
  1. 论西方大国对国民政府币制改革的反响及其成因

    On the responses of western countries to the reform in the monetary system in the national goverment and their causes

  2. 英美日三国与国民政府的币制改革

    Paper Currency Reform of National Government and the Reaction of Great Britain , the United States and Japan

  3. 南京国民政府的币制改革最终未能完成稳定币值的历史任务。

    The historic mission of stabilizing currency value has not been completed eventually by the monetary reforms of Nanjing .

  4. 为防止白银外流,统一币制,规范金融秩序,稳定经济形势,1935年国民政府进行了币制改革。

    In order to prevent against outflow of silver , unite monetary system , normalize financial order and stabilize economic situation , the national government made a monetary system reform in 1935 , a signal for modernization of monetary system .

  5. 略论国民政府1935年的币制改革

    A Brief Statement of Monetary System Reform by the National Government in 1935