrument model FT-609 and its six composition parts are described in this paper .

  10. 1000mL的大体积预测试适于在多探头、双封隔器的压力测试过程和渗透率极好的地层情况下使用。

    Pretest with a volume over 1000 ml is suitable for use in the pressure test process with multiple probe and twin packer in formation with high permeability .

  11. 多探头连续管材壁厚的高速测量系统

    A System of Multi-detecting Head Continuously Detecting Thickness of Pipe

  12. 基于无线传输的多探头湿度控制仪

    A Humidity Controller Of Wireless Data Transmission With Multi Probe

  13. 多探头超声波车流检测系统的设计

    The Design of Vehicle Flow Testing and Measuring System with Supersonic Multi-probe

  14. 作物活体多探头测量仪的研制

    The multiple - probe measurer was made in living crops

  15. 高精度多探头磁场测量系统

    Multi-probe magnetic field measuring system with high precision

  16. 水耦合高能多探头超声动态检测系统

    A testing system consisting of a water-spraying coupler and a high-energy multi-channel ultrasonic inspection probe

  17. 多探头γ计数器道间探测效率差异的归一化校正和动态跟随

    Dynamic Normalization and Dynamic Following of Differences Between Channels of Micro-Computer Multi Detector γ Counter

  18. 本论文将窄角扇束扫描看成是多探头的平行束扫描。

    This paper regards narrow fan - beam scan mode as multi-detector parallel beam scan mode .

  19. 采用该找平系统对单探头和多探头找平方式进行了对比试验,结果表明多探头方式找平效果优于单探头方式;

    Comparison test result shows that the leveling effect of multi-probe is more effective than single-probe .

  20. 多探头全身计数器探测效率随体模大小的变化及修正

    Variation of detection efficiency of a fixed 4 detector whole body counter with the dimension of phantom

  21. 基于模糊积分的信息融合方法,实现了多探头非视觉信息、人的感知信息及视觉信息的融合。

    By information fusion of fuzzy integral , fusing multisensor non-vision , human 's perceiving information and vision information were realized .

  22. 以4种高粱类型中的12个材料为试材,用多探头温度自动测定记录仪研究了高粱植株表面温度的变化规律。

    Daily changing of plant surface temperature of 12 varieties coming from 4 types of sorghum was tested by using multi-probe thermoscope and automatograph .

  23. 介绍了基于光缆进行数据传输的多探头超声波成像测井仪的工作原理、系统组成以及操作控制软件。

    This paper describes the operating principle , system composition and operation control software of Multiprobe ultrasonic imaging tool based on fiber-optic cable data transmission .

  24. 核测井是当前油藏动态监测首选的地层评价技术,多探头、多方法组合脉冲中子测井是其发展方向;

    Nuclear logging is a preferable formation evaluation technology in current reservoir dynamic monitoring . Multiprobe , pulse neutron multi-combination logging is in the development trend .

  25. 为消除声速测量偏差给声发射系统带来的定位误差,本文提出一种多探头定位方法。

    In order to eliminate the locating error for acoustic emission system due to the sonic speed measurement deviation , a new multi-probe locating method is proposed .

  26. 这对研发医院用的超声波多探头治疗仪,以及对研究利用超声波进行高能冲击波治癌、体外超声波碎石等奠定了良好基础,具有广阔的应用前景。

    It will establish good basement to supersonic waves multi-probe equipment using in hospital , using high energy shock waves to curing cancer and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy .

  27. 高强度聚焦超声治疗是采用多探头高能聚焦超声装置,对靶组织发射聚焦超声波,使靶组织内产生高温,进行治疗,可直接使肿瘤达到凝固性坏死。

    High Intensity Focused Ultrasonic technology () is a branch of the medicine-physics . It makes high intensity ultrasonic energy on the focus to act on target tissue .

  28. 本文介绍了一种多探头输入利用无线数据进行传输的湿度控制仪,给出了单元电路图和程序流程图。

    In this paper , we introduce a humidity controller using wireless data transmission system with multi-probe , and present the unit circuit and the program flow chart .

  29. 利用室内水槽模拟大气对流边界层,并用多探头测量和光学方法测量分析夹卷层的夹卷过程和温度场结构。

    A water convection tank is used to simulate the atmospheric convective boundary layer , and the entrainment processes and temperature structure are analyzed with help of multi-probe temperature sensors and optics method .

  30. 喷淋水耦合多探头高能超声动态检测系统能对各种刚性管材各处的壁厚进行高速、连续的探测,系统检测效果取决于对回波信号的处理。

    Multi-probe and high energy dynamic ultrasonic testing system with water-spraying coupling can continuously measure wall thickness of various kinds of pipe at high-speed . But testing effect depends on processing of return wave signal .