
dì jiǎo
  • foundation;ground;bottom margin ;lower jaw
地脚 [dì jiǎo]
  • [tail;lower margin of a page] 一页书上印刷部分下面的空白或待印的一页表格同上的对应部分

  • [foundation] 〈方〉∶地基

  1. 连铸机钢包回转台地脚螺栓载荷分析

    Analysis on foundation bolts load of ladle turret for continuons caster

  2. 还介绍了浇装地脚螺栓时的压浆法等。

    It also introduces the mortar pouring method for mounting foundation bolts .

  3. 这幢房子价钱太贵,再者地脚也不好。

    The price is too high , and moreover , the house isn 't in a suitable position .

  4. 塔器设备地脚螺栓预紧力的设定与控制

    Setting and controlling of prestress of anchor bolt for tower equipment

  5. 水下出索装置设计地脚螺栓埋设方法

    Underwater outlet for anchor cable The Installing Methods of Anchor Bolts

  6. 独立柱基础与设备基础地脚螺栓的固定措施

    Fixed measures of anchor bolt for independent column and equipment foundation

  7. 几种地脚螺栓预留孔埋设方法的比较

    Comparison of several embedding methods of prepared hole of anchoring bolt

  8. 钢管混凝土柱地脚螺栓的预埋方法

    Embedded method of anchor bolt of concrete filled steel tubular column

  9. 锅炉基础地脚螺栓安装施工工艺

    The boiler foundation a feet stud bolt installs the construction craft

  10. 植筋技术用于水下设备地脚螺栓的安装

    Steel Bar Embedded Technology for Anchor Bolt Erection on Underwater Equipment

  11. 在浴缸旁的地面上有块地脚巾。

    On the floor beside the bathtub there is a bath-mat .

  12. 塔器设计中裙座及地脚螺栓材料选用

    Selection of skirt material and anchor bolt material in tower design

  13. 钢框架结构大直径地脚螺栓的预埋方法

    Embedment of anchoring bolts of big diameter for frame structure

  14. 设备基础地脚螺栓的锚固安装施工

    The anchoring-fixing construction of the equipment foundation 's foot-terra bolts

  15. 高塔地脚螺栓和基础环的设计

    Design of Anchor Bolt and Base Plate of High Column

  16. 浅谈环氧砂浆铆固地脚螺栓施工技术

    Survey on Construction Technology of Epoxy Mortar Anchor Fang Bolt

  17. 大型进口压缩机组预埋地脚螺栓定位技术

    Positioning Technique of Pre-embedded Anchoring Bolts of Large Scale Imported Compressor Group

  18. 聚合釜基础地脚螺栓预留孔的不拆模施工

    Non-form stripping technique for pre-moded holes of anchor bolt of reactor basement

  19. 连铸机高强度地脚螺栓制造工艺

    Manufacturing process of high - tensile anchor bolt for CCM

  20. 环氧砂浆在锚固大直径地脚螺栓中的应用

    Application of epoxy mortar in bolting the big diameter screw

  21. 变电站施工基础地脚螺栓埋设施工方法

    Burial and construction methods of anchor bolt burying in substation construction foundation

  22. 压缩机试机平台环氧砂浆锚固地脚螺栓技术

    Test Machine Compressor Platform Used Epoxy Mortar Anchor Bolt Technology

  23. 着地瞬间看地脚的向前水平速度;

    Forward horizontal velocity of landing foot at the moment of landing ;

  24. 预埋地脚螺栓放样的一种方法

    A Setting out Method by Fitting Foundation Bolts Under Ground in Advance

  25. 准确预埋地脚螺栓确保钢结构安装质量

    Embed anchor blot correctly to ensure the installation quality of steel structure

  26. 有地脚螺栓的低压大型贮罐的设计

    A Design of Low-pressure Large Storage Tank with Anchor Bolts

  27. 环氧砂浆锚固地脚螺栓的施工操作

    Usage of Epoxy Mortar & Anchoring Foundation Bolts during Construction

  28. 某工程钢结构柱地脚螺栓预埋施工的事故处理

    A measure on pre-establishing foundation bolt of steel structure construction

  29. 蒸馏塔地脚强度校核及改进措施

    Verification for base strength of distillation tower and improvement measures

  30. 地脚白边:在内文面积下的空白部分。

    Foot margin : White space below the text area of a page .