
  • 网络international shipping;international ocean shipping;sea freight;marine transport
  1. FSA因其系统性和结构化的特点得到了国际海运界的重视,但FSA如何运用到安全生产的实践当中还存在严重的滞后性,还不能与海运安全管理的实践有效的结合。

    With systematic and structured features , FSA has been emphasized by international shipping industry , and has been developed to different extent . But the application of FSA to safety practical operation still exist a heavy lag , and can 't combine with the practice of maritime safety management .

  2. 面向国际海运集装箱调度与综合结算的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Transit and Multi-Settlement for International Shipping Container

  3. 水运还要遵守国际海运组织(IMO)的规定。

    Water vessel shipments must also be prepared in accordance with the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) regulations .

  4. 论述了国际海运服务贸易的GATS规则和进展以及中国对于国际海运服务贸易的立法规制,并提出了一些改革建议。

    This paper illustrates the GATS rule and its development and Chinas legislation of international shipping trade , then put forward some suggestions on it .

  5. 为提高国际海运安全管理的决策水平,国际海事组织(IMO)接受并倡导由英国海运界提出的综合安全评价(FSA)方法,笔者对FSA方法作了本质性分析和应用性研究。

    In order to raise the level of decision-making in maritime safety management , International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) accepts and advocates the methodology of formal safety assessment ( FSA ) proposed by UK . The essential and applicability of FSA are studied .

  6. 21世纪国际海运法规的若干动向

    Some trends of the international marine laws and regulations in 21st century

  7. 散装液体碳氢化合物国际海运专家组

    Group of Experts on International Sea Transport of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Bulk

  8. 跨国公司&当今国际海运市场需求的主要来源

    Transnational Corporations & Main Source of International Shipping Market Demand at Present

  9. 中华人民共和国国际海运条例实施细则(二)

    P. R. China Implementation Rules of International Shipping Ordinance (ⅱ)

  10. 国际海运世界贸易的承运者2005年世界海事日

    International Shipping Carrier of World Trade World Maritime Day 2005

  11. 现行国际海运统计方案述评

    A Review of the International Maritime Transport Statistics Scheme

  12. 国际海运保安法律制度问题研究

    A Study on International Sea Transportation Security Legal System

  13. 在第三章中,对国际海运货物保险利益进行了定义。

    In chapter three , I have defined the international cargo insurable interest .

  14. 国际海运企业市场势力测度模型的构建

    Study on the Econometric Model in Measuring Market Power of International Shipping Company

  15. 论国际海运货物保险的保险利益

    On the Insurable Interest of International Marine Cargo

  16. 国际海运反恐立法及我国的对策之研究国际反恐怖斗争中的制度问题

    On the Research of International Maritime Anti - terrorism Legislation and the Countermeasure of China

  17. 外商投资国际海运业管理规定(交通部、商务部2004年第1号令发布)

    Administrative Regulations of International Marine Invested by Foreigners ( OrderofNo . 1,2004 . IssuedbyMinistryofCommunicationsandMinistryofCommerce )

  18. 为什么中国要干涉国际海运航道?因为中国也有其自己的海运贸易。

    Why would China interfere with shipping lanes it depends on for its own trade ?

  19. 国际海运和沿海石油会议

    International Shipping and Offshore Oil Conference

  20. 国际海运反恐法研究

    Research on International Maritime Anti-terrorism Law

  21. 国际海运绿色壁垒问题研究

    Studies on International Shipping Green Barrier

  22. 国际海运贸易统计年鉴

    International Seaborn Trade Statistics Yearbook

  23. 2005年国际海运大盘点

    Review of world shipping 2005

  24. 他说,如果达不到合格标准,大型国际海运公司会拒绝使用这个港口。

    He said without that accreditation the big international shipping companies would refuse to use the port .

  25. 国际海运业的发展对一个国家综合国力的提高具有直接的促进作用。

    The development of the international ocean shipping industry can directly promote a country 's overall national strength .

  26. 跨海贸易90%以上的货物依赖船舶运输,这使国际海运业长盛不衰。

    More than 90 % Cross-sea trade are charged with ship transportation , which helps marine sustaining development .

  27. 我们又该如何应对,以促进国际海运业的持续发展?

    How should be we answered again , does with promoting international the abidance of marine course of study develop ?

  28. 国际海运船舶温室气体减排情况及对策澳大利亚温室气体减排与能效目标计划

    The Situation and Countermeasures about International Shipping GHG Emission Greenhouse gas reduction scheme and energy efficiency target scheme in Australia

  29. 高职院校地方旅游课程的开发研究&以浙江国际海运职业技术学院为例

    Research on Development of Local Tourism Curricula in Higher Vocational Colleges & A Case Study of Zhejiang International Maritime College

  30. 面向用户信息需求的高职院校图书馆服务创新&以浙江国际海运职业技术学院为例

    Facing Information Needs of Users about Library Service Innovation of High Vocational College & Taking Zhejiang International Maritime College for example