
wài zī yín hánɡ
  • foreign banks
  1. 外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。

    Credit from foreign banks is drying up

  2. 加入WTO后我国对外资银行的监管策略研究

    The Study of Strategy of Controlling Foreign Banks After China Joining the WTO

  3. 我在一家外资银行做会计。

    I 'm an accountant at a foreign bank .

  4. WTO体制下外资银行市场准入监管法律制度研究

    The Study of Foreign Capital Bank Market Access Supervising and Managing Law System under WTO System

  5. 中国加入WTO后,面临着与外资银行竞争的强大压力。

    As entering into the WTO China faces a big pressure , when competing with banks with foreign capital .

  6. 中国已加入WTO,四年后外资银行将享受与中资银行同等待遇。

    China has been joined WTO , so foreign banks will share the equality right in the four years .

  7. 随着世界经济一体化和金融全球化的发展,全球银行业之间的竞争越来越激烈,特别是中国加入WTO后,外资银行的强势登陆给中国银行业带来更为持续、直接的压力。

    With the world economic integration and financial globalization , the competition among global banking become more and more intense .

  8. 加入WTO,中国银行业与外资银行相比,面临着巨大的冲击和挑战,外资银行也同时给我国银行业带来了新的发展机遇。

    With the entrance to WTO , China 's banking system will face tremendous attacks and challenges , compared with foreign-funded banks .

  9. 在华组建合资券商的外资银行正日渐增多,其中包括瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)。

    RBS joins a growing list of foreign banks forming securities JVs in China , including Credit Suisse .

  10. 加入WTO后,国有商业银行将与外资银行在业务、人才等方面展开激烈竞争。

    After entering WTO , the state owned commercial banks will compete violently with the foreign commercial banks in both business and talents ' market and other fields .

  11. 面对国内竞争主体的增加和加入WTO后对外资银行业务经营限制的取消,国有银行面临着前所未有的严峻挑战。

    With the increase of domestic competition and the cancellation of limit for foreign banks ' account executive , the state-owned bank is facing the unprecedented stern challenge .

  12. 加入WTO以后,外资银行将以雄厚的资金实力,低廉的资金成本和优质的服务与我国商业银行展开激烈竞争。

    After China joins WTO , foreign capital bank is going to compete with commercial bank of China by abundant capital , low cost and service in high quality .

  13. 加入WTO,随着外资银行取得国民待遇,国内银行必须以同一规则为标准进行公平竞争。

    After joining WTO , and as the foreign – funded banks obtain the equivalent national treatments , the domestic banks must carry on the fair competition following the identical rules .

  14. 随着中国加入WTO和2006年外资银行的全面进入,我国商业银行正面临着巨大的挑战。

    With China 's accession to WTO and the expected overall entrance of foreign capital banks into China in2006 , the commercial banks in China will be faced with enormous challenges .

  15. 为了履行加入世贸组织(wto)带来的义务,中国在2007年开始允许外资银行开始在中国内地开展人民币业务。

    In order to fulfil its obligations from its entry into the World Trade Organisation , China this year allowed foreign banks to begin offering local currency services on the mainland .

  16. 随着我国加入WTO的临近,外资银行将逐步对中国银行业构成竞争威胁,国内银行业间的竞争也越来越激烈。

    As the deadline for China to join the WTO and the threats brought by foreign banks are getting closer , competition between banks in our country will be more intense .

  17. 随着加入WTO后全面开放金融业,外资银行已经可以开展人民币业务并与国内商业银行处于同一竞争舞台上。

    With the accession to full liberalization of the financial sector after the WTO , foreign banks can conduct RMB business has been with domestic commercial banks at the same competitive arena .

  18. 2006年底我国履行对WTO的承诺、实现对外资银行的国民待遇,这使得信用卡市场的竞争无疑愈加激烈。

    By the end of 2006 , China has already authorized foreign banks to enjoy the national treatment that means our credit card market has been suffered an even more intense competition .

  19. 而我国加入WTO后,金融业开放的领域不为扩大,外资银行的进入,我国国有商业银行将面临巨大的挑战,国有商业银行的的改革也势在必行。

    After China 's entry into WTO and its commitment to open more financial sectors to foreign countries , the reformation of national commercial banks takes the center stage in financial institutional reformation .

  20. 试图提出完善问题外资银行退市法律制度的可行建议,建立一个符合WTO规则的外资银行退市法律制度。

    Trying to put forward to a possible proposal to sound the legal system of weak foreign banks delisting , establish the market withdrawal legal system of weak foreign banks to comply with WTO rules .

  21. 自2001年加入WTO以来,中国银行业的市场化和国际化水平日益提高,外资银行的涌入和国内股份制银行的快速发展使中国银行业竞争日趋激烈和复杂。

    Since joining WTO in 2001 , marketization and internationalization of banking of China have been improved gradually , which presents that entrance of foreign banks and development of domestic commercial banks bring forth drastic and complicated competition .

  22. 预计包括荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)在内的其它几家外资银行也将很快申请在中国注册。

    Several other foreign banks , including ABN Amro , are expected to soon apply for local incorporation .

  23. 在外资银行进入的商务环境下,客户关系管理(CRM)已成为增强我国商业银行竞争力的关键。

    With the foreign capital bank coming our country , Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) has already become the key to improve core competing ability of our country 's commercial bank .

  24. 包括摩根大通(JPMorgan)和巴克莱(Barclays)在内的数家外资银行,正争先恐后地在中国内地申请证券合资企业牌照,以便承销首次公开发行(IPO),并交易中国国内股票。

    Several foreign banks , including JPMorgan and Barclays , are scrambling to obtain mainland licences for securities joint ventures able to underwrite initial public offerings and trade domestic stocks .

  25. 很多外资银行进行了大笔投资,但回报却不高,这主要是因为中国股市表现较为低迷以及国有大型银行首次公开发行(IPO)减少。

    Many foreign banks have invested a lot without seeing much in return , particularly given relatively lacklustre performances by the stock market and the fall in initial public offerings of big state banks .

  26. 随着中国加入WTO,随着外资银行逐渐进入中国,国有商业银行要在这场日益激烈的国际竞争中立足脚跟,就必须尽快完善贷款风险分类、提高信贷风险的管理水平。

    Along with the bank of foreign capital come in , because of entry into WTO , we must perfect credit risk classification as soon as possible if the commercial bank of China want to keep its legs among the drastically competition .

  27. 文章以外资银行在中国的产生与发展为红线,对WTO下加强对外资银行监管的必要性进行了探析,并分析了WTO下我国外资银行监管面临的新挑战。

    This article , taking the initiating and developing of foreign bank as the main thread , digs into the necessity of strengthening the supervision of foreign banks under WTO , and analyzes the new challenges we are to face to supervise of foreign banks .

  28. 我们采用变截距模型和固定效应模型对外资银行进入的影响进行GLS估计。

    We take the variable intercept model and fixed effect model to carry out GLS estimate of the impact of foreign banks ' entrance .

  29. 随着我国金融市场的改革开放,国内中小股份制商业银行纷纷崛起,特别是加入WTO后外资银行通过多种渠道进入我国金融市场,致使原四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面不复存在。

    With the reform and opening of Chinese financial market , the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank are rising in China , the foreign-funded banks enter into Chinese financial market via many channels , which leading the stated-owned commercial bank cannot control Chinese banking industry anymore .

  30. iii.未获准经营人民币业务的外资银行在开立信用证及保函时,不得向客户收取人民币保证金。

    III.A foreign bank , without the approval for operating the renminbi business , may not collect the deposits in RMB from clients when opening a letter of credit or letter of guarantee .