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  • Basic symbols;symbol base
  1. 详细论述了图形建模设计中的MO基本符号类、电力元件符号类及结构;

    The MO basic symbol class and electric element class are described in detail , as well as their structures .

  2. 意象:艺术语言的基本符号

    Image : the Basic Sign of the Artistic Language

  3. 第二节是基本符号、数、名、量、值。

    Section 2 consists of basic symbols , numbers , names , quantities and values .

  4. GB/T3178-1982ALGOL语言基本符号的硬件表示法

    Hardware representation of ALGOL basic symbols

  5. 在这一章中,我们给出了一些在后面章节中将要用到的基本符号。

    In this chapter , we give some basic notions that will be used in the following chapters .

  6. 致电离辐射的基本符号

    Basic ionizing radiation symbol

  7. 全文共分下列八个部分:引言,基本符号,操作数的约定,符号名,语言结构,说明,微语句和控制序列。

    They are introduction , basic symbols , convention of operands , symbolic name , language structure , explanation , microstatement and control sequence .

  8. 词汇作为语言的基石、文化载体的基本符号单位,在语言文化的研究中具有十分重要的地位。

    Words , the fundamental basis of a language and the basic vehicle of culture , play an important role in the study of language and culture .

  9. 斯泰因从弃用标点到对标点有重新的审视说明她试图用语言的最基本符号-逗号来表达她对历史连贯性的思考。

    Thus , punctuation has its own meaning . From the abandon of punctuation to review of punctuation , Stein tries to express her consideration of continuity of history by use of comma .

  10. 为实现交互过程中的方便、快捷,针对基本符号元素给出了交互语义,同时为了保证平面图中各元素之间相互关系正确,给出了基于优先级的几何约束类型。

    Interactive semantics for the basic symbolic elements are given in order to interact conveniently , fast . And ensure the correct relationship between the symbolic elements in the plan , priority-based geometric constraint types are given .

  11. 本文的研究成果体现在:一、分析出LED灯具设计可传承的语义学符号,可遵循的基本语义学符号和创新性语义学符号;

    The research findings of this study reflect in : firstly , it has been analyzed the inheritable symbols of product semantics , symbols of basic semantics to follow and innovative semantics symbols ;

  12. 通过对加工流程图中基本图形符号的抽象,提出了类的模型。

    A class hierarchy is presented by the abstraction of the basic graphic objects of the process flow chart .

  13. 课程内容包括基本音素符号的识别,基本发音技巧,常用音标及连读、重音的基本知识。

    Included in the course are the symbols and sounds of the phonemes , and common phonetic terms like linking and stress ;

  14. 尽管苹果、谷歌、微软以及其它科技公司各自设计出不同版本的800种基本表情符号,但他们设计的人物头像大多数都是白人。

    Apple , Google , Microsoft and other tech firms design their own versions of how the more than 800 basic emoji characters appear , but they tend to present most human characters as being white .

  15. 视觉文化是以图像为基本表意符号、以大众媒介为主要传播介质、以视觉性为精神内核,与通过理性运思的语言文化相较而言的一种通过直观感知的图像文化形态。

    Visual Culture is a image culture form compared with the language culture which regards the picture as the basic symbol expressing the meaning , the mass media as the main medium and the visuality as the core .

  16. 水文基本术语和符号标准

    Standard for terms and symbols used in hydrography

  17. 宽札还有七个基本的象征符号,体现了非洲文化的价值和观念。

    Kwanzaa also has seven basic symbols which represent values and concepts reflective of African culture .

  18. 1基本概念及符号。

    Basic concepts and symbols .

  19. 认识的基本工具是符号,包括语言符号、形象符号和抽象符号。

    The basic tools for cognition are signs , including Lansign , visual sign and abstract sign .

  20. 本节将给出理解后续结果所必需的基本术语和符号。

    We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results .

  21. 根据机构组合创新原理,本文提出一种基于基本机构的符号方案自动识别方法。

    According to creative mechanism combination theory , this paper presents an automatic identification method for symbol scheme based on basic mechanism .

  22. 第一部分简单介绍了本文所涉及到的一些基本定理、符号、概念,以及一些与正线性算子有关的成果。

    In the first part , some fundamental theorem 、 symbol 、 concept are introduced , including some valuable results on linear positive operators .

  23. 本文给出了航班计划基本元素的符号表构建方法和航班计划中关键词的检查方法,对检出错误的校正方法也给予了阐述。

    The methods of designing symbol tables of basic elements and checking key words of flight scheduling were presented . And the methods of revising the errors were given too .

  24. 遗传算法各部分的经济学含义包括:(1)遗传算法的基本成分&符号串可以被解释为经济主体或经济主体的行为,所有符号串组成的群体构成了一个微型社会;

    Economic meanings of GA include : ( 1 ) basic components of GA ( strings ) can be explained as agents or behaviors of agent , population composed by all strings constitute a miniature society ;

  25. 文章系统分析了工程图纸识别与理解的研究现状,回顾了图纸处理技术的研究层次,其中包括图纸图像的预处理矢量化、基本图元和文字符号的识别以及2D图形理解和3D图形重建。

    The research status of engineering drawings recognition and interpretation is analyzed systematically . The research contents are reviewed which include drawing image pretreatment and vectorization , basic graphics unit and character recognition , two-dimensional graphics interpretation and three-dimensional graphics reconstruction .

  26. 本文前半部分着重介绍了UML及其在实时领域的扩展&Real-TimeUML的基本建模结构和符号表示。

    In the first part of this thesis , I focused on the introduction of UML and its extensions in real-time fields : Real-time UML , which covers the mainly concepts such as port , connector , capsule and so on .

  27. 工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号

    Standard for basic terms and general symbols used in structural design of engineering

  28. 交际是符号的基本功能之一,符号的交际功能赋予了符号世界强大的生命力。

    Communication is one of sign 's basic functions . The communicative function endows great power to the sign world .

  29. 简单的培训能够为员工提供基本的语言和符号知识,但是并不能提供使用和交流中所必不可少的技巧。

    Simple training can provide people with basic language and notation awareness , but not necessarily the skills to use and communicate with them effectively .

  30. 第一章简要介绍了细胞自动机和符号系统的研究及进展情况,基本细胞自动机和符号动力系统的一些基本概念。

    Chapter 1 shows the development of cellular automata and symbolic dynamics , and presents the preliminaries of elementary cellular automata and symbolic dynamical systems .