
  • 网络China Radio International;CRI;RCI
  1. 中国国际广播电台-我是王京。

    For CRI , I 'm Wang Jing .

  2. 活动将在北京市中心的人民大会堂举行,中国国际广播电台将全程直播。

    CRI will cover the event live from the the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing .

  3. 收音机调到了英国广播公司国际广播电台。

    The radio was tuned to the BBC World Service .

  4. 官方媒体中国国际广播电台(ChinaRadioInternational)网站的消息称,在最近这个五一劳动节,出京方向的一条高速路上曾出现长达55公里的拥堵。

    In the recent May Day holiday , a traffic jam of 55 kilometers in length formed on one of the highways leaving Beijing , according to the website of state-controlled China Radio International .

  5. 据中国国际广播电台(CRI)的闵瑞(音译)报道,中国仍受惠于这位已故领导人的智慧及其留下的政治遗产。

    As CRI 's Min Rui reports China continues to the late leader 's wisdom and political legacy .

  6. 比利时-中国经贸委员会(简称BCECC)的BernardDeWit在中国国际广播电台的采访中建议欧盟遵守承诺。

    In an interview with China Radio International , Bernard De Wit , with the Belgian-Chinese Economic and Commercial Council ( BCECC ) suggested the EU fulfill its commitment .

  7. 合众宝华与中国国际广播电台CRI签署战略合作伙伴协议,共同推广中国民族世界音乐,为其他大型活动代理广告业务。

    ArtyBright signed the strategic partnership agreement with CRI , join hand to publish World Music and operate other advertising business for major events .

  8. 中国国际广播电台流行音乐节目主持人保罗.皮尔斯说。

    Said Paul Pierce , a DJ at China Radio International .

  9. 许多国际广播电台和电视节目都是英语的。

    Most programs on International Radio and TV are in English .

  10. 他在波兰国际广播电台发表了讲话。

    He spoke to the Polish Radio external service .

  11. 我在中国国际广播电台工作。

    I 'm working at China Radio International .

  12. 原来,我发现的是中国国际广播电台的英语节目。

    I had discovered the English service of China Radio International ( CRI ) .

  13. 李外长,您好,我是中国国际广播电台记者。

    Good Afternoon , Foreign Minister Li , I 'm with the China Radio International .

  14. 学成回国后,在中国国际广播电台工作,负责对柬埔寨方向的广播宣传报道。

    After returning to China , led the broadcasting service to Cambodia of China Radio International .

  15. 我信心十足地离开了国际广播电台,坐上地铁到了木樨地,可是却忘了该走哪个出口。

    I left CRI confidently , took the subway to Muxidi , but couldn 't remember which exit to use .

  16. 如中国国际广播电台所评价,(这些专辑)全部坚持了他“温柔、接地气、有亲和力”的曲风。

    They were all in his own musical style : " soft and warm , down-to-earth and intimate , " commented China Radio International .

  17. 是的,是由中国国际广播电台、中国人民对外友好协会、国家外国专家局共同举办的。

    Yes , it is co-sponsored by the China Radio International , China People 's Friendship Association and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs .

  18. 这里是中国国际广播电台新闻。专家表示,中国划设东海防空识别区是依据中国目前的国家安全形势所做出的战略性决定。

    Experts say the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone is a strategic decision in accordance with China 's current national security situation .

  19. 星期三,朱佩在接受法国国际广播电台访谈时说,国际原子能机构的报告非常详尽,并且谴责伊朗。

    In a Wednesday interview with Radio France Internationale , Juppe , who called the IAEA report detailed and damning , said Iran 's actions are unacceptable and violate U.

  20. 我是来自中国国际广播电台的里克(中文).谢谢!同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐.

    Wo Shi Like ( Chinese ) from China Radio International . Thank you . And let me introduce to you , from BTV , the very lovely Jiang Hua .

  21. 这里是中国国际广播电台。周六,一列载有剧毒化学品的火车在比利时西北部城市根特发生出轨事故,造成1人死亡,另有17人受伤。

    This is CRI . One person died and 17 others were injured when a cargo train carrying toxic chemicals derailed near the northwestern Belgian city of Ghent on Saturday .

  22. 上个月中国国际广播电台在北京举行了中印青年圆桌会议,他在会议上表示,近年来中印之间的关系发展迅速。

    At last month 's China-India Youth Roundtable hosted by China Radio International in Beijing , he said that ties between China and India have been rapidly developing in recent years .

  23. 此次在圣地亚哥举办的峰会吸引了80余家主流媒体的总裁及20家中国重要新闻单位的主要负责人参加,其中包括中国国际广播电台。

    The event in Santiago has attracted leaders from more than 80 Latin American news and media agencies , as well as representatives from 20 different Chinese media organizations , including China Radio International .

  24. 据中国国际广播电台报道,可口可乐公司宣布将会采取措施,改进在中国地区的生产工艺,以减少可乐饮料中的某种致癌物质。

    The Coca-Cola Company has announced that it will take measures to change its production process in China in order to decrease the amount of a cancer-causing chemicals in the soda drink , CRI reported .

  25. 中国国际广播电台台长、圆桌主席王庚年指出,虽然亚洲已经成为了世界经济增长的高地,但其国际声音远远不够强烈。

    Director General of China Radio International , Chairman of the roundtable Wang Gengnian points out that even though Asia has already become a high land of world economic growth , its international voice strong enough .

  26. 亚洲媒体合作组织是由博鳌论坛、中国国际广播电台和中国公共外交协会共同发起的,以2015年博鳌亚洲论坛期间发起的丝绸之路计划为基础。

    Co-sponsored by the Boao Forum , China Radio International and China Public Diplomacy Association , the Asin Media Cooperation Organization is based on the Silk Road Initiative launched during the 2015 Boao Forum for Asia .

  27. 我正在申请中国国际广播电台的夏季实习。

    An internship is the position held by an intern , or the period of time when someone is an intern . Here is an example : I 'm applying for a summer internship at China Radio International .

  28. 国际公共广播电台记者问:我想请你们澄清一下。

    Public Radio International : I would like to ask for a clarification .

  29. 这三家国际广播电视电台星期五发表联合声明,指责伊朗干扰它们共享的卫星信号。

    The international broadcasters released a joint statement Friday accusing Iran of jamming their shared satellite .