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wài qī
  • royal relatives on the distaff side;relatives of a king or emperor on the side of his mother or wife
外戚 [wài qī]
  • [relatives of a king or an emperor on the side of his mother or wife] 指帝王的母亲和后妃的亲族

  1. 辽外戚萧和家族世系表新补

    Supplement to the table of XIAO He family pedigree

  2. 宋代的后妃外戚既自我限制,又相互约束。

    In Song Dynasty , imperial concubine and relative both self-limiting , and restrains mutually .

  3. 两晋时期的后妃外戚与士族政治密切相关。

    During Jin Dynasty , imperial concubine and relative were closely related to the gentry .

  4. 这使得摄者王成为必须,大权落入太监和皇后外戚手中。

    These necessitated regencies and power fell into the hands of eunuchs and empresses " relatives .

  5. 论卫霍外戚集团与西汉中期政治

    A Discussion of Emperor 's Kin Group WEI HUO And The Metaphase Political In The West Han Dynasty

  6. 公元189年,灵帝亡,刘辩即位,宦官和外戚展开新一轮权力争夺。

    In 189 Liu Bian came into the power after the death of Ling Emperor , his father .

  7. 外戚与宦官的斗争循环往复,在安、顺、桓帝时也都发生过。

    Such pattern repeated constantly , and the reign of Emperors An , Shun and Huan had no exception , either .

  8. 但是当那些儒家贵族看到外戚与太监们在后来继位的皇帝统治时互相争权夺利就把社会的腐败全部归因于太监。

    however Confucian scholar gentry turned on eunuchs for their corrupted authorities when consort clans and eunuchs struggled for power in subsequent reigns .

  9. 公元581年,北周外戚杨坚废静帝自立,改国号为隋,是为文帝,北朝结束。最终由隋文帝杨坚灭南朝陈,重新统一了中国。

    In 581 , Yang Jian , a family member of Northern Zhou 's empress usurped the throne and changed the name to the Sui .

  10. 宦官都来自社会底层,一旦外戚无法控制软弱的皇帝,他们就会趁机取得实权。

    Once consort dans couldn 't hold on power over weak emperors , eunuchs , who were all from the bottom of society , would take opportunity to obtain the power .

  11. 并在吸收前辈学者们的研究成果过程中,提出一些新的看法和观点,以期对今后的外戚专权研究有一点参考作用。

    And senior scholars in the absorption of research results of the process , put forward some new views and perspectives to the right post on the future of Dukes reference point .

  12. 皇帝死后,太子继位,之后又是另一波外戚开始掌权,东汉政局就是在这样一种历史循环中前进。

    After the death of the old emperor , prince succeeded after , and another wave of relatives began step to the political stage for Dong Han politics in such historical cycle .

  13. 主要表现在:1、选官的限制性法规遭到破坏,选拔人才标准的天平向外戚、宦官势力和世家大族势力倾斜。

    Main performance : 1 、 The restrictive laws in choosing officials encountered breakage and the standards which talents were selected by was more helpful to outside relatives , eunuchs and noble families .

  14. 大抵而言,延平、永初之际形成了以邓后为权力核心,以邓氏外戚、宫省宦官势力和儒学朝臣为主导力量的持重保守的中枢格局。

    In the end the central government , Empress Deng as the core , her maiden family , the eunuches in the court and the ministers as the main parts , took shape .

  15. 东汉中后期,外戚宦官专政、朝政混乱,社会风气日渐衰微等矛盾突出,思想家们都在积极探索适合的社会统治方式。

    Relatives of the late Eastern Han Dynasty eunuch dictatorship , court politics confusion , contradictions , such as the social atmosphere of our decaying prominent thinkers are actively exploring ways appropriate rule society .

  16. 西汉时皇帝虽也依赖身边的大臣,但能像霍氏和王氏那样专权的外戚只是个别现象。

    In the Western Han , even though emperors relied on individual followers , it was rare for consort clans like families Huo and Wang to seize great power to interfere with the state affairs .

  17. 在此基础上分析其历史条件、历史命运、途径、特点、防范措施、影响、外戚与宦官的关系以及外戚专权与皇权的关系等。

    On the basis of its historical conditions , historical fate , means , characteristics , preventive measures , the impact of the relationship between the Dukes and the eunuchs and the Dukes authoritarian and imperial power relations .

