
chǔ nǚ zuò
  • Virgo;Spica;Virginis;Virgo Shaka
  1. 在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。

    Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury , Virgo works hard to stability .

  2. 我不是处女座的、我是典型的天蝎座!

    I 'm not a Virgo , I am a typical scorpio !

  3. 处女座的人一定会把自己打点得毫无瑕疵。

    Virgos make sure they never have a hair out of place .

  4. 处女座:认真对待一对一的这种关系。

    Everything is leaning toward getting involved in a serious one-on-one relationship .

  5. 处女座都是勤奋、可靠并有洁癖的人。

    Virgo 's are work , security and cleanliness oriented .

  6. 根据星座来看,她跟白羊座和处女座的人比较合得来。

    According to the zodiac she is compatible with Aries and Virgo .

  7. 天秤-处女:不般配的一对。实际的处女座从不满足你的要求。

    No Way ! The practical Virgoan will never satisfy your desires .

  8. 她是处女座的。处女座的人是很好的倾听者。

    She 's a Virgo , Virgos are great listeners .

  9. 处女座的人需要人们的关注,崇拜和答谢。

    Virgos need to receive a lot attention , adoration and gratitude .

  10. 处女座的人只在乎对他们重要的人。

    Virgos are only affected by the people who matter to them .

  11. 宙斯感动于这份特别的爱情,将天上的一个星座封为处女座以纪念泊瑟芬为人间所做的一切。

    Zeus decided to call one of the constellations Virgo to remember Posefen .

  12. 处女座穿着熨帖的套装,逢人便说自己是簿记员。

    Virgo wears a neatly-pressed suit and tells everyone they 're a bookkeeper .

  13. 处女座:把事情看开点每个人都有把事情弄糟的时候。

    Virgo : be easy People mess up sometimes .

  14. 不切实际的你简直在考验处女座的耐心。

    You are impractical and this will really try the Virgoan 's patience .

  15. 处女座受到攻击时,喜欢反击。

    Virgo likes to attack back when confronted .

  16. 不要吃:处女座爱巧克力,可惜它不爱他们;

    Don 't Eat : Virgoans love chocolate which unfortunately does not love them ;

  17. 认真的处女座人能做好各种服务类的工作。

    Attentive Virgos do best in service-oriented jobs .

  18. 胡忻处女座的女人

    Hu xin : a woman belonging to Virgo

  19. 处女座的礼物并不像像精美的包装一样华丽。

    Virgo 's gifts don 't matter quite so much as their impeccable wrapping .

  20. 处女座的人从来不会对自己满意。

    Virgos are never completely satisfied with themselves .

  21. 那没关系。处女座的人总帮助他们不认识的人。

    That 's ok , Virgos are always helping people they don 't know .

  22. 处女座的人一般以做事讲求实际出名。

    Virgos are commonly known for being practical .

  23. 这样的组合往往以处女座的妥协告终。

    This combo takes a lot of compromise on the part of the Virgoan .

  24. 对于处女座,土星主办的第2宫可以在财政问题。

    For Virgo , hosting Saturn in the second house can be financially problematic .

  25. 我猜你是处女座。

    I bet you are a Virgo .

  26. 睿智而谦虚的处女座

    Virgo : Be Intellectual and Be Modest

  27. 处女座按照自己的原则过活而天秤座并非如此。

    Virgo lives according to her / his rules while Libra is absolutely different creature .

  28. 处女座可能会发现百科全书、自助书籍或健身书籍很有趣。

    You actually find the encyclopedia exciting and read self-help and fitness books for fun .

  29. 处女座的人非常聪明、有教养。

    Virgos are very bright and educated .

  30. 我也是处女座的。

    I am a Virgo , too .