
Anti-monopoly is the common task of the market economic countries .
Monopoly hinders market economy too much .
Monopoly is the incurable disease of market economy , which breaks the fairness and efficiency principle .
The history of economy development indicates that monopoly is the outcome of the development of the market system .
Monopoly arises from the market economy . In the transformation of Chinese economy , monopoly presents a special form , i. e. , administrative monopoly .
Meanwhile the implementation of customer relationship management ( CRM ) is also a necessary option for China books export industries transforming from state control and monopoly to market economy system .
Intellectual property is a sort of private monopoly in nature and tends to be abused in the market economy .
The enactment of Anti trust law is necessary to the regulation of economic monopoly , the establishment of market economy system and the security of our national economy .
To prevent business monopoly and maintain effective competition of market economy in the process of economic development , the Korean government formulated anti-monopoly law in 1980 which gave rules on business merger .
Anti-monopoly legislation is the instinct demand of the market economy . To make anti-monopoly law should form a competition on an equal basis outlook , design and establish a rational legislation frame of the anti-monopoly law .
To eliminate monopoly and to improve the socialist market economy system are the task of the new century .
Administrative monopoly has already become the chief systematic obstacle and the challenge of legal regulation of perfecting the system of market economy .
Anti-monopoly law which safgude free fair competitive order is one of the basic law of moden market economy , and its function can not display without an authority and independent enforcement organs .
The administrative monopoly has been a main obstacle to the development of market-economy of China , it is more harmful than economic monopoly . How to regulate administrative monopoly is a difficulty of our country .
As the core of developing the national economy and reasonable competition mechanism and market mechanism , therefore , anti-monopoly law to regulate the market economy system , an important means is the core of economic law .
Focusing on the exposition of the value of economic liberties , the author compares the contract freedom with economic liberties and then suggests that the contract law and antimonopoly law should be the principle laws in the market economy .
In the traditional government management system , provided by the government monopoly of public utilities , with the market economy reform , such a monopoly supply of public funds increasingly exposed pattern of insufficient investment , production , inefficient management and other issues .
As a result of transaction costs , there are inevitably imperfect places in the market . While antitrust regulation is just to perfect these places and to protect and enhance the market competition , and thus antitrust regulation is also inevitable in the market economy .