  18. 太后临朝听政,实是依靠娘家的父兄掌权,因此往往是大权旁落,外戚势力集团左右朝政。

    Therefore , reigns of government had to be held by empress regents , in fact who usually relied on their clansmen . Naturally , the power were lost , and the consort clans manipulated the imperial court .

  19. 作为汉后期的君主,出现了鲜明的低龄化特征,这纵然与封建皇位继承制度有关,但同时也与腐朽的外戚宦官群体相关联。

    The late monarch as the Han , there has been a distinctive characteristic of a younger age , which even if the succession of the throne and the feudal system , but also with the rotten relatives associated eunuch groups .

  20. 小皇帝年长之后,为摆脱外戚的控制,就向身边的宦官寻求帮助,继而宦官又掌大权。

    When a young emperor grew up , he tried to break away from the control of the empress * s family , seeking the support of eunuchs close to him . Consequently , eunuchs replaced consort clans to seize the power .

  21. 东汉的后妃干政、外戚擅权都始于西北大族,外戚政治更是在西北大族手中到达巅峰,宦官的崛起也与此有着千丝万缕的联系。

    This phenomenon that concubines and Dukes interference in domestic affairs , had all began in the northwestern clan . Dukes ' politics is to reach its peak in the Northwest Han period . The rising of eunuchs is also inextricably linked with this .

  22. 东汉时,皇帝则是不得不仰仗外戚,否则将无法维持自己的政权,因为大多数嫔妃出身贵族或豪门。与西汉不同的另一点是东汉时宦官专权。

    On the contrary , a ruler in the Eastern Han had to depend on clans , otherwise , he couldn 't maintain the sovereignty , for most consorts came from the upper class or rich and powerful families . Another difference was that eunuchs arrogated power .

  23. 由于外戚和宦官操纵政治,垄断选举,使吏治更加腐败,社会矛盾更加尖锐,封建社会的伦理观和价值观也严重扭曲,从而进一步影响到东汉后期选官制度的变化。

    Because outside relatives and eunuchs manipulated the politics as well as the election , this made official more corrupt and society contradiction sharper and the ethics and values of the feudalistic society were distorted seriously . The entire thing affected further the variety of choosing officer system .

  24. 外戚专权是封建社会常有的历史现象,它随着中国政治制度史的不断深入研究而被学者们重视的,外戚专权的研究有助于我们认识和掌握封建社会的政治制度的本质和规律。

    Dukes feudal autocracy is often historical phenomenon , it is the history of the Chinese political system as the deepening of being scholars emphasize the importance of the right of Dukes specifically help us to understand and grasp the political system of feudal society , the nature and law .

  25. 汉章帝以后,东汉政府一直处于宦官与外戚的权力斗争之中,这两大集团力量的互相斗争,每一次的战争无不伴随大规模的杀戮,严重削弱了东汉帝国的势力。

    The end of the Han Dynasty was followed by a long period of disunity and constant civil wars between eunuch and relatives of the emperor 's wife . The leaders of the kingdoms strove to reunite the empire and therefore massacre of killing greatly weakened the governing of the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  26. 王氏家族的崛起和篡位:新朝的创立者王莽是利用西汉末年政治腐败,通过外戚专政来夺取皇位的。

    Chinese historians call this period as the Eastern Han . The rise and reign of the Wang Clan : Avdling himself of the political corrup-tion in the later years of the Western Han , Wang Mang , the founder of the Xin Dynasty , usurped the throne through consort clans monopolizing power .

  27. 史学家通常将这一时期分为三个阶段:汉高祖、文帝、景帝实行的“修养生息”的巩固期;汉武帝加强中央集权的鼎盛时期;外戚王氏篡权的后期。

    It is usually divided into three stages by historians : the time of consolidation by Emperors Han Gaozu , Wendi and Jingdi ; the zenith period of centralizing power by King Wu of Han , and the late period of replacement of the imperial power by the mighty consort clan of the Wang .

  28. 公元146年,桓帝在位时,这一斗争出现了转折点。宦官的权利达到无以复加的地步,在朝廷中掀起更大的波澜,形成东汉王朝后期的宦官与外戚专权的格局。

    The year 146 , when Emperor Huan came to the throne , it was a turning point at which palace eunuchs began to rise to supremacy , causing even greater upheavals in the court . The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its last stage when consort clans and eunuchs had the imperial power in hands .