
  • overseas merger and acquisition
  1. 中国企业境外并购透视

    An Overview of Chinese Enterprises M & A Overseas

  2. 其次介绍了目前实践中采用最为广泛的几种境外并购形式。

    Then describes the current practice followed by the most widely used form of several cross-border mergers and acquisitions .

  3. 同时希望能为我国企业跨出国门,进行境外并购,提出一些有益的借鉴。

    Simultaneously can go abroad for our country Enterprise , carries on the foreign merger and acquisition , and proposes some beneficial models .

  4. 尽管每一位受访咨询公司负责人都预期,中国企业明年会需要境外并购方面的帮助,但他们仍表示需要谨慎行事。

    While every consulting leader interviewed expected Chinese companies to need support with outbound M & a next year , caution was also expressed .

  5. 与此同时,我国一些国有企业境外并购因遭遇当地国家安全审查而被搁浅。

    At the same time , some of our state-owned enterprises suspend their mergers and acquisitions overseas just because of the local security review .

  6. 在归纳国内立法与借鉴国际先进立法经验的基础上,提出了完善我国境外并购的相应之法律对策。

    Reference in the sum of domestic legislation with international advanced on the basis of legislative experience , proposed mergers and acquisitions abroad in the appropriate legal measures .

  7. 中国企业今年的境外并购交易集中在亚洲和欧洲,而在南美和非洲的资源驱动型交易则较去年大幅减少。

    The deals made out of China this year focused on Asian and European targets , while the number of resource-driven deals into South America and Africa fell off sharply from 2010 .

  8. 企业在确定境外并购意向后,须及时向商务部及地方省级商务主管部门和国家外汇管理局及地方省级外汇管理部门报告。

    The enterprises shall timely report intended overseas mergers acquisition to the Ministry of commerce , provincial commerce regulation authorities , the State Administration of foreign exchange and provincial foreign exchange regulation authorities after the intent of mergers acquisition is decided .

  9. 她说:2009年第一季度过后你会发现,随着现金充裕的中国企业寻求在大宗商品周期底部收购资产,资源领域的境外并购活动将会复苏。

    After the first quarter of 2009 , you will see a resurgence of outbound M & A activity in the resources sector as cash-rich , Chinese companies look to buy assets at the bottom of the commodity cycle , she said .

  10. 根据普华永道最新调查结果,今年上半年,中国企业境外并购交易数量为107宗,同比增长了14%,创半年度新纪录。

    Chinese groups made 107 outbound merger and acquisition deals in the first half of this year , a 14 per cent increase from last year and a new record for the period , according to new research by PwC , the consultancy .

  11. 投资者对于境外跨境并购开始变得冷淡。

    Investors began to cool towards outbound cross-border mergers .

  12. 谷歌近期向美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission)提交的文件显示,它计划利用大部分境外资金进行海外并购。

    Google has said it plans to use most of its offshore funds to make acquisitions abroad , according to a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission .