
  • 网络History of Foreign Literature;History of the Foreign Literature
  1. 关于外国文学史重构的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Reconstruction of the History of Foreign Literature

  2. 关于外国文学史教材编写的几个问题

    Some Problems on Compiling Textbooks of the History of Foreign Literature

  3. 外国文学史教材的撰写与学术承担

    The Writing and Academy Bearing of Foreign Literature History Textbooks

  4. 新时期以来外国文学史教材编写中所存在的几个问题

    Some Problems Exist in History of Foreign Literature Teaching Material Compiling since New Period

  5. 在《外国文学史》课堂教学中有效实施双语教学初探

    An Tentative Probe into the Application of the Bilingual Teaching approach in the Foreign Literature History Classes

  6. 外国文学史课程研究型教学探索

    Exploration on How to Develop Research-Oriented Teaching in the Course of " History of Foreign Literature "

  7. 《外国文学史》戏剧表演课型的特色与创新

    The Character and Innovation of " the Class Type of Drama Performance " for the Foreign Literature History

  8. 外国文学史勾勒了外国文学遗产的重要名单。

    The course books of such foreign literary history outline the most important names in foreign literary heritage .

  9. 建构二元关系辨识语境语词&《外国文学史》教学实践经验点滴

    Constructing the Dualistic Relation and Discriminating Words and Phrases from the Context & On Teaching Practice of The History of Foreign Literature

  10. 大学本科段外国文学史课程的教学,可以采用一种对话与选择的施教方式。主要讨论文学思潮和语词概念两个层面上的对话与选择。

    The attitude of dialogue and choosing may be adopted in teaching The History of Foreign Literature in the course of undergraduate .

  11. 学科调整中的一个困惑&高师院校外国文学史不该取消

    A Puzzle in the Adjustment of Disciplines - A Trial Discussion on the Wrong Cancelation of the History of Foreign Literature in Highter Teachers Colleges

  12. 最终斯奈德翻译的24首的寒山诗被编入美国外国文学史和文学选集中,完成了其经典化的过程。

    The 24 Han Shan poems translated by Snyder eventually make its way into the American foreign literature and anthologies accomplishing its way towards canonization .

  13. 但这也在客观上表明,中文系传统的外国文学史课程及教学应该加快改革。

    However , to some extent , it also shows the reform of the course of foreign literary history should be sped up and deepened .

  14. 改革的思路就是用中国翻译文学史来改造外国文学史课程,而不能将外语系的国别文学史照搬和移植到中文系来。

    Instead of transplanting national literary history in the department of foreign languages , an effective resolution to this challenge is to substitute this course with the history of Chinese translation literature .

  15. 第一个时期的文学史编写还不能摆脱建国以后形成的固定思维模式,第二个阶段开始,我国的外国文学史编写呈现多元化趋势。

    The writing of foreign literary history before 1985 still could not abandon the rigescent mode of thinking , while after 1985 the upsurge of foreign literary history took on a polydirectional look .

  16. 因此,对瞿秋白研究文学史成果的考辨,不仅能够凸现瞿秋白在外国文学史研究上的地位,而且还能够追溯一种文学史撰写方式的发展演进过程。

    Therefore , an investigation of the achievement of Ju Qiu-bai 's literary history studies can not only display Ju 's position in terms of foreign literary history studies but also trace the evolutionary process of an approach to writing literary history .

  17. 刘建军教授认为,国内的外国文学史理论形态没有根本性改变有多方面的原因,最关键的是让读者无法确定其所解释的文学现象是现代的而不是传统的。

    Liu believes that there is no radical change in theories about foreign literary history yet , and the most important reason lies in that the existing theories do not provide a modern interpretation of all the literary phenomena in the history .

  18. 在越南整个外国文学译介史上,鲁迅译介工作领先于其他外国著名文学家的译介。

    In the entire Vietnamese history of foreign literature translation , the translated works of Lu Xun has prevailed over those of other foreign writers ' works .

  19. 近年来我国出版了不少翻译史研究的专著,为我们今后的研究提供了有关外国文学翻译史的大量详尽、精确的研究资料。

    Plenty of monographs on Chinese translation history have been published in recent years in our country and have provided us with a large quantity of detailed , accurate research materials on translation history of foreign literature for our future research .