
ɡuó fánɡ wěi yuán huì
  • national defense committee;national defense council
  1. 现年67岁的张成泽是朝鲜最高决策机构国防委员会(NationalDefenseCommission)副委员长。

    Mr. Jang , 67 years old , was vice chairman of North Korea 's highest decision-making body , the National Defense Commission .

  2. 我连络国防委员会证实了她的男友的确派遣到伊拉克去。

    I called army CID to verify her boyfriend was shipped out to iraq .

  3. 朝中社说,在朝鲜权力很大的国防委员会证实了这次会晤。

    KCNA said the meeting was confirmed by the North 's powerful National Defense Commission .

  4. 黎巴嫩高级国防委员会提议宣布贝鲁特市进入为期两周的紧急状态。

    The country 's Higher Defense Council has proposed the declaration of a state of emergency in the city for two weeks .

  5. 这位政治警察是从官僚系统晋升上来的,直接隶属于金正日用以掌管国家机器的国防委员会。

    The political police have been bureaucratically elevated and placed directly under the National Defense Commission , from where Kim Jong Il runs the state .

  6. 国防委员会在南北韩海军二十九日黄海冲突后几个小时,召开了紧急会议。

    National Security Council held an emergency meeting a few hours after a naval clash between South and North Koreas broke out on the 29th in the Yellow Sea .

  7. 金正日亲自出席了议会会议,以提升他的妹夫张成泽担任国防委员会副委员长;国防委员会是朝鲜的最高军事机构。

    Kim Jong-il attended the parliamentary session personally to promote Chang Sung-taek , his brother-in-law , to vice chairman of the National Defence Commission , North Korea 's highest military body .

  8. 朝鲜官方新闻社星期一报导了国防委员会的此番言论,几天前金正日刚刚结束对中国的访问返回朝鲜。

    North Korea 's official news agency reported the remarks by the National Defense Commission on Monday , just days after leader Kim Jong Il returned from a trip to China .

  9. 俄罗斯参议院国防委员会副主席弗朗茨?克莱琴谢夫表示,如果不能亮出自己国家的国旗,那么俄罗斯运动员就不应该参加平昌冬奥会。

    The deputy chairman of Russian parliament 's defence committee , Frants Klintsevich , said Russian athletes should not take part in the Olympics in 2018 if they are not allowed to compete under the national flag .

  10. 五角大楼顾问团国防科学委员会(defensescienceboard)正在进行一项研究,测定在美国军事技术中应用外国软件对国家安全的影响。

    The Defense Science Board , a Pentagon Advisory Group , is conducting a study to determine the national security implications of the use of foreign software in US military technology .

  11. 国防研究委员会的W·韦弗建议他联系斯蒂比兹,在1944年3月27日,冯·诺伊曼写信给韦弗:

    W. Weaver , at the National Development and Research Commission , had put him in touch with Stibitz , and on 27 March 1944 von Neumann wrote22 to Weaver :

  12. 国防最高委员会述评

    A Review On the Supreme National Defense Council

  13. 我已经把你安置进国防调查委员会。

    I aiso have to get you on the committee investigating the nationai defense .

  14. 1994年11月,国家国防动员委员会成立。

    In November 1994 , the State Commission for National Defense Mobilization was established .

  15. 你是国防小组委员会的主席,我对今天有机会对你访谈感到荣幸。

    And as the Chairman of the National Defense Panel , I feel honored to have the opportunity to interview you today .

  16. 国防科学技术委员会。

    Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense .

  17. 卢旺达国防部队最高指挥委员会

    Rwandese Defence Forces High Command Council

  18. 不再保留国防科学技术工业委员会、信息产业部、国务院信息化工作办公室。

    The Commission of Science , Technology and Industry for National Defense , the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Council Informatization Office will not exist any more .