
  1. 这里有印度商馆,中国商馆,爪哇商馆,等等。

    There was the Indian quarter , the Chinese quarter , the Javanese quarter , and others .

  2. 1639年葡萄牙人被驱逐出日本,荷兰商馆由日本的平户搬迁到出岛,取代葡萄牙人占据了日欧贸易的市场。

    While the Portuguese were banished out of Japan in1639 , the Dutch Trading House was moved from Hirado to Dejima and the Dutch monopolized the Japan-Europe trading market instead .

  3. 注意:此申请表必须由申请人亲笔签署及由持牌的殓葬商或殡仪馆盖章,否则无效。

    Important : This form must be signed by the applicant personally and stamped with the chop of a licensed undertaker / funeral parlour , otherwise it will be treated as null and void .