
  • 网络backup device;SQL Server;Pencil&Paper.sys
  1. 找不到备份设备。请检查设备连接和电源情况。

    Backup device not found . Check device connection and power .

  2. 备份设备报告无法恢复的硬件错误。

    The backup device reported an unrecoverable hardware error .

  3. 物理卷也可能是通过VirtualI/OServer表示的SAN逻辑单元号(LUNs)或文件备份设备。

    The physical volumes may be SAN logical unit numbers ( LUNs ) or file-backed devices presented via the Virtual I / O Server .

  4. 忽略选项仅对磁带备份设备有效。

    Skip option is only valid for tape backup devices .

  5. 对备份设备事先进行定义将减少执行升级所需的时间。

    Having backup devices defined will reduce the time required to perform upgrades .

  6. 而且他表示加纳有备份设备。

    And he said Ghana has back-up equipment .

  7. 要删除下列备份设备吗?

    Should the following backup devices be deleted ?

  8. 无法定位指派的媒体或备份设备。会终止该备份操作。

    Cannot locate the assigned media or backup device . This backup operation will terminate .

  9. 在安装完成之后,我们即可开始配置备份设备和备份作业。

    Once installed , we are now ready to configure our backup device and backup job .

  10. 方法A仍然可行,即便在使用文件备份设备的虚拟环境中。

    Method A is still possible , even in virtualized environments via the use of File-Backed devices .

  11. 该类媒体无法用备份设备进行格式化。请插入其他媒体以继续。

    This media type cannot be formatted by the backup device . Please insert another media to continue .

  12. 找不到任何设备。是否需要配置高速备份设备控制器?

    No Devices Found . Do you have a high speed backup device controller which you would like to configure ?

  13. 要创建紧急恢复磁盘,请选择备份设备使用的适配器类型。

    To create your Emergency Recovery Diskette ( s ), select the type of adapter used by your backup device .

  14. 这是很容易添加保护机器,共享的备份设备和管理从一个简单的界面这一切。

    It is easy to add machines for protection , share backup devices and manage all this from a simple interface .

  15. 备份设备没有响应。请确定设备是否处于运行状态,电缆是否已连接。

    The backup device is not responding . Please check to make sure the device is on , the cables are connected .

  16. 如果您不能进入备份设备,在继续前安装此设备的驱动器。查看您的设备说明书以获得更多信息。

    If you cannot access your backup device , install the drivers for this device before continuing . To do this , follow the instructions in your device documentation .

  17. 确定在上一步中所标识文件的位置。这些文件用于标识备份设备,并将复制到紧急恢复磁盘上。

    Locate the files that you identified in previous steps . These files identify your backup device , and will be copied to your Emergency Recovery Diskette ( s ) .

  18. 您可以找到几乎包括任何应用程序的虚拟设备&从防火墙和安全设备再到服务器、备份设备和存储应用程序(包括复制和归档)。

    You can find virtual appliances that cover almost any application , from firewalls and security appliances to servers , backup appliances , and storage applications ( including replication and archival ) .

  19. 介绍了硬拷贝技术在备份医疗设备系统中的应用,探索了一种新的备份方式,从而解决了UNIX系统等难备份的问题。

    Describes the application of hardcopy technology in the backup of medical equipment system , and discusses a kind of new backup method so as to solve the problem to do the backup of UNIX system , etc.

  20. 本文介绍了用DDCOPY软件备份医疗设备专业操作系统的方法、命令行参数、实用举例等。

    This article introduces a way to backup the professional operating system in medical equipment by using DDCOPY software , command line parameters , and typical examples , etc.

  21. 备份移动设备的所有文件、数据和设置。

    Backs up all mobile device files , data , and settings .

  22. 本文介绍了用GHOST软件来备份数字化医疗设备的系统软件、应用软件及各种参数的方法,方便快捷,非常实用。

    This paper introduces a useful and simple way to backup the operating software , application software and all kind of parameter of digital medical equipments by using GHOST .

  23. 在图中添加盒式磁带或表示备份系统的设备。

    Adds a tape cartridge to your diagram , or represents a backup system .

  24. 本质上,StorageManager服务器是通过适合于备份该环境的设备来配置的。

    Essentially a Storage Manager Server is configured with the devices appropriate to back up the environment .

  25. 要使用tar来把除/proc目录之外的整个文件系统备份到SCSI磁带设备

    To back up the entire file system using tar to a SCSI tape drive , excluding the / proc directory

  26. 可以将新备份数据追加到设备中的任意现有备份数据,或者覆盖任意现有备份数据。

    You can append new backups to any existing backups on a device , or overwrite any existing backups .

  27. 可从“已备份的非活动设备”列表中选择设备,然后单击“还原”,将它们的注册表信息移回到原来的位置。

    You can select devices in the " backed-up inactive devices " list and click " restore " to move their registry information back to the original location .

  28. 必须为备份或恢复指定备份设备。

    You must specify a backup device for Backup or Restore .

  29. 可以使用该实用程序创建一个外部快照,然后将该快照备份到磁带等备份设备。

    This will create an external snapshot and then perform a backup of that snapshot to a backup device such as tape .

  30. 本文从网络分层设计模型、链路备份、路由协议备份、网络设备备份角度出发,探讨园区网可靠性的解决方案。

    This article discusses the solutions of the Campus Networks 's reliability from the network delamination design model , the link backup , the network equipment backup .