
  1. 第二章讨论复杂节奏的定义和其在小说中的体现。

    The second chapter discusses the definition and the use of difficult rhythm in this novel .

  2. 第三章进一步分析小说中简单节奏和复杂节奏的运用是怎样表现出联结和分裂的主题。

    The third chapter examines how easy and difficult rhythms reflect the themes of connection and separation in this novel .

  3. 主要介绍节奏感的几种训练方法以及详细分析了复杂节奏的来源过程及训练过程。

    The paper introduces several training techniques concerning rhythmization and analyses in detail original process of complex rhythm and training process .

  4. 在每一个行业,商务环境都正在变得更为复杂、节奏更快,而且不可预测。

    Across every industry , the business environment is becoming more complex , fast paced , and unpredictable .

  5. 我很耐心地教他弹钢琴,当遇到一些很复杂的节奏时,他显出要放弃的样子,说;

    I teach him to play the piano very patiently , when meets some very complex rhythm , he appears the appearance which must give up , said ;

  6. 研究了不同拍子与相同节奏型的规律以及针对复杂节拍与节奏型的结合规律,以更好地表现作品音乐风格的可变性。

    The combination rules of meter and rhythmic combination are studied in order to show the variability of the styles of musical works .

  7. 在商业领域中,数据量庞大而复杂,快节奏的事务处理对数据库系统的性能提出了新的要求。

    In commercial areas , the amount of data is huge and complex , and fast-paced transaction processing puts forward a new requirement on the performance of database systems .

  8. 由于社会竞争的日趋激烈、人际关系的日益复杂、生活节奏加快,加重了大学生的心理负担,大学生心理健康问题已成为高校教育关注的焦点。

    As the increasing fierce competition and complexity of human relationships , the quickening pace of modern life , college students mental health problems has become the focus of higher education .

  9. 决策问题涉及到各个领域、各个层面,形式复杂多样,节奏快速多变,决策失误造成的影响将更大。

    The decision-making issue involve in various fields and levels , which have complex , diverse forms and fast , ever-changing rhythm , so the impact of errors caused by decision-making would be greater .

  10. 例如新颖的动机语汇、复杂的节拍与节奏、调式的模糊和多调性以及丰富的和声色彩等方面。

    For example , the motives of new vocabulary , complex rhythms and rhythm , the fuzzy mode and multi-tonal harmony and rich colors and so on .