
lā jī xìn xī
  • junk information;noise
  1. 再次,社交网络平台面临着大量低质、垃圾信息充斥的问题。

    SNS is faced with the problem of mass low-quality and junk information .

  2. 期刊中垃圾信息的初步分析与处理

    Analysis and Processing of Junk Information in Periodicals

  3. Personalityspam(个人垃圾信息)指发布在网络上,尤其是社交网站上的有关个人生活和个人兴趣的帖子和信息,经常发布这类帖子的人就叫做personalityspammer(个人垃圾信息工)。

    Personality spam refers to incessant online posts and messages relating to one 's personal life and interests , particularly on social media , and people who frequently do this are called personality spammers .

  4. 你可以采取措施将那些自动发送的垃圾信息过滤掉,但这样的个人垃圾信息却无法过滤。更糟糕的是,发布这些信息的人都认为自己发布的每个字都传递了重要的信息。

    You can filter those automatically sent spam but you cannot filter personality spam , and what 's worse is that the spammers think that every word in their updates is important information .

  5. 对付Web垃圾信息最有效的方式是通过社区行动。

    The most effective way to combat Web spam is through community action .

  6. 对付Web上的垃圾信息,科学的技术和技巧很重要。

    There is a great deal to the art and science of fighting spam on the Web .

  7. 处理Web垃圾信息非常困难,但是Web开发人员如果忽视垃圾信息的预防,结果受伤害的还是开发人员自己。

    Dealing with Web spam is very difficult , but a Web developer neglects spam prevention at his or her peril .

  8. 最终的后果往往是Web发布者往往要在反垃圾信息方面浪费大量资源,并会占用处理其他任务的时间。

    And the final injury is that Web publishers end up wasting resources on spam-fighting , taking time way from other tasks .

  9. 基于COM技术的城市生活垃圾信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Development of City Garbage Information System Based on COM Technology

  10. 有了所需信息后,粗心的垃圾信息散布者常常会让机器人程序立即就发送POST。

    A careless spammer will just have the robot immediately send the POST , now that they have the required information .

  11. 这些行为评估技巧还可以应用于本文下一节中来防止Web上除垃圾信息之外的其他滥用。

    You can apply these behavior assessment techniques , and others in the next section , to prevent other types of abuse on the Web besides spam .

  12. 机器人工作流一般径直进入POST请求,因此通过检测典型的机器人工作流可以禁止大量的垃圾信息。

    You can stop a great deal of spam by detecting typical robot workflow , which goes straight to the POST request .

  13. 对付Web垃圾信息的一种很常用的方式是nonce测试的一种改良。

    One very popular approach to fighting Web spam is a variation on the nonce test .

  14. 在本文以及后续的第2部分,我将展示对付各种Web垃圾信息的技巧、技术和服务。

    In this article , and in a second part to come later , I present techniques , technologies , and services to combat the many sorts of Web spam .

  15. 基于SymbianOS手机的垃圾信息研究

    The Research of SMS Spam Based on the Symbian OS

  16. 此举也可以让Facebook减少对广告的依赖&许多广告看起来非常俗气,还有些纯粹是垃圾信息。

    It also will allow Facebook to rely less on the often-cheesy , sometimes spammy ads that it runs .

  17. 有些黑名单实际上会针对所有开放的HTTP中继,其基于的原因是如果它们能找到这些中继,垃圾信息散布者也能够。

    Some blacklists actually target all open HTTP relays , reasoning that if they can find these , so can spammers .

  18. 因此,可以使用JavaScript测试作为检测垃圾信息的一种衡量因素,而不是绝对的判断依据。

    You might use JavaScript tests as a weighting factor in spam detection , rather than as an absolute determinant .

  19. 但是人们在享受Internet带来的便利的同时,也不得不面对浩如烟海的数据以及大量的垃圾信息,这就带来了著名的信息过载和信息迷航问题。

    However , people have to face enormous data and useless information when they enjoy the convenience brought by Internet . This is the famous " information overload " problem and " information confusion " problem .

  20. 此外,honeypot操作者还会努力辨别垃圾信息散布者不断变化的行为模式。

    In addition , honeypot operators try to identify changing behavioral patterns of spammers .

  21. 如果此时,您的脑海里尽是与抵御Web垃圾信息相关的这些技巧、技术和方法,那么您就对问题的严重性和困难程度有了大致的概念。

    If by now your head is spinning with all the tricks , terminology , and details relevant to the fight against Web spam , you get a sense of the seriousness and difficulty of the issue .

  22. Hashcash是基于成本的垃圾信息防御的一种巧妙方式。

    Hashcash is a neat approach to cost-based spam reduction .

  23. 一旦有人将所帖出的内容标记为是垃圾信息或是好的内容(有时又称为“ham”),统计表就会被更新。

    Whenever a person flags or confirms a posting as spam or good content ( sometimes called " ham "), the statistical tables are updated .

  24. 无论何时,只要您想出一个很棒的新Web2.0特性,您也很有可能为垃圾信息散布者打开了方便之门。

    Almost any time you roll out a clever new Web2.0 feature , you might be opening a door for a spammer .

  25. 基于成本的一种更实用的垃圾信息抵御方式是强迫发送电子邮件或发布信息的人为此支付数量可观的一些CPU周期。

    A more practical approach to cost-based spam is to force someone sending e-mail or posting a message to expend a non-trivial amount of CPU cycles in order to do so .

  26. 但该限制很受欢迎,因为它有效防止了tweet内不必要的垃圾信息和措辞混乱。

    But it is a welcome enforcement , as it prevents unnecessary spam and verbal clutter within a single tweet .

  27. 出于这个原因,hashcash必须与其他的反垃圾信息技术联合使用。

    For this reason , hashcash makes most sense in combination with other anti-spam techniques .

  28. 这被称为“referrer垃圾信息”。

    This is called " referrer spam " .

  29. 如果忽略这些困难不谈,CAPTCHA已经成为了时下最流行的垃圾信息防治工具之一。

    Despite these difficulties , CAPTCHA has become one of the most popular spam prevention devices .

  30. 而垃圾信息通常都是由程序创建的,比如Canter&Siegel就是利用Perl脚本向6000多个Usenet组发帖的。

    Spam is generally created by programs , like the Perl script that posted to 6,000 Usenet groups for Canter & Siegel .