
dì qū
  • area;region;district;locality;territory;zone;way;prefecture;belt;demesne;mandated territory
地区 [dì qū]
  • (1) [area;district;region]∶较大的地方

  • 多山地区

  • 华北地区

  • (2) [prefecture]∶行政划分单位

  • 地区差价

  • (3) [mandated territory]∶指未获得独立的殖民地、托管地等

地区[dì qū]
  1. 事态发展到过于严峻时,大多数记者便撤离了这个地区。

    When things got too hot most journalists left the area .

  2. 我的家族在这个地区已经生活了不知有多少年了。

    My family has lived in this area from time immemorial .

  3. 这个地区继续在国际舞台上占主导地位。

    This region continues to occupy centre stage in world affairs .

  4. 这些地区大小各异,但类型相同。

    The regions differ in size , but not in kind .

  5. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。

    New roads will link the principal cities of the area .

  6. 在城市的这一地区,房屋坐落稀疏。

    The houses are spaced out in this area of town .

  7. 我们正在这个地区四处找住房。

    We 're looking around for a house in this area .

  8. 报告精确说明了亟待援助的地区。

    The report pinpointed the areas most in need of help .

  9. 权力已移交给省和地区议会。

    Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies .

  10. 这个地区有几家不错的提供住宿加早餐的旅馆。

    There were several good bed and breakfasts in the area .

  11. 我打电话询问了那个地区所有的旅行社。

    I rang round all the travel agents in the area .

  12. 我们需要把资源集中用于最衰败的地区。

    We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas .

  13. 大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。

    Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns .

  14. 他们住在公共交通条件很差的地区。

    They live in an area ill served by public transport .

  15. 他们决定向本地区的下议院议员反映这一问题。

    They decided to take the matter up with their MP .

  16. 一支多国部队正赶往多事的地区。

    A multinational force is being sent to the trouble spot .

  17. 罗马帝国把欧洲多数地区置于自己的统治之下。

    The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule .

  18. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。

    This is the main factor driving investment in the area .

  19. 近来这个地区有四名妇女遭到强奸猥亵。

    Four women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently .

  20. 他们住在边远地区的一个农场里。

    They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds .

  21. 旅游业是这个地区的主要收入来源。

    Tourism is a major source of income for the area .

  22. 他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。

    They are campaigning to save the area from building development .

  23. 此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。

    The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area .

  24. 这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。

    The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics .

  25. 这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。

    There are a lot of empty properties in the area .

  26. 这个地区靠航运业维持生活。

    The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival .

  27. 这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。

    The town is an ideal base for touring the area .

  28. 相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。

    The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development .

  29. 被杀害的女人在这个地区很有名气。

    The murdered woman was well known in the area .

  30. 这个地区产的葡萄酒浓郁醇香。

    The wine from this region is rich and fruity .